This page contains a summary of the data available in the AuSSA 2021 - Health and Healthcare.
To make sense of the variable names - please refer to the questionnaire
The complete data set will be avaialble to download shortly from the Australian Data Archive
warning = TRUE, # show warnings during codebook generation
message = TRUE, # show messages during codebook generation
error = TRUE, # do not interrupt codebook generation in case of errors,
# usually better for debugging
echo = TRUE # show R code
# to import an SPSS file from the same folder uncomment and edit the line below
codebook_data <- read_spss("aussa2021-codebook.sav")
#Recode can't choose to be sequential
for (col in colnames(codebook_data)) {
if (!is.null(get_labels(codebook_data[[col]],attr.only=TRUE))) {
labs <- get_labels(codebook_data[[col]],attr.only=TRUE)
vals <- get_values(codebook_data[[col]])
locator <- grep('choose',labs,
if (length(locator) != 0) {
codebook_data[[col]] <- remove_labels(codebook_data[[col]],labels = labs[locator])
mval <- max(vals[-locator]) + 1
codebook_data[[col]] <- add_labels(codebook_data[[col]], labels = setNames(mval,labs[locator]))
codebook_data[[col]][codebook_data[[col]]==vals[locator]] <- mval
# for Stata
# codebook_data <- rio::import("mydata.dta")
# for CSV
# codebook_data <- rio::import("mydata.csv")
# omit the following lines, if your missing values are already properly labelled
codebook_data <- detect_missing(codebook_data,
only_labelled = TRUE, # only labelled values are autodetected as
# missing
negative_values_are_missing = FALSE, # negative values are missing values
ninety_nine_problems = TRUE, # 99/999 are missing values, if they
# are more than 5 MAD from the median
# If you are not using formr, the codebook package needs to guess which items
# form a scale. The following line finds item aggregates with names like this:
# scale = scale_1 + scale_2R + scale_3R
# identifying these aggregates allows the codebook function to
# automatically compute reliabilities.
# However, it will not reverse items automatically.
#codebook_data <- detect_scales(codebook_data)
metadata(codebook_data)$name <- "Australian Survey of Social Attitudes 2021 - Health and Healthcare"
metadata(codebook_data)$description <- "The Australian Survey of Social Attitudes (AuSSA) is Australia's main source of data for the scientific study of the social attitudes, beliefs and opinions of Australians, how they change over time, and how they compare with other societies. The survey is used to help researchers better understand how Australians think and feel about their lives. It produces important information about the changing views and attitudes of Australians as we move through the 21st century. Similar surveys are run in other countries, so data from the AuSSA also allows us to compare Australia with countries all over the world. The aims of the survey are to discover: the range of Australians’ views on topics that are important to all of us; how these views differ for people in different circumstances; how they have changed over the past quarter century; and how they compare with people in other countries. AuSSA is also the Australian component of the International Social Survey Project (ISSP). The ISSP is a cross-national collaboration on surveys covering important topics. Each year, survey researchers in some 40 countries each do a national survey using the same questions. The ISSP focuses on a special topic each year, repeating that topic from time to time. The topic for the 2021 survey is 'Health and Healthcare'. This is the second time this has been the topic of the survey, having previously been the theme for the survey in 2011."
metadata(codebook_data)$identifier <- ""
metadata(codebook_data)$datePublished <- "2022-05-10"
metadata(codebook_data)$creator <- list(
"@type" = "Person",
givenName = "Adam", familyName = "Zammit",
email = "",
affiliation = list("@type" = "Organization",
name = "Australian Consortium for Social and Political Research Incorporated (ACSPRI)"))
metadata(codebook_data)$citation <- "ACSPRI (2022). AuSSA 2021 Codebook."
metadata(codebook_data)$url <- ""
metadata(codebook_data)$temporalCoverage <- "2021"
metadata(codebook_data)$spatialCoverage <- "Australia"
Dataset name: Australian Survey of Social Attitudes 2021 - Health and Healthcare
The Australian Survey of Social Attitudes (AuSSA) is Australia’s main source of data for the scientific study of the social attitudes, beliefs and opinions of Australians, how they change over time, and how they compare with other societies. The survey is used to help researchers better understand how Australians think and feel about their lives. It produces important information about the changing views and attitudes of Australians as we move through the 21st century. Similar surveys are run in other countries, so data from the AuSSA also allows us to compare Australia with countries all over the world. The aims of the survey are to discover: the range of Australians’ views on topics that are important to all of us; how these views differ for people in different circumstances; how they have changed over the past quarter century; and how they compare with people in other countries. AuSSA is also the Australian component of the International Social Survey Project (ISSP). The ISSP is a cross-national collaboration on surveys covering important topics. Each year, survey researchers in some 40 countries each do a national survey using the same questions. The ISSP focuses on a special topic each year, repeating that topic from time to time. The topic for the 2021 survey is ‘Health and Healthcare’. This is the second time this has been the topic of the survey, having previously been the theme for the survey in 2011.
Metadata for search engines
Date published: 2022-05-10
name | value |
@type | Person |
givenName | Adam |
familyName | Zammit | | |
affiliation | Organization , Australian Consortium for Social and Political Research Incorporated (ACSPRI) |
If you were to consider your life in general these days, how happy or unhappy would you say you are, on the whole? :
33 missing values.
name | label | data_type | n_missing | complete_rate | min | median | max | mean | sd | hist | format.spss |
A1 | If you were to consider your life in general these days, how happy or unhappy would you say you are, on the whole? : | numeric | 33 | 0.9688679 | 1 | 3 | 8 | 2.830574 | 1.180792 | ▇▇▃▁▁ | F1.0 |
name | value |
Completely happy | 1 |
Very happy | 2 |
Fairly happy | 3 |
Neither happy nor unhappy | 4 |
Fairly unhappy | 5 |
Very unhappy | 6 |
Completely unhappy | 7 |
Can’t choose | 8 |
In general, how much confidence do you have in the health care system in Australia? :
29 missing values.
name | label | data_type | n_missing | complete_rate | min | median | max | mean | sd | hist | format.spss |
A2 | In general, how much confidence do you have in the health care system in Australia? : | numeric | 29 | 0.9726415 | 1 | 2 | 5 | 2.542192 | 0.795567 | ▁▇▇▂▁ | F1.0 |
name | value |
Complete confidence | 1 |
A great deal of confidence | 2 |
Some confidence | 3 |
Very little confidence | 4 |
No confidence at all | 5 |
Cant choose | 6 |
Is it fair or unfair that people with higher incomes can afford better health care than people with lower incomes? :
30 missing values.
name | label | data_type | n_missing | complete_rate | min | median | max | mean | sd | hist | format.spss |
A3 | Is it fair or unfair that people with higher incomes can afford better health care than people with lower incomes? : | numeric | 30 | 0.9716981 | 1 | 4 | 6 | 3.526214 | 1.314046 | ▇▆▇▇▁ | F1.0 |
name | value |
Very fair | 1 |
Somewhat fair | 2 |
Neither fair nor unfair | 3 |
Somewhat unfair | 4 |
Very unfair | 5 |
Cant choose | 6 |
How much do you agree or disagree with the following statements? : People use health care services more than necessary.
32 missing values.
name | label | data_type | n_missing | complete_rate | min | median | max | mean | sd | hist | format.spss |
A4_A | How much do you agree or disagree with the following statements? : People use health care services more than necessary. | numeric | 32 | 0.9698113 | 1 | 3 | 6 | 3.036965 | 1.123614 | ▇▇▆▁▁ | F1.0 |
name | value |
Strongly agree | 1 |
Agree | 2 |
Neither agree nor disagree | 3 |
Disagree | 4 |
Strongly Disagree | 5 |
Cant choose | 6 |
How much do you agree or disagree with the following statements? : The government should provide only limited health care services.
42 missing values.
name | label | data_type | n_missing | complete_rate | min | median | max | mean | sd | hist | format.spss |
A4_B | How much do you agree or disagree with the following statements? : The government should provide only limited health care services. | numeric | 42 | 0.9603774 | 1 | 4 | 6 | 4.310413 | 0.8564118 | ▁▁▇▇▁ | F1.0 |
name | value |
Strongly agree | 1 |
Agree | 2 |
Neither agree nor disagree | 3 |
Disagree | 4 |
Strongly Disagree | 5 |
Cant choose | 6 |
How much do you agree or disagree with the following statements? : In general, the health care system in Australia is inefficient.
44 missing values.
name | label | data_type | n_missing | complete_rate | min | median | max | mean | sd | hist | format.spss |
A4_C | How much do you agree or disagree with the following statements? : In general, the health care system in Australia is inefficient. | numeric | 44 | 0.9584906 | 1 | 3 | 6 | 3.299213 | 1.14601 | ▆▅▇▂▁ | F1.0 |
name | value |
Strongly agree | 1 |
Agree | 2 |
Neither agree nor disagree | 3 |
Disagree | 4 |
Strongly Disagree | 5 |
Cant choose | 6 |
How willing would you be to pay higher taxes to improve the level of health care for all people in Australia? :
32 missing values.
name | label | data_type | n_missing | complete_rate | min | median | max | mean | sd | hist | format.spss |
A5 | How willing would you be to pay higher taxes to improve the level of health care for all people in Australia? : | numeric | 32 | 0.9698113 | 1 | 3 | 6 | 3.035992 | 1.398173 | ▇▃▃▂▁ | F1.0 |
name | value |
Very willing | 1 |
Fairly willing | 2 |
Neither willing nor unwilling | 3 |
Fairly unwilling | 4 |
Very unwilling | 5 |
Cant choose | 6 |
How much do you agree or disagree with the following statements?People should have access to publicly funded health care even if they… : do not hold citizenship of Australia.
32 missing values.
name | label | data_type | n_missing | complete_rate | min | median | max | mean | sd | hist | format.spss |
A6_A | How much do you agree or disagree with the following statements?People should have access to publicly funded health care even if they… : do not hold citizenship of Australia. | numeric | 32 | 0.9698113 | 1 | 3 | 6 | 3.125486 | 1.316073 | ▇▃▅▃▁ | F1.0 |
name | value |
Strongly agree | 1 |
Agree | 2 |
Neither agree nor disagree | 3 |
Disagree | 4 |
Strongly Disagree | 5 |
Cant choose | 6 |
How much do you agree or disagree with the following statements?People should have access to publicly funded health care even if they… : behave in ways that damage their health.
42 missing values.
name | label | data_type | n_missing | complete_rate | min | median | max | mean | sd | hist | format.spss |
A6_B | How much do you agree or disagree with the following statements?People should have access to publicly funded health care even if they… : behave in ways that damage their health. | numeric | 42 | 0.9603774 | 1 | 3 | 6 | 3.167976 | 1.272304 | ▇▅▆▃▁ | F1.0 |
name | value |
Strongly agree | 1 |
Agree | 2 |
Neither agree nor disagree | 3 |
Disagree | 4 |
Strongly Disagree | 5 |
Cant choose | 6 |
In Australia, do you think it is easier or harder to get access to health care … : for rich people than for poor people
32 missing values.
name | label | data_type | n_missing | complete_rate | min | median | max | mean | sd | hist | format.spss |
A7_A | In Australia, do you think it is easier or harder to get access to health care … : for rich people than for poor people | numeric | 32 | 0.9698113 | 1 | 1 | 6 | 1.793774 | 1.02276 | ▇▂▁▁▁ | F1.0 |
name | value |
Much easier | 1 |
Some-what easier | 2 |
About the same | 3 |
Some-what harder | 4 |
Much harder | 5 |
Cant choose | 6 |
In Australia, do you think it is easier or harder to get access to health care … : for old people than for young people
34 missing values.
name | label | data_type | n_missing | complete_rate | min | median | max | mean | sd | hist | format.spss |
A7_B | In Australia, do you think it is easier or harder to get access to health care … : for old people than for young people | numeric | 34 | 0.9679245 | 1 | 3 | 6 | 3.134503 | 1.058963 | ▃▇▂▁▁ | F1.0 |
name | value |
Much easier | 1 |
Some-what easier | 2 |
About the same | 3 |
Some-what harder | 4 |
Much harder | 5 |
Cant choose | 6 |
In Australia, do you think it is easier or harder to get access to health care … : for women than for men
37 missing values.
name | label | data_type | n_missing | complete_rate | min | median | max | mean | sd | hist | format.spss |
A7_C | In Australia, do you think it is easier or harder to get access to health care … : for women than for men | numeric | 37 | 0.9650943 | 1 | 3 | 6 | 3.184751 | 0.8847933 | ▁▇▁▁▁ | F1.0 |
name | value |
Much easier | 1 |
Some-what easier | 2 |
About the same | 3 |
Some-what harder | 4 |
Much harder | 5 |
Cant choose | 6 |
In Australia, do you think it is easier or harder to get access to health care … : for citizens of Australia than for people who do not hold Australian citizenship
42 missing values.
name | label | data_type | n_missing | complete_rate | min | median | max | mean | sd | hist | format.spss |
A7_D | In Australia, do you think it is easier or harder to get access to health care … : for citizens of Australia than for people who do not hold Australian citizenship | numeric | 42 | 0.9603774 | 1 | 3 | 6 | 3.099214 | 1.589351 | ▇▆▂▂▂ | F1.0 |
name | value |
Much easier | 1 |
Some-what easier | 2 |
About the same | 3 |
Some-what harder | 4 |
Much harder | 5 |
Cant choose | 6 |
Severe health problems may have many causes. How much do you agree or disagree with the following statements?People suffer from severe health problems… : because they behaved in ways that damaged their health.
32 missing values.
name | label | data_type | n_missing | complete_rate | min | median | max | mean | sd | hist | format.spss |
A8_A | Severe health problems may have many causes. How much do you agree or disagree with the following statements?People suffer from severe health problems… : because they behaved in ways that damaged their health. | numeric | 32 | 0.9698113 | 1 | 3 | 6 | 2.89786 | 1.18094 | ▇▅▃▂▁ | F1.0 |
name | value |
Strongly agree | 1 |
Agree | 2 |
Neither agree nor disagree | 3 |
Disagree | 4 |
Strongly Disagree | 5 |
Cant choose | 6 |
Severe health problems may have many causes. How much do you agree or disagree with the following statements?People suffer from severe health problems… : because of the environment they are exposed to at work or where they live.
40 missing values.
name | label | data_type | n_missing | complete_rate | min | median | max | mean | sd | hist | format.spss |
A8_B | Severe health problems may have many causes. How much do you agree or disagree with the following statements?People suffer from severe health problems… : because of the environment they are exposed to at work or where they live. | numeric | 40 | 0.9622642 | 1 | 2 | 6 | 2.507843 | 0.9980045 | ▇▃▁▁▁ | F1.0 |
name | value |
Strongly agree | 1 |
Agree | 2 |
Neither agree nor disagree | 3 |
Disagree | 4 |
Strongly Disagree | 5 |
Cant choose | 6 |
Severe health problems may have many causes. How much do you agree or disagree with the following statements?People suffer from severe health problems… : because of their genes.
39 missing values.
name | label | data_type | n_missing | complete_rate | min | median | max | mean | sd | hist | format.spss |
A8_C | Severe health problems may have many causes. How much do you agree or disagree with the following statements?People suffer from severe health problems… : because of their genes. | numeric | 39 | 0.9632075 | 1 | 2 | 6 | 2.409403 | 0.997482 | ▇▃▁▁▁ | F1.0 |
name | value |
Strongly agree | 1 |
Agree | 2 |
Neither agree nor disagree | 3 |
Disagree | 4 |
Strongly Disagree | 5 |
Cant choose | 6 |
Severe health problems may have many causes. How much do you agree or disagree with the following statements?People suffer from severe health problems… : because they are poor.
37 missing values.
name | label | data_type | n_missing | complete_rate | min | median | max | mean | sd | hist | format.spss |
A8_D | Severe health problems may have many causes. How much do you agree or disagree with the following statements?People suffer from severe health problems… : because they are poor. | numeric | 37 | 0.9650943 | 1 | 3 | 6 | 2.787879 | 1.158213 | ▇▃▃▁▁ | F1.0 |
name | value |
Strongly agree | 1 |
Agree | 2 |
Neither agree nor disagree | 3 |
Disagree | 4 |
Strongly Disagree | 5 |
Cant choose | 6 |
To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statement: Alternative medicine provides better solutions for health problems than Western conventional medicine? :
42 missing values.
name | label | data_type | n_missing | complete_rate | min | median | max | mean | sd | hist | format.spss |
A9 | To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statement: Alternative medicine provides better solutions for health problems than Western conventional medicine? : | numeric | 42 | 0.9603774 | 1 | 4 | 6 | 3.563851 | 1.099007 | ▃▇▇▃▁ | F1.0 |
name | value |
Strongly agree | 1 |
Agree | 2 |
Neither agree nor disagree | 3 |
Disagree | 4 |
Strongly disagree | 5 |
Cant choose | 6 |
How much do you agree or disagree with the following statements about doctors in general in Australia? : All things considered, doctors can be trusted.
42 missing values.
name | label | data_type | n_missing | complete_rate | min | median | max | mean | sd | hist | format.spss |
A10_A | How much do you agree or disagree with the following statements about doctors in general in Australia? : All things considered, doctors can be trusted. | numeric | 42 | 0.9603774 | 1 | 2 | 6 | 2.120825 | 0.802 | ▇▁▁▁▁ | F1.0 |
name | value |
Strongly agree | 1 |
Agree | 2 |
Neither agree nor disagree | 3 |
Disagree | 4 |
Strongly Disagree | 5 |
Cant choose | 6 |
How much do you agree or disagree with the following statements about doctors in general in Australia? : The medical skills of doctors are not as good as they should be.
54 missing values.
name | label | data_type | n_missing | complete_rate | min | median | max | mean | sd | hist | format.spss |
A10_B | How much do you agree or disagree with the following statements about doctors in general in Australia? : The medical skills of doctors are not as good as they should be. | numeric | 54 | 0.9490566 | 1 | 3 | 6 | 3.289264 | 1.115617 | ▆▅▇▂▁ | F1.0 |
name | value |
Strongly agree | 1 |
Agree | 2 |
Neither agree nor disagree | 3 |
Disagree | 4 |
Strongly Disagree | 5 |
Cant choose | 6 |
How much do you agree or disagree with the following statements about doctors in general in Australia? : Doctors care more about their earnings than about their patients.
59 missing values.
name | label | data_type | n_missing | complete_rate | min | median | max | mean | sd | hist | format.spss |
A10_C | How much do you agree or disagree with the following statements about doctors in general in Australia? : Doctors care more about their earnings than about their patients. | numeric | 59 | 0.9443396 | 1 | 4 | 6 | 3.434565 | 1.090855 | ▃▆▇▂▁ | F1.0 |
name | value |
Strongly agree | 1 |
Agree | 2 |
Neither agree nor disagree | 3 |
Disagree | 4 |
Strongly Disagree | 5 |
Cant choose | 6 |
During the past 12 months, how often, if at all, did you use the internet on any device (such as computers, tablets and smartphones) to look for health or medical information for yourself or someone else? :
43 missing values.
name | label | data_type | n_missing | complete_rate | min | median | max | mean | sd | hist | format.spss |
A11 | During the past 12 months, how often, if at all, did you use the internet on any device (such as computers, tablets and smartphones) to look for health or medical information for yourself or someone else? : | numeric | 43 | 0.959434 | 1 | 5 | 15 | 5.120944 | 2.364877 | ▂▇▁▁▁ | F2.0 |
name | value |
Several times a day | 1 |
Once a day | 2 |
Several times a week | 3 |
Several times a month | 4 |
Several times a year | 5 |
Never or almost never | 6 |
I do not have access to the internet | 14 |
Cant choose | 15 |
During the past 12 months, how often, if at all, have you used the internet to look for information on the following topics? : Information on healthy lifestyle?
81 missing values.
name | label | data_type | n_missing | complete_rate | min | median | max | mean | sd | hist | format.spss |
A12_A | During the past 12 months, how often, if at all, have you used the internet to look for information on the following topics? : Information on healthy lifestyle? | numeric | 81 | 0.9235849 | 1 | 3 | 6 | 2.59857 | 1.171944 | ▇▆▃▁▁ | F1.0 |
name | value |
Never | 1 |
Seldom | 2 |
Sometimes | 3 |
Often | 4 |
Very often | 5 |
Cant choose | 6 |
During the past 12 months, how often, if at all, have you used the internet to look for information on the following topics? : Information related to anxiety, stress, or similar problems?
89 missing values.
name | label | data_type | n_missing | complete_rate | min | median | max | mean | sd | hist | format.spss |
A12_B | During the past 12 months, how often, if at all, have you used the internet to look for information on the following topics? : Information related to anxiety, stress, or similar problems? | numeric | 89 | 0.9160377 | 1 | 2 | 6 | 2.193615 | 1.209754 | ▇▃▂▁▁ | F1.0 |
name | value |
Never | 1 |
Seldom | 2 |
Sometimes | 3 |
Often | 4 |
Very often | 5 |
Cant choose | 6 |
During the past 12 months, how often, if at all, have you used the internet to look for information on the following topics? : Information on vaccinations?
88 missing values.
name | label | data_type | n_missing | complete_rate | min | median | max | mean | sd | hist | format.spss |
A12_C | During the past 12 months, how often, if at all, have you used the internet to look for information on the following topics? : Information on vaccinations? | numeric | 88 | 0.9169811 | 1 | 3 | 6 | 2.62037 | 1.210543 | ▇▆▃▁▁ | F1.0 |
name | value |
Never | 1 |
Seldom | 2 |
Sometimes | 3 |
Often | 4 |
Very often | 5 |
Cant choose | 6 |
To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements? During the past 12 months, information on the internet… : affected my health behaviour in a positive way.
98 missing values.
name | label | data_type | n_missing | complete_rate | min | median | max | mean | sd | hist | format.spss |
A13_A | To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements? During the past 12 months, information on the internet… : affected my health behaviour in a positive way. | numeric | 98 | 0.9075472 | 1 | 3 | 6 | 3.12578 | 1.099513 | ▆▇▃▂▁ | F1.0 |
name | value |
Strongly agree | 1 |
Agree | 2 |
Neither agree nor disagree | 3 |
Disagree | 4 |
Strongly disagree | 5 |
Cant choose | 6 |
To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements? During the past 12 months, information on the internet… : helped me understand what a doctor tried to explain to me.
94 missing values.
name | label | data_type | n_missing | complete_rate | min | median | max | mean | sd | hist | format.spss |
A13_B | To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements? During the past 12 months, information on the internet… : helped me understand what a doctor tried to explain to me. | numeric | 94 | 0.9113208 | 1 | 3 | 6 | 3.043478 | 1.181978 | ▇▆▃▂▁ | F1.0 |
name | value |
Strongly agree | 1 |
Agree | 2 |
Neither agree nor disagree | 3 |
Disagree | 4 |
Strongly disagree | 5 |
Cant choose | 6 |
To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements? : The internet is useful to help people decide if their symptoms are serious enough to go to the doctor.
56 missing values.
name | label | data_type | n_missing | complete_rate | min | median | max | mean | sd | hist | format.spss |
A14_A | To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements? : The internet is useful to help people decide if their symptoms are serious enough to go to the doctor. | numeric | 56 | 0.9471698 | 1 | 3 | 6 | 3.072709 | 1.154856 | ▇▅▅▂▁ | F1.0 |
name | value |
Strongly agree | 1 |
Agree | 2 |
Neither agree nor disagree | 3 |
Disagree | 4 |
Strongly disagree | 5 |
Cant choose | 6 |
To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements? : The internet is useful to check that the doctor is giving people appropriate advice.
60 missing values.
name | label | data_type | n_missing | complete_rate | min | median | max | mean | sd | hist | format.spss |
A14_B | To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements? : The internet is useful to check that the doctor is giving people appropriate advice. | numeric | 60 | 0.9433962 | 1 | 3 | 6 | 3.268 | 1.127585 | ▇▇▇▃▁ | F1.0 |
name | value |
Strongly agree | 1 |
Agree | 2 |
Neither agree nor disagree | 3 |
Disagree | 4 |
Strongly disagree | 5 |
Cant choose | 6 |
To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements? : It is not easy to distinguish between reliable and unreliable health information on the internet.
60 missing values.
name | label | data_type | n_missing | complete_rate | min | median | max | mean | sd | hist | format.spss |
A14_C | To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements? : It is not easy to distinguish between reliable and unreliable health information on the internet. | numeric | 60 | 0.9433962 | 1 | 2 | 6 | 2.383 | 1.22385 | ▇▂▁▁▁ | F1.0 |
name | value |
Strongly agree | 1 |
Agree | 2 |
Neither agree nor disagree | 3 |
Disagree | 4 |
Strongly disagree | 5 |
Cant choose | 6 |
How much do you agree or disagree with the following statements about vaccinations? : Overall, vaccinations do more harm than good.
46 missing values.
name | label | data_type | n_missing | complete_rate | min | median | max | mean | sd | hist | format.spss |
A15_A | How much do you agree or disagree with the following statements about vaccinations? : Overall, vaccinations do more harm than good. | numeric | 46 | 0.9566038 | 1 | 5 | 6 | 4.262327 | 1.192367 | ▂▁▃▇▁ | F1.0 |
name | value |
Strongly agree | 1 |
Agree | 2 |
Neither agree nor disagree | 3 |
Disagree | 4 |
Strongly disagree | 5 |
Cant choose | 6 |
How much do you agree or disagree with the following statements about vaccinations? : It is better to develop immunity by getting ill than having a vaccination.
47 missing values.
name | label | data_type | n_missing | complete_rate | min | median | max | mean | sd | hist | format.spss |
A15_B | How much do you agree or disagree with the following statements about vaccinations? : It is better to develop immunity by getting ill than having a vaccination. | numeric | 47 | 0.9556604 | 1 | 5 | 6 | 4.304047 | 1.030347 | ▁▂▃▇▁ | F1.0 |
name | value |
Strongly agree | 1 |
Agree | 2 |
Neither agree nor disagree | 3 |
Disagree | 4 |
Strongly disagree | 5 |
Cant choose | 6 |
During the past 4 weeks how often… : have you had difficulties with work or household activities because of health problems?
47 missing values.
name | label | data_type | n_missing | complete_rate | min | median | max | mean | sd | hist | format.spss |
A16_A | During the past 4 weeks how often… : have you had difficulties with work or household activities because of health problems? | numeric | 47 | 0.9556604 | 1 | 2 | 5 | 2.187562 | 1.204555 | ▇▅▅▂▁ | F1.0 |
name | value |
Never | 1 |
Seldom | 2 |
Sometimes | 3 |
Often | 4 |
Very often | 5 |
Cant choose | 6 |
During the past 4 weeks how often… : have you had bodily aches or pains?
47 missing values.
name | label | data_type | n_missing | complete_rate | min | median | max | mean | sd | hist | format.spss |
A16_B | During the past 4 weeks how often… : have you had bodily aches or pains? | numeric | 47 | 0.9556604 | 1 | 3 | 6 | 3.155972 | 1.158128 | ▆▇▅▃▁ | F1.0 |
name | value |
Never | 1 |
Seldom | 2 |
Sometimes | 3 |
Often | 4 |
Very often | 5 |
Cant choose | 6 |
During the past 4 weeks how often… : have you felt unhappy and depressed?
44 missing values.
name | label | data_type | n_missing | complete_rate | min | median | max | mean | sd | hist | format.spss |
A16_C | During the past 4 weeks how often… : have you felt unhappy and depressed? | numeric | 44 | 0.9584906 | 1 | 2 | 6 | 2.375 | 1.112457 | ▇▅▁▁▁ | F1.0 |
name | value |
Never | 1 |
Seldom | 2 |
Sometimes | 3 |
Often | 4 |
Very often | 5 |
Cant choose | 6 |
During the past 4 weeks how often… : have you lost confidence in yourself?
44 missing values.
name | label | data_type | n_missing | complete_rate | min | median | max | mean | sd | hist | format.spss |
A16_D | During the past 4 weeks how often… : have you lost confidence in yourself? | numeric | 44 | 0.9584906 | 1 | 2 | 6 | 2.191929 | 1.185119 | ▇▃▁▁▁ | F1.0 |
name | value |
Never | 1 |
Seldom | 2 |
Sometimes | 3 |
Often | 4 |
Very often | 5 |
Cant choose | 6 |
During the past 4 weeks how often… : have you felt you could not overcome your problems?
51 missing values.
name | label | data_type | n_missing | complete_rate | min | median | max | mean | sd | hist | format.spss |
A16_E | During the past 4 weeks how often… : have you felt you could not overcome your problems? | numeric | 51 | 0.9518868 | 1 | 2 | 6 | 1.974232 | 1.168931 | ▇▂▁▁▁ | F1.0 |
name | value |
Never | 1 |
Seldom | 2 |
Sometimes | 3 |
Often | 4 |
Very often | 5 |
Cant choose | 6 |
During the past 12 months, how often did you visit or were visited by… : a doctor?
46 missing values.
name | label | data_type | n_missing | complete_rate | min | median | max | mean | sd | hist | format.spss |
A17_A | During the past 12 months, how often did you visit or were visited by… : a doctor? | numeric | 46 | 0.9566038 | 1 | 3 | 5 | 2.849112 | 0.9351712 | ▁▅▇▃▁ | F1.0 |
name | value |
Never | 1 |
Seldom | 2 |
Sometimes | 3 |
Often | 4 |
Very often | 5 |
Cant choose | 6 |
During the past 12 months, how often did you visit or were visited by… : an alternative health care practitioner?
56 missing values.
name | label | data_type | n_missing | complete_rate | min | median | max | mean | sd | hist | format.spss |
A17_B | During the past 12 months, how often did you visit or were visited by… : an alternative health care practitioner? | numeric | 56 | 0.9471698 | 1 | 1 | 6 | 1.638446 | 1.029842 | ▇▁▁▁▁ | F1.0 |
name | value |
Never | 1 |
Seldom | 2 |
Sometimes | 3 |
Often | 4 |
Very often | 5 |
Cant choose | 6 |
During the past 12 months did it ever happen that you did not get the medical treatment you needed because… : you could not pay for it?
37 missing values.
name | label | data_type | n_missing | complete_rate | min | median | max | mean | sd | hist | format.spss |
A18_A | During the past 12 months did it ever happen that you did not get the medical treatment you needed because… : you could not pay for it? | numeric | 37 | 0.9650943 | 1 | 2 | 9 | 2.83089 | 2.446241 | ▇▁▁▁▁ | F1.0 |
name | value |
Yes | 1 |
No | 2 |
Did not need medical treatment | 9 |
During the past 12 months did it ever happen that you did not get the medical treatment you needed because… : you could not take the time off work or had other commitments?
47 missing values.
name | label | data_type | n_missing | complete_rate | min | median | max | mean | sd | hist | format.spss |
A18_B | During the past 12 months did it ever happen that you did not get the medical treatment you needed because… : you could not take the time off work or had other commitments? | numeric | 47 | 0.9556604 | 1 | 2 | 9 | 2.851925 | 2.449851 | ▇▁▁▁▁ | F1.0 |
name | value |
Yes | 1 |
No | 2 |
Did not need medical treatment | 9 |
During the past 12 months did it ever happen that you did not get the medical treatment you needed because… : the waiting list was too long?
42 missing values.
name | label | data_type | n_missing | complete_rate | min | median | max | mean | sd | hist | format.spss |
A18_C | During the past 12 months did it ever happen that you did not get the medical treatment you needed because… : the waiting list was too long? | numeric | 42 | 0.9603774 | 1 | 2 | 9 | 2.914538 | 2.604278 | ▇▁▁▁▂ | F1.0 |
name | value |
Yes | 1 |
No | 2 |
Did not need medical treatment | 9 |
How likely is it that if you become seriously ill, you would get or not get the best treatment available in Australia :
30 missing values.
name | label | data_type | n_missing | complete_rate | min | median | max | mean | sd | hist | format.spss |
A19 | How likely is it that if you become seriously ill, you would get or not get the best treatment available in Australia : | numeric | 30 | 0.9716981 | 1 | 2 | 6 | 2.102913 | 1.010677 | ▇▂▁▁▁ | F1.0 |
name | value |
Its certain I would get | 1 |
Its likely I would get | 2 |
Equal chance of getting or not getting | 3 |
Its likely I would not get | 4 |
Its certain I would not get | 5 |
Cant choose | 6 |
In general, how satisfied or dissatisfied are you with the health care system in Australia? :
26 missing values.
name | label | data_type | n_missing | complete_rate | min | median | max | mean | sd | hist | format.spss |
A20 | In general, how satisfied or dissatisfied are you with the health care system in Australia? : | numeric | 26 | 0.9754717 | 1 | 3 | 7 | 2.870406 | 1.171059 | ▇▇▁▁▁ | F1.0 |
name | value |
Completely satisfied | 1 |
Very satisfied | 2 |
Fairly satisfied | 3 |
Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied | 4 |
Fairly dissatisfied | 5 |
Very dissatisfied | 6 |
Completely dissatisfied | 7 |
Can’t choose | 8 |
How satisfied or dissatisfied were you with the treatment you received.. : when you last visited a doctor?
29 missing values.
name | label | data_type | n_missing | complete_rate | min | median | max | mean | sd | hist | format.spss |
A21_A | How satisfied or dissatisfied were you with the treatment you received.. : when you last visited a doctor? | numeric | 29 | 0.9726415 | 1 | 2 | 10 | 2.358875 | 1.317255 | ▇▃▁▁▁ | F1.0 |
name | value |
Completely satisfied | 1 |
Very satisfied | 2 |
Fairly satisfied | 3 |
Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied | 4 |
Fairly dissatisfied | 5 |
Very dissatisfied | 6 |
Completely dissatisfied | 7 |
Does not apply | 9 |
Cant choose | 10 |
How satisfied or dissatisfied were you with the treatment you received.. : when you last visited an alternative health care practitioner?
48 missing values.
name | label | data_type | n_missing | complete_rate | min | median | max | mean | sd | hist | format.spss |
A21_B | How satisfied or dissatisfied were you with the treatment you received.. : when you last visited an alternative health care practitioner? | numeric | 48 | 0.954717 | 1 | 9 | 10 | 6.274704 | 3.34286 | ▃▂▁▁▇ | F1.0 |
name | value |
Completely satisfied | 1 |
Very satisfied | 2 |
Fairly satisfied | 3 |
Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied | 4 |
Fairly dissatisfied | 5 |
Very dissatisfied | 6 |
Completely dissatisfied | 7 |
Does not apply | 9 |
Cant choose | 10 |
Do you smoke cigarettes, and if so about how many cigarettes a day? :
34 missing values.
name | label | data_type | n_missing | complete_rate | min | median | max | mean | sd | hist | format.spss |
A22 | Do you smoke cigarettes, and if so about how many cigarettes a day? : | numeric | 34 | 0.9679245 | 1 | 1 | 8 | 1.615984 | 0.9988764 | ▇▁▁▁▁ | F1.0 |
name | value |
Do not smoke and never did | 1 |
Do not smoke now but smoked in the past | 2 |
Smoke 1-5 cigarettes per day | 3 |
Smoke 6-10 cigarettes per day | 4 |
Smoke 11-20 cigarettes per day | 5 |
Smoke 21-40 cigarettes per day | 6 |
Smoke more than 40 cigarettes per day | 7 |
Can’t choose | 8 |
How often do you.. : drink 4 or more alcoholic drinks on the same day?
30 missing values.
name | label | data_type | n_missing | complete_rate | min | median | max | mean | sd | hist | format.spss |
A23_A | How often do you.. : drink 4 or more alcoholic drinks on the same day? | numeric | 30 | 0.9716981 | 1 | 1 | 6 | 1.886408 | 1.171292 | ▇▁▁▁▁ | F1.0 |
name | value |
Never | 1 |
Once a month or less often | 2 |
Several times a month | 3 |
Several times a week | 4 |
Daily | 5 |
Cant choose | 6 |
How often do you.. : do physical activity for at least 20 minutes that makes you sweat or breathe more heavily than usual?
36 missing values.
name | label | data_type | n_missing | complete_rate | min | median | max | mean | sd | hist | format.spss |
A23_B | How often do you.. : do physical activity for at least 20 minutes that makes you sweat or breathe more heavily than usual? | numeric | 36 | 0.9660377 | 1 | 4 | 6 | 3.470703 | 1.275807 | ▅▃▇▃▁ | F1.0 |
name | value |
Never | 1 |
Once a month or less often | 2 |
Several times a month | 3 |
Several times a week | 4 |
Daily | 5 |
Cant choose | 6 |
How often do you.. : eat fresh fruit or vegetables?
39 missing values.
name | label | data_type | n_missing | complete_rate | min | median | max | mean | sd | hist | format.spss |
A23_C | How often do you.. : eat fresh fruit or vegetables? | numeric | 39 | 0.9632075 | 1 | 5 | 6 | 4.607248 | 0.705376 | ▁▁▂▇▁ | F1.0 |
name | value |
Never | 1 |
Once a month or less often | 2 |
Several times a month | 3 |
Several times a week | 4 |
Daily | 5 |
Cant choose | 6 |
In general, would you say your health is .. :
28 missing values.
name | label | data_type | n_missing | complete_rate | min | median | max | mean | sd | hist | format.spss |
A24 | In general, would you say your health is .. : | numeric | 28 | 0.9735849 | 1 | 3 | 6 | 2.842054 | 0.9442536 | ▇▇▃▁▁ | F1.0 |
name | value |
Excellent | 1 |
Very good | 2 |
Good | 3 |
Fair | 4 |
Poor | 5 |
Cant choose | 6 |
Do you have a long-standing illness, a chronic condition, or a disability? :
33 missing values.
name | label | data_type | n_missing | complete_rate | min | median | max | mean | sd | hist | format.spss |
A25 | Do you have a long-standing illness, a chronic condition, or a disability? : | numeric | 33 | 0.9688679 | 1 | 2 | 2 | 1.570594 | 0.4952326 | ▆▁▁▁▇ | F1.0 |
name | value |
Yes | 1 |
No | 2 |
What is your… : height: cm
138 missing values.
name | label | data_type | n_missing | complete_rate | min | median | max | mean | sd | hist | format.spss |
A26_A | What is your… : height: cm | numeric | 138 | 0.8698113 | 1 | 168 | 197 | 166.3771 | 20.74416 | ▁▁▁▂▇ | F3.0 |
What is your… : weight: kg
114 missing values.
name | label | data_type | n_missing | complete_rate | min | median | max | mean | sd | hist | format.spss |
A26_B | What is your… : weight: kg | numeric | 114 | 0.8924528 | 8 | 78 | 174 | 79.6797 | 18.87407 | ▁▆▇▁▁ | F3.0 |
Do you think the Australian government should or should not have the right to do the following at times of severe epidemics? : Shut down businesses and places of employment
33 missing values.
name | label | data_type | n_missing | complete_rate | min | median | max | mean | sd | hist | format.spss |
A27_A | Do you think the Australian government should or should not have the right to do the following at times of severe epidemics? : Shut down businesses and places of employment | numeric | 33 | 0.9688679 | 1 | 2 | 5 | 1.814995 | 1.050781 | ▇▅▁▁▁ | F1.0 |
name | value |
Definitely should have the right | 1 |
Probably should have the right | 2 |
Probably should not have the right | 3 |
Definitely should not have the right | 4 |
Cant choose | 5 |
Do you think the Australian government should or should not have the right to do the following at times of severe epidemics? : Demand that people stay at home
39 missing values.
name | label | data_type | n_missing | complete_rate | min | median | max | mean | sd | hist | format.spss |
A27_B | Do you think the Australian government should or should not have the right to do the following at times of severe epidemics? : Demand that people stay at home | numeric | 39 | 0.9632075 | 1 | 1 | 5 | 1.680705 | 0.9791502 | ▇▅▁▁▁ | F1.0 |
name | value |
Definitely should have the right | 1 |
Probably should have the right | 2 |
Probably should not have the right | 3 |
Definitely should not have the right | 4 |
Cant choose | 5 |
Do you think the Australian government should or should not have the right to do the following at times of severe epidemics? : Use digital (mobile phone) surveillance to track infected people
38 missing values.
name | label | data_type | n_missing | complete_rate | min | median | max | mean | sd | hist | format.spss |
A27_C | Do you think the Australian government should or should not have the right to do the following at times of severe epidemics? : Use digital (mobile phone) surveillance to track infected people | numeric | 38 | 0.9641509 | 1 | 2 | 5 | 1.896282 | 1.098037 | ▇▅▂▂▁ | F1.0 |
name | value |
Definitely should have the right | 1 |
Probably should have the right | 2 |
Probably should not have the right | 3 |
Definitely should not have the right | 4 |
Cant choose | 5 |
Do you think the Australian government should or should not have the right to do the following at times of severe epidemics? : Require people to wear face masks
37 missing values.
name | label | data_type | n_missing | complete_rate | min | median | max | mean | sd | hist | format.spss |
A27_D | Do you think the Australian government should or should not have the right to do the following at times of severe epidemics? : Require people to wear face masks | numeric | 37 | 0.9650943 | 1 | 1 | 5 | 1.497556 | 0.8745946 | ▇▃▁▁▁ | F1.0 |
name | value |
Definitely should have the right | 1 |
Probably should have the right | 2 |
Probably should not have the right | 3 |
Definitely should not have the right | 4 |
Cant choose | 5 |
Do you think the Australian government should or should not have the right to do the following at times of severe epidemics? : Ban public gatherings
36 missing values.
name | label | data_type | n_missing | complete_rate | min | median | max | mean | sd | hist | format.spss |
A27_E | Do you think the Australian government should or should not have the right to do the following at times of severe epidemics? : Ban public gatherings | numeric | 36 | 0.9660377 | 1 | 1 | 5 | 1.544922 | 0.9232172 | ▇▃▁▁▁ | F1.0 |
name | value |
Definitely should have the right | 1 |
Probably should have the right | 2 |
Probably should not have the right | 3 |
Definitely should not have the right | 4 |
Cant choose | 5 |
What kind of health insurance do you have? :
63 missing values.
name | label | data_type | n_missing | complete_rate | min | median | max | mean | sd | hist | format.spss |
A28 | What kind of health insurance do you have? : | numeric | 63 | 0.940566 | 1 | 5 | 9 | 3.644935 | 1.676769 | ▆▂▇▁▁ | F1.0 |
name | value |
Have no health insurance | 1 |
Medicare only (A) | 2 |
Private insurance only (B) | 3 |
Employer/union based insurance only (C) | 4 |
Medicare and private/complementary insurance (A+B) | 5 |
Medicare and employer/union based insurance (A+C) | 6 |
Employer/union based and private/complementary insurance (B+C) | 7 |
Employer/union based, private/complementary and Medicare (A+B+C) | 8 |
Other (specify) | 9 |
Other (specify)
0 missing values.
name | label | data_type | n_missing | complete_rate | n_unique | empty | min | max | whitespace | format.spss | display_width |
A28other | Other (specify) | character | 0 | 1 | 30 | 1026 | 0 | 44 | 0 | A1024 | 32 |
Do you think the Australian government should or should not have the right to do the following at times of severe epidemics? : Place people known to carry the disease in isolation
27 missing values.
name | label | data_type | n_missing | complete_rate | min | median | max | mean | sd | hist | format.spss |
A29_A | Do you think the Australian government should or should not have the right to do the following at times of severe epidemics? : Place people known to carry the disease in isolation | numeric | 27 | 0.9745283 | 1 | 1 | 5 | 1.39303 | 0.7889927 | ▇▂▁▁▁ | F1.0 |
name | value |
Definitely should have the right | 1 |
Probably should have the right | 2 |
Probably should not have the right | 3 |
Definitely should not have the right | 4 |
Cant choose | 5 |
Do you think the Australian government should or should not have the right to do the following at times of severe epidemics? : Suspend compulsory education and close schools and kindergartens
30 missing values.
name | label | data_type | n_missing | complete_rate | min | median | max | mean | sd | hist | format.spss |
A29_B | Do you think the Australian government should or should not have the right to do the following at times of severe epidemics? : Suspend compulsory education and close schools and kindergartens | numeric | 30 | 0.9716981 | 1 | 1 | 5 | 1.685437 | 0.964925 | ▇▅▁▁▁ | F1.0 |
name | value |
Definitely should have the right | 1 |
Probably should have the right | 2 |
Probably should not have the right | 3 |
Definitely should not have the right | 4 |
Cant choose | 5 |
Do you think the Australian government should or should not have the right to do the following at times of severe epidemics? : Close borders to other countries
32 missing values.
name | label | data_type | n_missing | complete_rate | min | median | max | mean | sd | hist | format.spss |
A29_C | Do you think the Australian government should or should not have the right to do the following at times of severe epidemics? : Close borders to other countries | numeric | 32 | 0.9698113 | 1 | 1 | 5 | 1.357977 | 0.7451659 | ▇▂▁▁▁ | F1.0 |
name | value |
Definitely should have the right | 1 |
Probably should have the right | 2 |
Probably should not have the right | 3 |
Definitely should not have the right | 4 |
Cant choose | 5 |
Did the way the Covid-19 pandemic was handled in Australia increase or decrease your confidence in… : the health care system?
37 missing values.
name | label | data_type | n_missing | complete_rate | min | median | max | mean | sd | hist | format.spss |
A30_A | Did the way the Covid-19 pandemic was handled in Australia increase or decrease your confidence in… : the health care system? | numeric | 37 | 0.9650943 | 1 | 3 | 6 | 2.55914 | 1.192841 | ▇▅▂▁▁ | F1.0 |
name | value |
Increased it a lot | 1 |
Increased it a little | 2 |
Neither increased it nor decreased it | 3 |
Decreased it a little | 4 |
Decreased it a lot | 5 |
Cant choose | 6 |
Did the way the Covid-19 pandemic was handled in Australia increase or decrease your confidence in… : the federal government?
31 missing values.
name | label | data_type | n_missing | complete_rate | min | median | max | mean | sd | hist | format.spss |
A30_B | Did the way the Covid-19 pandemic was handled in Australia increase or decrease your confidence in… : the federal government? | numeric | 31 | 0.9707547 | 1 | 3 | 6 | 3.177843 | 1.450364 | ▇▅▃▆▁ | F1.0 |
name | value |
Increased it a lot | 1 |
Increased it a little | 2 |
Neither increased it nor decreased it | 3 |
Decreased it a little | 4 |
Decreased it a lot | 5 |
Cant choose | 6 |
Considering your work activity before the Covid-19 pandemic and at present, which of the following statements best describes your paid employment situation… :
48 missing values.
name | label | data_type | n_missing | complete_rate | min | median | max | mean | sd | hist | format.spss |
A31 | Considering your work activity before the Covid-19 pandemic and at present, which of the following statements best describes your paid employment situation… : | numeric | 48 | 0.954717 | 1 | 2 | 7 | 2.314229 | 1.716872 | ▇▁▁▁▁ | F1.0 |
name | value |
I did not have a job before the pandemic and I do not have a job now | 1 |
I have the same job as before the pandemic | 2 |
I lost my job due to the pandemic and now have a new job | 3 |
I lost my job due to the pandemic and could not find a new job | 4 |
I did not have a job before the pandemic and I do have a job now | 5 |
I changed or left my job for reasons unrelated to the pandemic | 6 |
Cant choose | 7 |
Thinking about the income of your household before the Covid-19 pandemic compared with now, would you say it has increased, decreased or stayed about the same? :
35 missing values.
name | label | data_type | n_missing | complete_rate | min | median | max | mean | sd | hist | format.spss |
A32 | Thinking about the income of your household before the Covid-19 pandemic compared with now, would you say it has increased, decreased or stayed about the same? : | numeric | 35 | 0.9669811 | 1 | 3 | 6 | 3.241951 | 0.9227994 | ▂▇▁▁▁ | F1.0 |
name | value |
Increased a lot | 1 |
Increased a little | 2 |
Stayed about the same | 3 |
Decreased a little | 4 |
Decreased a lot | 5 |
Cant choose | 6 |
Thinking about how often you met with your extended family and friends in person before the Covid-19 pandemic, would you say you now meet them in person more often, less often, or about the same :
23 missing values.
name | label | data_type | n_missing | complete_rate | min | median | max | mean | sd | hist | format.spss |
A33 | Thinking about how often you met with your extended family and friends in person before the Covid-19 pandemic, would you say you now meet them in person more often, less often, or about the same : | numeric | 23 | 0.9783019 | 1 | 2 | 6 | 2.098361 | 1.054485 | ▇▅▁▁▁ | F1.0 |
name | value |
Much less often | 1 |
A little less often | 2 |
About the same | 3 |
A little more often | 4 |
Much more often | 5 |
Cant choose | 6 |
There are different opinions about people that have certain health conditions. How much do you agree or disagree with the following statements? : Most people become very overweight because they are lazy.
23 missing values.
name | label | data_type | n_missing | complete_rate | min | median | max | mean | sd | hist | format.spss |
A34_A | There are different opinions about people that have certain health conditions. How much do you agree or disagree with the following statements? : Most people become very overweight because they are lazy. | numeric | 23 | 0.9783019 | 1 | 3 | 6 | 3.187078 | 1.189443 | ▇▆▇▃▁ | F1.0 |
name | value |
Strongly agree | 1 |
Agree | 2 |
Neither agree nor disagree | 3 |
Disagree | 4 |
Strongly disagree | 5 |
Cant choose | 6 |
There are different opinions about people that have certain health conditions. How much do you agree or disagree with the following statements? : Most people who tested positive for Covid-19 contracted the virus because they were careless.
26 missing values.
name | label | data_type | n_missing | complete_rate | min | median | max | mean | sd | hist | format.spss |
A34_B | There are different opinions about people that have certain health conditions. How much do you agree or disagree with the following statements? : Most people who tested positive for Covid-19 contracted the virus because they were careless. | numeric | 26 | 0.9754717 | 1 | 4 | 6 | 3.715667 | 1.126297 | ▃▃▇▅▁ | F1.0 |
name | value |
Strongly agree | 1 |
Agree | 2 |
Neither agree nor disagree | 3 |
Disagree | 4 |
Strongly disagree | 5 |
Cant choose | 6 |
Do you think the number of immigrants allowed into Australia should be reduced or increased? :
49 missing values.
name | label | data_type | n_missing | complete_rate | min | median | max | mean | sd | hist | format.spss |
H1 | Do you think the number of immigrants allowed into Australia should be reduced or increased? : | numeric | 49 | 0.9537736 | 1 | 3 | 5 | 3.095945 | 1.203005 | ▂▅▇▃▃ | F1.0 |
name | value |
Increased a lot | 1 |
Increased a little | 2 |
Remain about the same as it is | 3 |
Decrease a little | 4 |
Decrease a lot | 5 |
Which of the following statements do you personally believe? :
38 missing values.
name | label | data_type | n_missing | complete_rate | min | median | max | mean | sd | hist | format.spss |
H2 | Which of the following statements do you personally believe? : | numeric | 38 | 0.9641509 | 1 | 1 | 4 | 1.485323 | 0.8903002 | ▇▂▁▁▁ | F1.0 |
name | value |
Climate change is happening now, and is caused mainly by human activities | 1 |
Climate change is happening now, but is caused mainly by natural forces | 2 |
Climate change is not happening now | 3 |
I don’t know whether climate change is happening or not | 4 |
How much do you feel that you understand about climate change - would you say a great deal, a moderate amount, only a little, or nothing at all? :
30 missing values.
name | label | data_type | n_missing | complete_rate | min | median | max | mean | sd | hist | format.spss |
H3 | How much do you feel that you understand about climate change - would you say a great deal, a moderate amount, only a little, or nothing at all? : | numeric | 30 | 0.9716981 | 1 | 2 | 4 | 2.082524 | 0.7108663 | ▃▇▁▃▁ | F1.0 |
name | value |
A great deal | 1 |
A moderate amount | 2 |
Only a little | 3 |
Nothing at all | 4 |
Should the federal government do more or less than it is doing now to address the impact of climate change? :
34 missing values.
name | label | data_type | n_missing | complete_rate | min | median | max | mean | sd | hist | format.spss |
H4 | Should the federal government do more or less than it is doing now to address the impact of climate change? : | numeric | 34 | 0.9679245 | 1 | 2 | 5 | 1.874269 | 0.9841578 | ▇▅▃▁▁ | F1.0 |
name | value |
Should do much more | 1 |
Should do more | 2 |
About the same | 3 |
Should do less | 4 |
Should do much less | 5 |
In politics people sometimes talk of left and right. Where would you place yourself on a scale from 0 to 10 where 0 means the left and 10 means the right? :
61 missing values.
name | label | data_type | n_missing | complete_rate | min | median | max | mean | sd | hist | format.spss |
H5_A | In politics people sometimes talk of left and right. Where would you place yourself on a scale from 0 to 10 where 0 means the left and 10 means the right? : | numeric | 61 | 0.9424528 | 1 | 6 | 12 | 7.206206 | 3.160934 | ▃▅▇▅▇ | F2.0 |
name | value |
Left 0 | 1 |
1 | 2 |
2 | 3 |
3 | 4 |
4 | 5 |
5 | 6 |
6 | 7 |
7 | 8 |
8 | 9 |
9 | 10 |
Right 10 | 11 |
Cant choose | 12 |
On the whole, are you very satisfied, fairly satisfied, not very satisfied or not at all satisfied with the way democracy works in Australia? :
45 missing values.
name | label | data_type | n_missing | complete_rate | min | median | max | mean | sd | hist | format.spss |
H6 | On the whole, are you very satisfied, fairly satisfied, not very satisfied or not at all satisfied with the way democracy works in Australia? : | numeric | 45 | 0.9575472 | 1 | 2 | 4 | 2.252217 | 0.715724 | ▂▇▁▃▁ | F1.0 |
name | value |
Very satisfied | 1 |
Fairly satisfied | 2 |
Not very satisfied | 3 |
Not at all satisfied | 4 |
Would you say the government is run by a few big interests looking out for themselves, or that it is run for the benefit of all the people? :
33 missing values.
name | label | data_type | n_missing | complete_rate | min | median | max | mean | sd | hist | format.spss |
H7 | Would you say the government is run by a few big interests looking out for themselves, or that it is run for the benefit of all the people? : | numeric | 33 | 0.9688679 | 1 | 3 | 5 | 2.634859 | 0.9551706 | ▂▇▇▃▁ | F1.0 |
name | value |
Entirely run for the big interests | 1 |
Mostly run for the big interests | 2 |
About half and half | 3 |
Mostly run for the benefit of all | 4 |
Entirely run for the benefit of all | 5 |
In your opinion, about how many politicians in Australia are involved in corruption? :
34 missing values.
name | label | data_type | n_missing | complete_rate | min | median | max | mean | sd | hist | format.spss |
H8 | In your opinion, about how many politicians in Australia are involved in corruption? : | numeric | 34 | 0.9679245 | 1 | 3 | 6 | 3.264133 | 1.216721 | ▆▇▅▁▂ | F1.0 |
name | value |
Almost none | 1 |
A few | 2 |
Some | 3 |
Quite a lot | 4 |
Almost all | 5 |
Cant choose | 6 |
Some people think that the Federal government should reduce taxes a lot and spend much less on social services. Others think that the Federal government should increase taxes a lot and spend much more on social services, and others have opinions some
43 missing values.
name | label | data_type | n_missing | complete_rate | min | median | max | mean | sd | hist | format.spss |
H9 | Some people think that the Federal government should reduce taxes a lot and spend much less on social services. Others think that the Federal government should increase taxes a lot and spend much more on social services, and others have opinions some | numeric | 43 | 0.959434 | 1 | 3 | 5 | 3.303835 | 1.104356 | ▂▂▇▃▃ | F1.0 |
name | value |
Strongly favour reducing taxes | 1 |
Mildly favour reducing taxes | 2 |
It depends | 3 |
Mildly favour spending more on social services | 4 |
Strongly favour spending more on social services | 5 |
Please say whether you think equal opportunities for women have gone too far, not gone far enough, or is about right? :
42 missing values.
name | label | data_type | n_missing | complete_rate | min | median | max | mean | sd | hist | format.spss |
H10 | Please say whether you think equal opportunities for women have gone too far, not gone far enough, or is about right? : | numeric | 42 | 0.9603774 | 1 | 4 | 5 | 3.448919 | 0.9954883 | ▁▂▇▇▃ | F1.0 |
name | value |
Gone much too far | 1 |
Gone too far | 2 |
About right | 3 |
Not gone far enough | 4 |
Not gone nearly far enough | 5 |
Generally speaking, would you say that most people can be trusted, or that you cant be too careful in dealing with people?Please cross one box to show what you think, where 1 means you cant be too careful and 5 means most people can be trusted. :
31 missing values.
name | label | data_type | n_missing | complete_rate | min | median | max | mean | sd | hist | format.spss |
H11 | Generally speaking, would you say that most people can be trusted, or that you cant be too careful in dealing with people?Please cross one box to show what you think, where 1 means you cant be too careful and 5 means most people can be trusted. : | numeric | 31 | 0.9707547 | 1 | 3 | 6 | 3.209913 | 1.267929 | ▇▇▇▃▁ | F2.0 |
name | value |
You cant be too careful 1 | 1 |
2 | 2 |
3 | 3 |
4 | 4 |
Most people can be trusted 5 | 5 |
Cant choose | 6 |
Are you … :
39 missing values.
name | label | data_type | n_missing | complete_rate | min | median | max | mean | sd | hist | format.spss |
I1 | Are you … : | numeric | 39 | 0.9632075 | 1 | 2 | 2 | 1.557297 | 0.4969497 | ▆▁▁▁▇ | F1.0 |
name | value |
Male | 1 |
Female | 2 |
When were you born?
77 missing values.
name | label | data_type | n_missing | complete_rate | min | median | max | mean | sd | hist | format.spss |
I2 | When were you born? | numeric | 77 | 0.9273585 | 198 | 1960 | 3000 | 1960.966 | 74.22796 | ▁▁▁▇▁ | F4.0 |
Are you currently in school or studying in higher education? :
60 missing values.
name | label | data_type | n_missing | complete_rate | min | median | max | mean | sd | hist | format.spss |
I3 | Are you currently in school or studying in higher education? : | numeric | 60 | 0.9433962 | 1 | 3 | 3 | 2.931 | 0.2689076 | ▁▁▁▁▇ | F1.0 |
name | value |
I am still at school | 1 |
I am still at college/university/in vocational training | 2 |
No I am not currently in school, college, university or in vocational training | 3 |
What is the highest year of schooling you have completed? :
61 missing values.
name | label | data_type | n_missing | complete_rate | min | median | max | mean | sd | hist | format.spss |
I5 | What is the highest year of schooling you have completed? : | numeric | 61 | 0.9424528 | 1 | 1 | 6 | 1.688689 | 0.964387 | ▇▃▁▁▁ | F1.0 |
name | value |
Year 12 or equivalent | 1 |
Year 11 or equivalent | 2 |
Year 10 or equivalent | 3 |
Completed primary school | 4 |
Completed pre-primary school | 5 |
Did not go to school | 6 |
Are you currently working for pay, did you work for pay in the past, or have you never been in paid work? :
52 missing values.
name | label | data_type | n_missing | complete_rate | min | median | max | mean | sd | hist | format.spss |
I7 | Are you currently working for pay, did you work for pay in the past, or have you never been in paid work? : | numeric | 52 | 0.9509434 | 1 | 1 | 3 | 1.502976 | 0.5810574 | ▇▁▆▁▁ | F1.0 |
name | value |
I am currently in paid work | 1 |
I am currently not in paid work but I had paid work in the past | 2 |
I have never had paid work | 3 |
Which of the following best describes your current paid employment status? :
515 missing values.
name | label | data_type | n_missing | complete_rate | min | median | max | mean | sd | hist | format.spss |
I9 | Which of the following best describes your current paid employment status? : | numeric | 515 | 0.5141509 | 1 | 1 | 4 | 1.486239 | 0.8725246 | ▇▁▁▂▁ | F1.0 |
name | value |
Permanent employment | 1 |
Fixed term employment (i.e. a contract job for at least 6 months) | 2 |
Casual employment | 3 |
Other employment (i.e. short term contracts under 6 months, Gig jobs) | 4 |
Over the next year or so, how worried are you that you… : could lose your job?
516 missing values.
name | label | data_type | n_missing | complete_rate | min | median | max | mean | sd | hist | format.spss |
I10_A | Over the next year or so, how worried are you that you… : could lose your job? | numeric | 516 | 0.5132075 | 1 | 3 | 4 | 3.227941 | 0.8274028 | ▁▂▁▇▇ | F1.0 |
name | value |
Very worried | 1 |
Worried | 2 |
Not very worried | 3 |
Not at all worried | 4 |
Over the next year or so, how worried are you that you… : wont get enough regular work hours in your current job/s to make ends meet?
530 missing values.
name | label | data_type | n_missing | complete_rate | min | median | max | mean | sd | hist | format.spss |
I10_B | Over the next year or so, how worried are you that you… : wont get enough regular work hours in your current job/s to make ends meet? | numeric | 530 | 0.5 | 1 | 4 | 4 | 3.29434 | 0.8696555 | ▁▂▁▅▇ | F1.0 |
name | value |
Very worried | 1 |
Worried | 2 |
Not very worried | 3 |
Not at all worried | 4 |
Code for group: ANZSCO2013v1.2 Level: 0
0 missing values.
name | label | data_type | n_missing | complete_rate | min | median | max | mean | sd | hist | format.spss |
I15ANZSCO1 | Code for group: ANZSCO2013v1.2 Level: 0 | numeric | 0 | 1 | 0 | 2 | 8 | 2.791509 | 2.276647 | ▇▇▂▅▂ | F2.0 |
name | value |
Operational codes (Aus) | 0 |
Managers | 1 |
Professionals | 2 |
Technicians and Trades Workers | 3 |
Community and Personal Service Workers | 4 |
Clerical and Administrative Workers | 5 |
Sales Workers | 6 |
Machinery Operators and Drivers | 7 |
Labourers | 8 |
Operational codes (NZ) | 9 |
Code for group: ANZSIC Level: 0
0 missing values.
name | label | data_type | n_missing | complete_rate | min | median | max | mean | sd | hist | format.spss |
I17ANZSIC1 | Code for group: ANZSIC Level: 0 | numeric | 0 | 1 | 1 | 16 | 21 | 13.51226 | 5.807328 | ▃▃▃▇▆ | F2.0 |
name | value |
Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing | 1 |
Mining | 2 |
Manufacturing | 3 |
Electricity, Gas, Water and Waste Services | 4 |
Construction | 5 |
Wholesale Trade | 6 |
Retail Trade | 7 |
Accommodation and Food Services | 8 |
Transport, Postal and Warehousing | 9 |
Information Media and Telecommunications | 10 |
Financial and Insurance Services | 11 |
Rental, Hiring and Real Estate Services | 12 |
Professional, Scientific and Technical Services | 13 |
Administrative and Support Services | 14 |
Public Administration and Safety | 15 |
Education and Training | 16 |
Health Care and Social Assistance | 17 |
Arts and Recreation Services | 18 |
Other Services | 19 |
Blank | 20 |
Not codeable | 21 |
Which of the following best describes your current situation? :
67 missing values.
name | label | data_type | n_missing | complete_rate | min | median | max | mean | sd | hist | format.spss |
I18 | Which of the following best describes your current situation? : | numeric | 67 | 0.9367925 | 1 | 1 | 9 | 3.408862 | 2.606599 | ▇▁▁▆▁ | F1.0 |
name | value |
In paid work (as an employee, self-employed, or working for your own family’s business) | 1 |
Unemployed and looking for a job | 2 |
In education (not paid for by employer), in school/student/pupil even if on vacation | 3 |
Apprentice or trainee | 4 |
Permanently sick or disabled | 5 |
Retired | 6 |
Doing housework, looking after the home, children or other persons | 7 |
Other | 9 |
Do you have a spouse or a partner and, if yes, do you share the same household? :
26 missing values.
name | label | data_type | n_missing | complete_rate | min | median | max | mean | sd | hist | format.spss |
I19 | Do you have a spouse or a partner and, if yes, do you share the same household? : | numeric | 26 | 0.9754717 | 1 | 1 | 3 | 1.629594 | 0.9151486 | ▇▁▁▁▃ | F1.0 |
name | value |
Yes, I have a spouse/partner and we share the same household | 1 |
Yes, I have a spouse/partner but we don’t share the same household | 2 |
No, I don’t have a spouse/partner | 3 |
Is your spouse/partner currently working for pay, did he/she work for pay in the past, or has he/she never been paid work? :
362 missing values.
name | label | data_type | n_missing | complete_rate | min | median | max | mean | sd | hist | format.spss |
I20 | Is your spouse/partner currently working for pay, did he/she work for pay in the past, or has he/she never been paid work? : | numeric | 362 | 0.6584906 | 1 | 1 | 3 | 1.458453 | 0.5400663 | ▇▁▆▁▁ | F1.0 |
name | value |
He/she is currently in paid work | 1 |
He/she is currently not in paid work but he/she had paid work in the past | 2 |
He/she has never had paid work | 3 |
Are you or have you ever been a member of a trade union or similar organisation? If yes: is that currently or only previously? :
44 missing values.
name | label | data_type | n_missing | complete_rate | min | median | max | mean | sd | hist | format.spss |
I28 | Are you or have you ever been a member of a trade union or similar organisation? If yes: is that currently or only previously? : | numeric | 44 | 0.9584906 | 1 | 3 | 3 | 2.386811 | 0.6983325 | ▂▁▆▁▇ | F1.0 |
name | value |
Yes, currently | 1 |
Yes, previously but not currently | 2 |
No, never | 3 |
Do you belong to a religion and, if yes, which religion do you belong to? :
47 missing values.
name | label | data_type | n_missing | complete_rate | min | median | max | mean | sd | hist | format.spss |
I29 | Do you belong to a religion and, if yes, which religion do you belong to? : | numeric | 47 | 0.9556604 | 1 | 2 | 14 | 3.187562 | 3.213171 | ▇▃▁▁▁ | F2.0 |
name | value |
No religion | 1 |
Catholic | 2 |
Other Protestant | 3 |
Anglican/Church of England | 4 |
Uniting Church/Methodist | 5 |
Pentecostal | 6 |
Orthodox | 7 |
Other Christian | 8 |
Jewish | 9 |
Islamic | 10 |
Buddhist | 11 |
Hindu | 12 |
Other Asian religions | 13 |
Other religions - Please specify | 14 |
In our society there are groups which tend to be towards the top and groups which tend to be towards the bottom.Below is a scale which runs from top to bottom.Where would you put yourself on this scale? :
130 missing values.
name | label | data_type | n_missing | complete_rate | min | median | max | mean | sd | hist | format.spss |
I31 | In our society there are groups which tend to be towards the top and groups which tend to be towards the bottom.Below is a scale which runs from top to bottom.Where would you put yourself on this scale? : | numeric | 130 | 0.8773585 | 1 | 6 | 10 | 6.032258 | 1.765301 | ▁▂▇▆▁ | F2.0 |
name | value |
Bottom 1 | 1 |
2 | 2 |
3 | 3 |
4 | 4 |
5 | 5 |
6 | 6 |
7 | 7 |
8 | 8 |
9 | 9 |
Top 10 | 10 |
Do you usually think of yourself as close to any particular political party and, if yes, which party is that? :
63 missing values.
name | label | data_type | n_missing | complete_rate | min | median | max | mean | sd | hist | format.spss |
I32 | Do you usually think of yourself as close to any particular political party and, if yes, which party is that? : | numeric | 63 | 0.940566 | 1 | 5 | 9 | 4.944834 | 3.121046 | ▇▁▁▁▇ | F1.0 |
name | value |
Labor Party (ALP) | 1 |
Liberal Party | 2 |
National (Country) Party | 3 |
Greens | 5 |
No party affiliation | 8 |
Other party (please specify) | 9 |
Did you vote in Australias federal election in May 2019? :
37 missing values.
name | label | data_type | n_missing | complete_rate | min | median | max | mean | sd | hist | format.spss |
I33 | Did you vote in Australias federal election in May 2019? : | numeric | 37 | 0.9650943 | 1 | 1 | 3 | 1.056696 | 0.2979244 | ▇▁▁▁▁ | F1.0 |
name | value |
Yes, I did vote | 1 |
No, I did not vote | 2 |
I was not eligible to vote in the last election | 3 |
Thinking back to the last federal election in May 2019 - Which party did you vote for? :
176 missing values.
name | label | data_type | n_missing | complete_rate | min | median | max | mean | sd | hist | format.spss |
I34 | Thinking back to the last federal election in May 2019 - Which party did you vote for? : | numeric | 176 | 0.8339623 | 1 | 2 | 6 | 2.25 | 1.485967 | ▇▁▁▁▁ | F1.0 |
name | value |
Labor Party (ALP) | 1 |
Liberal Party | 2 |
National (Country) Party | 3 |
Greens | 5 |
Other party (please specify) | 6 |
If a federal election for the House of Representatives was to be held this weekend, which party would you vote for first in the House of Representatives? :
150 missing values.
name | label | data_type | n_missing | complete_rate | min | median | max | mean | sd | hist | format.spss |
I35 | If a federal election for the House of Representatives was to be held this weekend, which party would you vote for first in the House of Representatives? : | numeric | 150 | 0.8584906 | 1 | 2 | 6 | 2.349451 | 1.621797 | ▇▁▁▂▁ | F1.0 |
name | value |
Labor Party (ALP) | 1 |
Liberal Party | 2 |
National (Country) Party | 3 |
Greens | 5 |
Other party (please specify) | 6 |
Code for group: SACC Level: 0
0 missing values.
name | label | data_type | n_missing | complete_rate | min | median | max | mean | sd | hist | format.spss |
I36SACC1 | Code for group: SACC Level: 0 | numeric | 0 | 1 | 0 | 1 | 9 | 1.622642 | 1.700707 | ▇▂▁▁▁ | F1.0 |
name | value |
Error | 0 |
Oceania and Antarctica | 1 |
North-west Europe | 2 |
Southern and eastern Europe | 3 |
North Africa and the Middle East | 4 |
South-east Asia | 5 |
North-east Asia | 6 |
Southern and central Asia | 7 |
Americas | 8 |
Sub-Saharan Africa | 9 |
Code for group: SACC Level: 0
0 missing values.
name | label | data_type | n_missing | complete_rate | min | median | max | mean | sd | hist | format.spss |
I37SACC1 | Code for group: SACC Level: 0 | numeric | 0 | 1 | 0 | 1 | 9 | 1.80566 | 1.833475 | ▇▂▁▁▁ | F1.0 |
name | value |
Error | 0 |
Oceania and Antarctica | 1 |
North-west Europe | 2 |
Southern and eastern Europe | 3 |
North Africa and the Middle East | 4 |
South-east Asia | 5 |
North-east Asia | 6 |
Southern and central Asia | 7 |
Americas | 8 |
Sub-Saharan Africa | 9 |
Code for group: SACC Level: 0
0 missing values.
name | label | data_type | n_missing | complete_rate | min | median | max | mean | sd | hist | format.spss |
I38SACC1 | Code for group: SACC Level: 0 | numeric | 0 | 1 | 0 | 1 | 9 | 1.741509 | 1.758609 | ▇▂▁▁▁ | F1.0 |
name | value |
Error | 0 |
Oceania and Antarctica | 1 |
North-west Europe | 2 |
Southern and eastern Europe | 3 |
North Africa and the Middle East | 4 |
South-east Asia | 5 |
North-east Asia | 6 |
Southern and central Asia | 7 |
Americas | 8 |
Sub-Saharan Africa | 9 |
Do you identify yourself as Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander? :
48 missing values.
name | label | data_type | n_missing | complete_rate | min | median | max | mean | sd | hist | format.spss |
I40 | Do you identify yourself as Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander? : | numeric | 48 | 0.954717 | 1 | 2 | 2 | 1.965415 | 0.1828165 | ▁▁▁▁▇ | F1.0 |
name | value |
Yes | 1 |
No | 2 |
Is there at least one telephone inside your home that is currently working and is not a mobile phone? :
46 missing values.
name | label | data_type | n_missing | complete_rate | min | median | max | mean | sd | hist | format.spss |
I42 | Is there at least one telephone inside your home that is currently working and is not a mobile phone? : | numeric | 46 | 0.9566038 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 1.547337 | 0.5078144 | ▇▁▇▁▁ | F1.0 |
name | value |
Yes | 1 |
No | 2 |
Dont know | 3 |
How many people in your household, including yourself, have a currently working mobile phone?
80 missing values.
name | label | data_type | n_missing | complete_rate | min | median | max | mean | sd | hist | format.spss |
I43 | How many people in your household, including yourself, have a currently working mobile phone? | numeric | 80 | 0.9245283 | 1 | 2 | 7 | 2.261224 | 1.045994 | ▇▂▁▁▁ | F2.0 |
In your home, do you have a computer (such as a PC, laptop or iPad) that is connected to the Internet? :
63 missing values.
name | label | data_type | n_missing | complete_rate | min | median | max | mean | sd | hist | format.spss |
I44 | In your home, do you have a computer (such as a PC, laptop or iPad) that is connected to the Internet? : | numeric | 63 | 0.940566 | 1 | 1 | 3 | 1.077232 | 0.2708257 | ▇▁▁▁▁ | F1.0 |
name | value |
Yes | 1 |
No | 2 |
Dont know | 3 |
Before taxes and other deductions, what on average is your own total WEEKLY income? : per week $
354 missing values.
name | label | data_type | n_missing | complete_rate | min | median | max | mean | sd | hist | format.spss |
I45 | Before taxes and other deductions, what on average is your own total WEEKLY income? : per week $ | numeric | 354 | 0.6660377 | 41 | 1000 | 59000 | 1513.954 | 3233.356 | ▇▁▁▁▁ | F7.0 |
Before taxes and other deductions, what on average is the total WEEKLY income of your household? : per week $
366 missing values.
name | label | data_type | n_missing | complete_rate | min | median | max | mean | sd | hist | format.spss |
I46 | Before taxes and other deductions, what on average is the total WEEKLY income of your household? : per week $ | numeric | 366 | 0.654717 | 80 | 1656 | 85000 | 2480.363 | 4295.168 | ▇▁▁▁▁ | F7.0 |
How does the financial situation of your household now compare with what it was 12 months ago? :
77 missing values.
name | label | data_type | n_missing | complete_rate | min | median | max | mean | sd | hist | format.spss |
I47 | How does the financial situation of your household now compare with what it was 12 months ago? : | numeric | 77 | 0.9273585 | 1 | 3 | 5 | 3.051882 | 0.8505144 | ▁▂▇▂▁ | F1.0 |
name | value |
A lot better | 1 |
A little better | 2 |
About the same | 3 |
A little worse | 4 |
A lot worse | 5 |
Compared to now, what do you think the financial situation of your household will be in 12 months’ time? :
81 missing values.
name | label | data_type | n_missing | complete_rate | min | median | max | mean | sd | hist | format.spss |
I48 | Compared to now, what do you think the financial situation of your household will be in 12 months’ time? : | numeric | 81 | 0.9235849 | 1 | 3 | 5 | 2.969356 | 0.7826602 | ▁▂▇▂▁ | F1.0 |
name | value |
A lot better | 1 |
A little better | 2 |
About the same | 3 |
A little worse | 4 |
A lot worse | 5 |
What is your current legal marital status? :
64 missing values.
name | label | data_type | n_missing | complete_rate | min | median | max | mean | sd | hist | format.spss |
I49 | What is your current legal marital status? : | numeric | 64 | 0.9396226 | 1 | 1 | 5 | 2.259036 | 1.676671 | ▇▁▁▁▃ | F1.0 |
name | value |
Married | 1 |
Separated from my spouse but still legally married | 2 |
Divorced from spouse | 3 |
Widowed | 4 |
I have never been married | 5 |
Would you describe the place where you live as … :
57 missing values.
name | label | data_type | n_missing | complete_rate | min | median | max | mean | sd | hist | format.spss |
I50 | Would you describe the place where you live as … : | numeric | 57 | 0.9462264 | 1 | 2 | 5 | 2.475573 | 1.118771 | ▃▇▅▂▂ | F1.0 |
name | value |
A big city | 1 |
The suburbs or outskirts of a big city | 2 |
A town or a small city | 3 |
A country village | 4 |
A farm or home in the country | 5 |
Do you own outright, are you buying or renting the dwelling in which you now live? :
65 missing values.
name | label | data_type | n_missing | complete_rate | min | median | max | mean | sd | hist | format.spss |
I51 | Do you own outright, are you buying or renting the dwelling in which you now live? : | numeric | 65 | 0.9386792 | 1 | 2 | 5 | 1.867337 | 1.125204 | ▇▅▂▁▁ | F1.0 |
name | value |
Own outright | 1 |
Own, paying off mortgage | 2 |
Rent from private landlord | 3 |
Rent from public housing authority | 4 |
Other (boarding, living at home, etc) | 5 |
What is your main source of daily news and information? :
104 missing values.
name | label | data_type | n_missing | complete_rate | min | median | max | mean | sd | hist | format.spss |
I52 | What is your main source of daily news and information? : | numeric | 104 | 0.9018868 | 1 | 2 | 7 | 2.542887 | 1.732728 | ▇▅▁▁▂ | F1.0 |
name | value |
ABC news (TV, radio or website) | 1 |
Social media (Facebook or Twitter) | 2 |
Commercial TV (i.e. Channel 7 or 9 or a regional station) | 3 |
Commercial radio (i.e. talkback radio or a music station) | 4 |
Newspapers (including online) like the Daily Telegraph, Herald Sun, Courier Mail, The Advertiser, or The Mercury | 5 |
Newspapers (including online) like the Sydney Morning Herald, the Age, or the Guardian | 6 |
Other sources (i.e. local or regional newspapers, small publishers) | 7 |
name | label | data_type | value_labels | n_missing | complete_rate | n_unique | empty | min | median | max | mean | sd | whitespace | hist | format.spss | display_width |
A1 | If you were to consider your life in general these days, how happy or unhappy would you say you are, on the whole? : | numeric | 1. Completely happy, 2. Very happy, 3. Fairly happy, 4. Neither happy nor unhappy, 5. Fairly unhappy, 6. Very unhappy, 7. Completely unhappy, 8. Can’t choose |
33 | 0.9688679 | NA | NA | 1 | 3 | 8 | 2.830574 | 1.1807917 | NA | ▇▇▃▁▁ | F1.0 | NA |
A2 | In general, how much confidence do you have in the health care system in Australia? : | numeric | 1. Complete confidence, 2. A great deal of confidence, 3. Some confidence, 4. Very little confidence, 5. No confidence at all, 6. Cant choose |
29 | 0.9726415 | NA | NA | 1 | 2 | 5 | 2.542192 | 0.7955670 | NA | ▁▇▇▂▁ | F1.0 | NA |
A3 | Is it fair or unfair that people with higher incomes can afford better health care than people with lower incomes? : | numeric | 1. Very fair, 2. Somewhat fair, 3. Neither fair nor unfair, 4. Somewhat unfair, 5. Very unfair, 6. Cant choose |
30 | 0.9716981 | NA | NA | 1 | 4 | 6 | 3.526214 | 1.3140462 | NA | ▇▆▇▇▁ | F1.0 | NA |
A4_A | How much do you agree or disagree with the following statements? : People use health care services more than necessary. | numeric | 1. Strongly agree, 2. Agree, 3. Neither agree nor disagree, 4. Disagree, 5. Strongly Disagree, 6. Cant choose |
32 | 0.9698113 | NA | NA | 1 | 3 | 6 | 3.036965 | 1.1236136 | NA | ▇▇▆▁▁ | F1.0 | NA |
A4_B | How much do you agree or disagree with the following statements? : The government should provide only limited health care services. | numeric | 1. Strongly agree, 2. Agree, 3. Neither agree nor disagree, 4. Disagree, 5. Strongly Disagree, 6. Cant choose |
42 | 0.9603774 | NA | NA | 1 | 4 | 6 | 4.310413 | 0.8564118 | NA | ▁▁▇▇▁ | F1.0 | NA |
A4_C | How much do you agree or disagree with the following statements? : In general, the health care system in Australia is inefficient. | numeric | 1. Strongly agree, 2. Agree, 3. Neither agree nor disagree, 4. Disagree, 5. Strongly Disagree, 6. Cant choose |
44 | 0.9584906 | NA | NA | 1 | 3 | 6 | 3.299213 | 1.1460102 | NA | ▆▅▇▂▁ | F1.0 | NA |
A5 | How willing would you be to pay higher taxes to improve the level of health care for all people in Australia? : | numeric | 1. Very willing, 2. Fairly willing, 3. Neither willing nor unwilling, 4. Fairly unwilling, 5. Very unwilling, 6. Cant choose |
32 | 0.9698113 | NA | NA | 1 | 3 | 6 | 3.035992 | 1.3981725 | NA | ▇▃▃▂▁ | F1.0 | NA |
A6_A | How much do you agree or disagree with the following statements?People should have access to publicly funded health care even if they… : do not hold citizenship of Australia. | numeric | 1. Strongly agree, 2. Agree, 3. Neither agree nor disagree, 4. Disagree, 5. Strongly Disagree, 6. Cant choose |
32 | 0.9698113 | NA | NA | 1 | 3 | 6 | 3.125486 | 1.3160726 | NA | ▇▃▅▃▁ | F1.0 | NA |
A6_B | How much do you agree or disagree with the following statements?People should have access to publicly funded health care even if they… : behave in ways that damage their health. | numeric | 1. Strongly agree, 2. Agree, 3. Neither agree nor disagree, 4. Disagree, 5. Strongly Disagree, 6. Cant choose |
42 | 0.9603774 | NA | NA | 1 | 3 | 6 | 3.167976 | 1.2723039 | NA | ▇▅▆▃▁ | F1.0 | NA |
A7_A | In Australia, do you think it is easier or harder to get access to health care … : for rich people than for poor people | numeric | 1. Much easier, 2. Some-what easier, 3. About the same, 4. Some-what harder, 5. Much harder, 6. Cant choose |
32 | 0.9698113 | NA | NA | 1 | 1 | 6 | 1.793774 | 1.0227596 | NA | ▇▂▁▁▁ | F1.0 | NA |
A7_B | In Australia, do you think it is easier or harder to get access to health care … : for old people than for young people | numeric | 1. Much easier, 2. Some-what easier, 3. About the same, 4. Some-what harder, 5. Much harder, 6. Cant choose |
34 | 0.9679245 | NA | NA | 1 | 3 | 6 | 3.134503 | 1.0589634 | NA | ▃▇▂▁▁ | F1.0 | NA |
A7_C | In Australia, do you think it is easier or harder to get access to health care … : for women than for men | numeric | 1. Much easier, 2. Some-what easier, 3. About the same, 4. Some-what harder, 5. Much harder, 6. Cant choose |
37 | 0.9650943 | NA | NA | 1 | 3 | 6 | 3.184751 | 0.8847933 | NA | ▁▇▁▁▁ | F1.0 | NA |
A7_D | In Australia, do you think it is easier or harder to get access to health care … : for citizens of Australia than for people who do not hold Australian citizenship | numeric | 1. Much easier, 2. Some-what easier, 3. About the same, 4. Some-what harder, 5. Much harder, 6. Cant choose |
42 | 0.9603774 | NA | NA | 1 | 3 | 6 | 3.099214 | 1.5893510 | NA | ▇▆▂▂▂ | F1.0 | NA |
A8_A | Severe health problems may have many causes. How much do you agree or disagree with the following statements?People suffer from severe health problems… : because they behaved in ways that damaged their health. | numeric | 1. Strongly agree, 2. Agree, 3. Neither agree nor disagree, 4. Disagree, 5. Strongly Disagree, 6. Cant choose |
32 | 0.9698113 | NA | NA | 1 | 3 | 6 | 2.897860 | 1.1809405 | NA | ▇▅▃▂▁ | F1.0 | NA |
A8_B | Severe health problems may have many causes. How much do you agree or disagree with the following statements?People suffer from severe health problems… : because of the environment they are exposed to at work or where they live. | numeric | 1. Strongly agree, 2. Agree, 3. Neither agree nor disagree, 4. Disagree, 5. Strongly Disagree, 6. Cant choose |
40 | 0.9622642 | NA | NA | 1 | 2 | 6 | 2.507843 | 0.9980045 | NA | ▇▃▁▁▁ | F1.0 | NA |
A8_C | Severe health problems may have many causes. How much do you agree or disagree with the following statements?People suffer from severe health problems… : because of their genes. | numeric | 1. Strongly agree, 2. Agree, 3. Neither agree nor disagree, 4. Disagree, 5. Strongly Disagree, 6. Cant choose |
39 | 0.9632075 | NA | NA | 1 | 2 | 6 | 2.409403 | 0.9974820 | NA | ▇▃▁▁▁ | F1.0 | NA |
A8_D | Severe health problems may have many causes. How much do you agree or disagree with the following statements?People suffer from severe health problems… : because they are poor. | numeric | 1. Strongly agree, 2. Agree, 3. Neither agree nor disagree, 4. Disagree, 5. Strongly Disagree, 6. Cant choose |
37 | 0.9650943 | NA | NA | 1 | 3 | 6 | 2.787879 | 1.1582131 | NA | ▇▃▃▁▁ | F1.0 | NA |
A9 | To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statement: Alternative medicine provides better solutions for health problems than Western conventional medicine? : | numeric | 1. Strongly agree, 2. Agree, 3. Neither agree nor disagree, 4. Disagree, 5. Strongly disagree, 6. Cant choose |
42 | 0.9603774 | NA | NA | 1 | 4 | 6 | 3.563851 | 1.0990072 | NA | ▃▇▇▃▁ | F1.0 | NA |
A10_A | How much do you agree or disagree with the following statements about doctors in general in Australia? : All things considered, doctors can be trusted. | numeric | 1. Strongly agree, 2. Agree, 3. Neither agree nor disagree, 4. Disagree, 5. Strongly Disagree, 6. Cant choose |
42 | 0.9603774 | NA | NA | 1 | 2 | 6 | 2.120825 | 0.8020000 | NA | ▇▁▁▁▁ | F1.0 | NA |
A10_B | How much do you agree or disagree with the following statements about doctors in general in Australia? : The medical skills of doctors are not as good as they should be. | numeric | 1. Strongly agree, 2. Agree, 3. Neither agree nor disagree, 4. Disagree, 5. Strongly Disagree, 6. Cant choose |
54 | 0.9490566 | NA | NA | 1 | 3 | 6 | 3.289264 | 1.1156169 | NA | ▆▅▇▂▁ | F1.0 | NA |
A10_C | How much do you agree or disagree with the following statements about doctors in general in Australia? : Doctors care more about their earnings than about their patients. | numeric | 1. Strongly agree, 2. Agree, 3. Neither agree nor disagree, 4. Disagree, 5. Strongly Disagree, 6. Cant choose |
59 | 0.9443396 | NA | NA | 1 | 4 | 6 | 3.434565 | 1.0908547 | NA | ▃▆▇▂▁ | F1.0 | NA |
A11 | During the past 12 months, how often, if at all, did you use the internet on any device (such as computers, tablets and smartphones) to look for health or medical information for yourself or someone else? : | numeric | 1. Several times a day, 2. Once a day, 3. Several times a week, 4. Several times a month, 5. Several times a year, 6. Never or almost never, 14. I do not have access to the internet, 15. Cant choose |
43 | 0.9594340 | NA | NA | 1 | 5 | 15 | 5.120944 | 2.3648767 | NA | ▂▇▁▁▁ | F2.0 | NA |
A12_A | During the past 12 months, how often, if at all, have you used the internet to look for information on the following topics? : Information on healthy lifestyle? | numeric | 1. Never, 2. Seldom, 3. Sometimes, 4. Often, 5. Very often, 6. Cant choose |
81 | 0.9235849 | NA | NA | 1 | 3 | 6 | 2.598570 | 1.1719445 | NA | ▇▆▃▁▁ | F1.0 | NA |
A12_B | During the past 12 months, how often, if at all, have you used the internet to look for information on the following topics? : Information related to anxiety, stress, or similar problems? | numeric | 1. Never, 2. Seldom, 3. Sometimes, 4. Often, 5. Very often, 6. Cant choose |
89 | 0.9160377 | NA | NA | 1 | 2 | 6 | 2.193615 | 1.2097543 | NA | ▇▃▂▁▁ | F1.0 | NA |
A12_C | During the past 12 months, how often, if at all, have you used the internet to look for information on the following topics? : Information on vaccinations? | numeric | 1. Never, 2. Seldom, 3. Sometimes, 4. Often, 5. Very often, 6. Cant choose |
88 | 0.9169811 | NA | NA | 1 | 3 | 6 | 2.620370 | 1.2105427 | NA | ▇▆▃▁▁ | F1.0 | NA |
A13_A | To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements? During the past 12 months, information on the internet… : affected my health behaviour in a positive way. | numeric | 1. Strongly agree, 2. Agree, 3. Neither agree nor disagree, 4. Disagree, 5. Strongly disagree, 6. Cant choose |
98 | 0.9075472 | NA | NA | 1 | 3 | 6 | 3.125780 | 1.0995130 | NA | ▆▇▃▂▁ | F1.0 | NA |
A13_B | To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements? During the past 12 months, information on the internet… : helped me understand what a doctor tried to explain to me. | numeric | 1. Strongly agree, 2. Agree, 3. Neither agree nor disagree, 4. Disagree, 5. Strongly disagree, 6. Cant choose |
94 | 0.9113208 | NA | NA | 1 | 3 | 6 | 3.043478 | 1.1819778 | NA | ▇▆▃▂▁ | F1.0 | NA |
A14_A | To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements? : The internet is useful to help people decide if their symptoms are serious enough to go to the doctor. | numeric | 1. Strongly agree, 2. Agree, 3. Neither agree nor disagree, 4. Disagree, 5. Strongly disagree, 6. Cant choose |
56 | 0.9471698 | NA | NA | 1 | 3 | 6 | 3.072709 | 1.1548555 | NA | ▇▅▅▂▁ | F1.0 | NA |
A14_B | To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements? : The internet is useful to check that the doctor is giving people appropriate advice. | numeric | 1. Strongly agree, 2. Agree, 3. Neither agree nor disagree, 4. Disagree, 5. Strongly disagree, 6. Cant choose |
60 | 0.9433962 | NA | NA | 1 | 3 | 6 | 3.268000 | 1.1275848 | NA | ▇▇▇▃▁ | F1.0 | NA |
A14_C | To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements? : It is not easy to distinguish between reliable and unreliable health information on the internet. | numeric | 1. Strongly agree, 2. Agree, 3. Neither agree nor disagree, 4. Disagree, 5. Strongly disagree, 6. Cant choose |
60 | 0.9433962 | NA | NA | 1 | 2 | 6 | 2.383000 | 1.2238500 | NA | ▇▂▁▁▁ | F1.0 | NA |
A15_A | How much do you agree or disagree with the following statements about vaccinations? : Overall, vaccinations do more harm than good. | numeric | 1. Strongly agree, 2. Agree, 3. Neither agree nor disagree, 4. Disagree, 5. Strongly disagree, 6. Cant choose |
46 | 0.9566038 | NA | NA | 1 | 5 | 6 | 4.262327 | 1.1923667 | NA | ▂▁▃▇▁ | F1.0 | NA |
A15_B | How much do you agree or disagree with the following statements about vaccinations? : It is better to develop immunity by getting ill than having a vaccination. | numeric | 1. Strongly agree, 2. Agree, 3. Neither agree nor disagree, 4. Disagree, 5. Strongly disagree, 6. Cant choose |
47 | 0.9556604 | NA | NA | 1 | 5 | 6 | 4.304047 | 1.0303466 | NA | ▁▂▃▇▁ | F1.0 | NA |
A16_A | During the past 4 weeks how often… : have you had difficulties with work or household activities because of health problems? | numeric | 1. Never, 2. Seldom, 3. Sometimes, 4. Often, 5. Very often, 6. Cant choose |
47 | 0.9556604 | NA | NA | 1 | 2 | 5 | 2.187562 | 1.2045546 | NA | ▇▅▅▂▁ | F1.0 | NA |
A16_B | During the past 4 weeks how often… : have you had bodily aches or pains? | numeric | 1. Never, 2. Seldom, 3. Sometimes, 4. Often, 5. Very often, 6. Cant choose |
47 | 0.9556604 | NA | NA | 1 | 3 | 6 | 3.155972 | 1.1581283 | NA | ▆▇▅▃▁ | F1.0 | NA |
A16_C | During the past 4 weeks how often… : have you felt unhappy and depressed? | numeric | 1. Never, 2. Seldom, 3. Sometimes, 4. Often, 5. Very often, 6. Cant choose |
44 | 0.9584906 | NA | NA | 1 | 2 | 6 | 2.375000 | 1.1124574 | NA | ▇▅▁▁▁ | F1.0 | NA |
A16_D | During the past 4 weeks how often… : have you lost confidence in yourself? | numeric | 1. Never, 2. Seldom, 3. Sometimes, 4. Often, 5. Very often, 6. Cant choose |
44 | 0.9584906 | NA | NA | 1 | 2 | 6 | 2.191929 | 1.1851187 | NA | ▇▃▁▁▁ | F1.0 | NA |
A16_E | During the past 4 weeks how often… : have you felt you could not overcome your problems? | numeric | 1. Never, 2. Seldom, 3. Sometimes, 4. Often, 5. Very often, 6. Cant choose |
51 | 0.9518868 | NA | NA | 1 | 2 | 6 | 1.974232 | 1.1689306 | NA | ▇▂▁▁▁ | F1.0 | NA |
A17_A | During the past 12 months, how often did you visit or were visited by… : a doctor? | numeric | 1. Never, 2. Seldom, 3. Sometimes, 4. Often, 5. Very often, 6. Cant choose |
46 | 0.9566038 | NA | NA | 1 | 3 | 5 | 2.849112 | 0.9351712 | NA | ▁▅▇▃▁ | F1.0 | NA |
A17_B | During the past 12 months, how often did you visit or were visited by… : an alternative health care practitioner? | numeric | 1. Never, 2. Seldom, 3. Sometimes, 4. Often, 5. Very often, 6. Cant choose |
56 | 0.9471698 | NA | NA | 1 | 1 | 6 | 1.638446 | 1.0298419 | NA | ▇▁▁▁▁ | F1.0 | NA |
A18_A | During the past 12 months did it ever happen that you did not get the medical treatment you needed because… : you could not pay for it? | numeric | 1. Yes, 2. No, 9. Did not need medical treatment |
37 | 0.9650943 | NA | NA | 1 | 2 | 9 | 2.830890 | 2.4462408 | NA | ▇▁▁▁▁ | F1.0 | NA |
A18_B | During the past 12 months did it ever happen that you did not get the medical treatment you needed because… : you could not take the time off work or had other commitments? | numeric | 1. Yes, 2. No, 9. Did not need medical treatment |
47 | 0.9556604 | NA | NA | 1 | 2 | 9 | 2.851925 | 2.4498505 | NA | ▇▁▁▁▁ | F1.0 | NA |
A18_C | During the past 12 months did it ever happen that you did not get the medical treatment you needed because… : the waiting list was too long? | numeric | 1. Yes, 2. No, 9. Did not need medical treatment |
42 | 0.9603774 | NA | NA | 1 | 2 | 9 | 2.914538 | 2.6042785 | NA | ▇▁▁▁▂ | F1.0 | NA |
A19 | How likely is it that if you become seriously ill, you would get or not get the best treatment available in Australia : | numeric | 1. Its certain I would get, 2. Its likely I would get, 3. Equal chance of getting or not getting, 4. Its likely I would not get, 5. Its certain I would not get, 6. Cant choose |
30 | 0.9716981 | NA | NA | 1 | 2 | 6 | 2.102913 | 1.0106773 | NA | ▇▂▁▁▁ | F1.0 | NA |
A20 | In general, how satisfied or dissatisfied are you with the health care system in Australia? : | numeric | 1. Completely satisfied, 2. Very satisfied, 3. Fairly satisfied, 4. Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied, 5. Fairly dissatisfied, 6. Very dissatisfied, 7. Completely dissatisfied, 8. Can’t choose |
26 | 0.9754717 | NA | NA | 1 | 3 | 7 | 2.870406 | 1.1710589 | NA | ▇▇▁▁▁ | F1.0 | NA |
A21_A | How satisfied or dissatisfied were you with the treatment you received.. : when you last visited a doctor? | numeric | 1. Completely satisfied, 2. Very satisfied, 3. Fairly satisfied, 4. Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied, 5. Fairly dissatisfied, 6. Very dissatisfied, 7. Completely dissatisfied, 9. Does not apply, 10. Cant choose |
29 | 0.9726415 | NA | NA | 1 | 2 | 10 | 2.358875 | 1.3172553 | NA | ▇▃▁▁▁ | F1.0 | NA |
A21_B | How satisfied or dissatisfied were you with the treatment you received.. : when you last visited an alternative health care practitioner? | numeric | 1. Completely satisfied, 2. Very satisfied, 3. Fairly satisfied, 4. Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied, 5. Fairly dissatisfied, 6. Very dissatisfied, 7. Completely dissatisfied, 9. Does not apply, 10. Cant choose |
48 | 0.9547170 | NA | NA | 1 | 9 | 10 | 6.274704 | 3.3428596 | NA | ▃▂▁▁▇ | F1.0 | NA |
A22 | Do you smoke cigarettes, and if so about how many cigarettes a day? : | numeric | 1. Do not smoke and never did, 2. Do not smoke now but smoked in the past, 3. Smoke 1-5 cigarettes per day, 4. Smoke 6-10 cigarettes per day, 5. Smoke 11-20 cigarettes per day, 6. Smoke 21-40 cigarettes per day, 7. Smoke more than 40 cigarettes per day, 8. Can’t choose |
34 | 0.9679245 | NA | NA | 1 | 1 | 8 | 1.615984 | 0.9988764 | NA | ▇▁▁▁▁ | F1.0 | NA |
A23_A | How often do you.. : drink 4 or more alcoholic drinks on the same day? | numeric | 1. Never, 2. Once a month or less often, 3. Several times a month, 4. Several times a week, 5. Daily, 6. Cant choose |
30 | 0.9716981 | NA | NA | 1 | 1 | 6 | 1.886408 | 1.1712916 | NA | ▇▁▁▁▁ | F1.0 | NA |
A23_B | How often do you.. : do physical activity for at least 20 minutes that makes you sweat or breathe more heavily than usual? | numeric | 1. Never, 2. Once a month or less often, 3. Several times a month, 4. Several times a week, 5. Daily, 6. Cant choose |
36 | 0.9660377 | NA | NA | 1 | 4 | 6 | 3.470703 | 1.2758073 | NA | ▅▃▇▃▁ | F1.0 | NA |
A23_C | How often do you.. : eat fresh fruit or vegetables? | numeric | 1. Never, 2. Once a month or less often, 3. Several times a month, 4. Several times a week, 5. Daily, 6. Cant choose |
39 | 0.9632075 | NA | NA | 1 | 5 | 6 | 4.607248 | 0.7053760 | NA | ▁▁▂▇▁ | F1.0 | NA |
A24 | In general, would you say your health is .. : | numeric | 1. Excellent, 2. Very good, 3. Good, 4. Fair, 5. Poor, 6. Cant choose |
28 | 0.9735849 | NA | NA | 1 | 3 | 6 | 2.842054 | 0.9442536 | NA | ▇▇▃▁▁ | F1.0 | NA |
A25 | Do you have a long-standing illness, a chronic condition, or a disability? : | numeric | 1. Yes, 2. No |
33 | 0.9688679 | NA | NA | 1 | 2 | 2 | 1.570594 | 0.4952326 | NA | ▆▁▁▁▇ | F1.0 | NA |
A26_A | What is your… : height: cm | numeric | NA | 138 | 0.8698113 | NA | NA | 1 | 168 | 197 | 166.377115 | 20.7441623 | NA | ▁▁▁▂▇ | F3.0 | NA |
A26_B | What is your… : weight: kg | numeric | NA | 114 | 0.8924528 | NA | NA | 8 | 78 | 174 | 79.679704 | 18.8740731 | NA | ▁▆▇▁▁ | F3.0 | NA |
A27_A | Do you think the Australian government should or should not have the right to do the following at times of severe epidemics? : Shut down businesses and places of employment | numeric | 1. Definitely should have the right, 2. Probably should have the right, 3. Probably should not have the right, 4. Definitely should not have the right, 5. Cant choose |
33 | 0.9688679 | NA | NA | 1 | 2 | 5 | 1.814995 | 1.0507813 | NA | ▇▅▁▁▁ | F1.0 | NA |
A27_B | Do you think the Australian government should or should not have the right to do the following at times of severe epidemics? : Demand that people stay at home | numeric | 1. Definitely should have the right, 2. Probably should have the right, 3. Probably should not have the right, 4. Definitely should not have the right, 5. Cant choose |
39 | 0.9632075 | NA | NA | 1 | 1 | 5 | 1.680705 | 0.9791502 | NA | ▇▅▁▁▁ | F1.0 | NA |
A27_C | Do you think the Australian government should or should not have the right to do the following at times of severe epidemics? : Use digital (mobile phone) surveillance to track infected people | numeric | 1. Definitely should have the right, 2. Probably should have the right, 3. Probably should not have the right, 4. Definitely should not have the right, 5. Cant choose |
38 | 0.9641509 | NA | NA | 1 | 2 | 5 | 1.896282 | 1.0980375 | NA | ▇▅▂▂▁ | F1.0 | NA |
A27_D | Do you think the Australian government should or should not have the right to do the following at times of severe epidemics? : Require people to wear face masks | numeric | 1. Definitely should have the right, 2. Probably should have the right, 3. Probably should not have the right, 4. Definitely should not have the right, 5. Cant choose |
37 | 0.9650943 | NA | NA | 1 | 1 | 5 | 1.497556 | 0.8745946 | NA | ▇▃▁▁▁ | F1.0 | NA |
A27_E | Do you think the Australian government should or should not have the right to do the following at times of severe epidemics? : Ban public gatherings | numeric | 1. Definitely should have the right, 2. Probably should have the right, 3. Probably should not have the right, 4. Definitely should not have the right, 5. Cant choose |
36 | 0.9660377 | NA | NA | 1 | 1 | 5 | 1.544922 | 0.9232172 | NA | ▇▃▁▁▁ | F1.0 | NA |
A28 | What kind of health insurance do you have? : | numeric | 1. Have no health insurance, 2. Medicare only (A), 3. Private insurance only (B), 4. Employer/union based insurance only (C), 5. Medicare and private/complementary insurance (A+B), 6. Medicare and employer/union based insurance (A+C), 7. Employer/union based and private/complementary insurance (B+C), 8. Employer/union based, private/complementary and Medicare (A+B+C), 9. Other (specify) |
63 | 0.9405660 | NA | NA | 1 | 5 | 9 | 3.644935 | 1.6767687 | NA | ▆▂▇▁▁ | F1.0 | NA |
A28other | Other (specify) | character | NA | 0 | 1.0000000 | 30 | 1026 | 0 | NA | 44 | NA | NA | 0 | NA | A1024 | 32 |
A29_A | Do you think the Australian government should or should not have the right to do the following at times of severe epidemics? : Place people known to carry the disease in isolation | numeric | 1. Definitely should have the right, 2. Probably should have the right, 3. Probably should not have the right, 4. Definitely should not have the right, 5. Cant choose |
27 | 0.9745283 | NA | NA | 1 | 1 | 5 | 1.393030 | 0.7889927 | NA | ▇▂▁▁▁ | F1.0 | NA |
A29_B | Do you think the Australian government should or should not have the right to do the following at times of severe epidemics? : Suspend compulsory education and close schools and kindergartens | numeric | 1. Definitely should have the right, 2. Probably should have the right, 3. Probably should not have the right, 4. Definitely should not have the right, 5. Cant choose |
30 | 0.9716981 | NA | NA | 1 | 1 | 5 | 1.685437 | 0.9649250 | NA | ▇▅▁▁▁ | F1.0 | NA |
A29_C | Do you think the Australian government should or should not have the right to do the following at times of severe epidemics? : Close borders to other countries | numeric | 1. Definitely should have the right, 2. Probably should have the right, 3. Probably should not have the right, 4. Definitely should not have the right, 5. Cant choose |
32 | 0.9698113 | NA | NA | 1 | 1 | 5 | 1.357977 | 0.7451659 | NA | ▇▂▁▁▁ | F1.0 | NA |
A30_A | Did the way the Covid-19 pandemic was handled in Australia increase or decrease your confidence in… : the health care system? | numeric | 1. Increased it a lot, 2. Increased it a little, 3. Neither increased it nor decreased it, 4. Decreased it a little, 5. Decreased it a lot, 6. Cant choose |
37 | 0.9650943 | NA | NA | 1 | 3 | 6 | 2.559140 | 1.1928407 | NA | ▇▅▂▁▁ | F1.0 | NA |
A30_B | Did the way the Covid-19 pandemic was handled in Australia increase or decrease your confidence in… : the federal government? | numeric | 1. Increased it a lot, 2. Increased it a little, 3. Neither increased it nor decreased it, 4. Decreased it a little, 5. Decreased it a lot, 6. Cant choose |
31 | 0.9707547 | NA | NA | 1 | 3 | 6 | 3.177843 | 1.4503638 | NA | ▇▅▃▆▁ | F1.0 | NA |
A31 | Considering your work activity before the Covid-19 pandemic and at present, which of the following statements best describes your paid employment situation… : | numeric | 1. I did not have a job before the pandemic and I do not have a job now, 2. I have the same job as before the pandemic, 3. I lost my job due to the pandemic and now have a new job, 4. I lost my job due to the pandemic and could not find a new job, 5. I did not have a job before the pandemic and I do have a job now, 6. I changed or left my job for reasons unrelated to the pandemic, 7. Cant choose |
48 | 0.9547170 | NA | NA | 1 | 2 | 7 | 2.314229 | 1.7168724 | NA | ▇▁▁▁▁ | F1.0 | NA |
A32 | Thinking about the income of your household before the Covid-19 pandemic compared with now, would you say it has increased, decreased or stayed about the same? : | numeric | 1. Increased a lot, 2. Increased a little, 3. Stayed about the same, 4. Decreased a little, 5. Decreased a lot, 6. Cant choose |
35 | 0.9669811 | NA | NA | 1 | 3 | 6 | 3.241951 | 0.9227994 | NA | ▂▇▁▁▁ | F1.0 | NA |
A33 | Thinking about how often you met with your extended family and friends in person before the Covid-19 pandemic, would you say you now meet them in person more often, less often, or about the same : | numeric | 1. Much less often, 2. A little less often, 3. About the same, 4. A little more often, 5. Much more often, 6. Cant choose |
23 | 0.9783019 | NA | NA | 1 | 2 | 6 | 2.098361 | 1.0544845 | NA | ▇▅▁▁▁ | F1.0 | NA |
A34_A | There are different opinions about people that have certain health conditions. How much do you agree or disagree with the following statements? : Most people become very overweight because they are lazy. | numeric | 1. Strongly agree, 2. Agree, 3. Neither agree nor disagree, 4. Disagree, 5. Strongly disagree, 6. Cant choose |
23 | 0.9783019 | NA | NA | 1 | 3 | 6 | 3.187078 | 1.1894431 | NA | ▇▆▇▃▁ | F1.0 | NA |
A34_B | There are different opinions about people that have certain health conditions. How much do you agree or disagree with the following statements? : Most people who tested positive for Covid-19 contracted the virus because they were careless. | numeric | 1. Strongly agree, 2. Agree, 3. Neither agree nor disagree, 4. Disagree, 5. Strongly disagree, 6. Cant choose |
26 | 0.9754717 | NA | NA | 1 | 4 | 6 | 3.715667 | 1.1262967 | NA | ▃▃▇▅▁ | F1.0 | NA |
H1 | Do you think the number of immigrants allowed into Australia should be reduced or increased? : | numeric | 1. Increased a lot, 2. Increased a little, 3. Remain about the same as it is, 4. Decrease a little, 5. Decrease a lot |
49 | 0.9537736 | NA | NA | 1 | 3 | 5 | 3.095945 | 1.2030051 | NA | ▂▅▇▃▃ | F1.0 | NA |
H2 | Which of the following statements do you personally believe? : | numeric | 1. Climate change is happening now, and is caused mainly by human activities, 2. Climate change is happening now, but is caused mainly by natural forces, 3. Climate change is not happening now, 4. I don’t know whether climate change is happening or not |
38 | 0.9641509 | NA | NA | 1 | 1 | 4 | 1.485323 | 0.8903002 | NA | ▇▂▁▁▁ | F1.0 | NA |
H3 | How much do you feel that you understand about climate change - would you say a great deal, a moderate amount, only a little, or nothing at all? : | numeric | 1. A great deal, 2. A moderate amount, 3. Only a little, 4. Nothing at all |
30 | 0.9716981 | NA | NA | 1 | 2 | 4 | 2.082524 | 0.7108663 | NA | ▃▇▁▃▁ | F1.0 | NA |
H4 | Should the federal government do more or less than it is doing now to address the impact of climate change? : | numeric | 1. Should do much more, 2. Should do more, 3. About the same, 4. Should do less, 5. Should do much less |
34 | 0.9679245 | NA | NA | 1 | 2 | 5 | 1.874269 | 0.9841578 | NA | ▇▅▃▁▁ | F1.0 | NA |
H5_A | In politics people sometimes talk of left and right. Where would you place yourself on a scale from 0 to 10 where 0 means the left and 10 means the right? : | numeric | 1. Left 0, 2. 1, 3. 2, 4. 3, 5. 4, 6. 5, 7. 6, 8. 7, 9. 8, 10. 9, 11. Right 10, 12. Cant choose |
61 | 0.9424528 | NA | NA | 1 | 6 | 12 | 7.206206 | 3.1609341 | NA | ▃▅▇▅▇ | F2.0 | NA |
H6 | On the whole, are you very satisfied, fairly satisfied, not very satisfied or not at all satisfied with the way democracy works in Australia? : | numeric | 1. Very satisfied, 2. Fairly satisfied, 3. Not very satisfied, 4. Not at all satisfied |
45 | 0.9575472 | NA | NA | 1 | 2 | 4 | 2.252217 | 0.7157240 | NA | ▂▇▁▃▁ | F1.0 | NA |
H7 | Would you say the government is run by a few big interests looking out for themselves, or that it is run for the benefit of all the people? : | numeric | 1. Entirely run for the big interests, 2. Mostly run for the big interests, 3. About half and half, 4. Mostly run for the benefit of all, 5. Entirely run for the benefit of all |
33 | 0.9688679 | NA | NA | 1 | 3 | 5 | 2.634859 | 0.9551706 | NA | ▂▇▇▃▁ | F1.0 | NA |
H8 | In your opinion, about how many politicians in Australia are involved in corruption? : | numeric | 1. Almost none, 2. A few, 3. Some, 4. Quite a lot, 5. Almost all, 6. Cant choose |
34 | 0.9679245 | NA | NA | 1 | 3 | 6 | 3.264133 | 1.2167209 | NA | ▆▇▅▁▂ | F1.0 | NA |
H9 | Some people think that the Federal government should reduce taxes a lot and spend much less on social services. Others think that the Federal government should increase taxes a lot and spend much more on social services, and others have opinions some | numeric | 1. Strongly favour reducing taxes, 2. Mildly favour reducing taxes, 3. It depends, 4. Mildly favour spending more on social services, 5. Strongly favour spending more on social services |
43 | 0.9594340 | NA | NA | 1 | 3 | 5 | 3.303835 | 1.1043557 | NA | ▂▂▇▃▃ | F1.0 | NA |
H10 | Please say whether you think equal opportunities for women have gone too far, not gone far enough, or is about right? : | numeric | 1. Gone much too far, 2. Gone too far, 3. About right, 4. Not gone far enough, 5. Not gone nearly far enough |
42 | 0.9603774 | NA | NA | 1 | 4 | 5 | 3.448919 | 0.9954883 | NA | ▁▂▇▇▃ | F1.0 | NA |
H11 | Generally speaking, would you say that most people can be trusted, or that you cant be too careful in dealing with people?Please cross one box to show what you think, where 1 means you cant be too careful and 5 means most people can be trusted. : | numeric | 1. You cant be too careful 1, 2. 2, 3. 3, 4. 4, 5. Most people can be trusted 5, 6. Cant choose |
31 | 0.9707547 | NA | NA | 1 | 3 | 6 | 3.209913 | 1.2679294 | NA | ▇▇▇▃▁ | F2.0 | NA |
I1 | Are you … : | numeric | 1. Male, 2. Female |
39 | 0.9632075 | NA | NA | 1 | 2 | 2 | 1.557297 | 0.4969497 | NA | ▆▁▁▁▇ | F1.0 | NA |
I2 | When were you born? | numeric | NA | 77 | 0.9273585 | NA | NA | 198 | 1960 | 3000 | 1960.966429 | 74.2279605 | NA | ▁▁▁▇▁ | F4.0 | NA |
I3 | Are you currently in school or studying in higher education? : | numeric | 1. I am still at school, 2. I am still at college/university/in vocational training, 3. No I am not currently in school, college, university or in vocational training |
60 | 0.9433962 | NA | NA | 1 | 3 | 3 | 2.931000 | 0.2689076 | NA | ▁▁▁▁▇ | F1.0 | NA |
I5 | What is the highest year of schooling you have completed? : | numeric | 1. Year 12 or equivalent, 2. Year 11 or equivalent, 3. Year 10 or equivalent, 4. Completed primary school, 5. Completed pre-primary school, 6. Did not go to school |
61 | 0.9424528 | NA | NA | 1 | 1 | 6 | 1.688689 | 0.9643870 | NA | ▇▃▁▁▁ | F1.0 | NA |
I7 | Are you currently working for pay, did you work for pay in the past, or have you never been in paid work? : | numeric | 1. I am currently in paid work, 2. I am currently not in paid work but I had paid work in the past, 3. I have never had paid work |
52 | 0.9509434 | NA | NA | 1 | 1 | 3 | 1.502976 | 0.5810574 | NA | ▇▁▆▁▁ | F1.0 | NA |
I9 | Which of the following best describes your current paid employment status? : | numeric | 1. Permanent employment, 2. Fixed term employment (i.e. a contract job for at least 6 months), 3. Casual employment, 4. Other employment (i.e. short term contracts under 6 months, Gig jobs) |
515 | 0.5141509 | NA | NA | 1 | 1 | 4 | 1.486239 | 0.8725246 | NA | ▇▁▁▂▁ | F1.0 | NA |
I10_A | Over the next year or so, how worried are you that you… : could lose your job? | numeric | 1. Very worried, 2. Worried, 3. Not very worried, 4. Not at all worried |
516 | 0.5132075 | NA | NA | 1 | 3 | 4 | 3.227941 | 0.8274028 | NA | ▁▂▁▇▇ | F1.0 | NA |
I10_B | Over the next year or so, how worried are you that you… : wont get enough regular work hours in your current job/s to make ends meet? | numeric | 1. Very worried, 2. Worried, 3. Not very worried, 4. Not at all worried |
530 | 0.5000000 | NA | NA | 1 | 4 | 4 | 3.294340 | 0.8696555 | NA | ▁▂▁▅▇ | F1.0 | NA |
I15ANZSCO1 | Code for group: ANZSCO2013v1.2 Level: 0 | numeric | 0. Operational codes (Aus), 1. Managers, 2. Professionals, 3. Technicians and Trades Workers, 4. Community and Personal Service Workers, 5. Clerical and Administrative Workers, 6. Sales Workers, 7. Machinery Operators and Drivers, 8. Labourers, 9. Operational codes (NZ) |
0 | 1.0000000 | NA | NA | 0 | 2 | 8 | 2.791509 | 2.2766466 | NA | ▇▇▂▅▂ | F2.0 | NA |
I17ANZSIC1 | Code for group: ANZSIC Level: 0 | numeric | 1. Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing, 2. Mining, 3. Manufacturing, 4. Electricity, Gas, Water and Waste Services, 5. Construction, 6. Wholesale Trade, 7. Retail Trade, 8. Accommodation and Food Services, 9. Transport, Postal and Warehousing, 10. Information Media and Telecommunications, 11. Financial and Insurance Services, 12. Rental, Hiring and Real Estate Services, 13. Professional, Scientific and Technical Services, 14. Administrative and Support Services, 15. Public Administration and Safety, 16. Education and Training, 17. Health Care and Social Assistance, 18. Arts and Recreation Services, 19. Other Services, 20. Blank, 21. Not codeable |
0 | 1.0000000 | NA | NA | 1 | 16 | 21 | 13.512264 | 5.8073283 | NA | ▃▃▃▇▆ | F2.0 | NA |
I18 | Which of the following best describes your current situation? : | numeric | 1. In paid work (as an employee, self-employed, or working for your own family’s business), 2. Unemployed and looking for a job, 3. In education (not paid for by employer), in school/student/pupil even if on vacation, 4. Apprentice or trainee, 5. Permanently sick or disabled, 6. Retired, 7. Doing housework, looking after the home, children or other persons, 9. Other |
67 | 0.9367925 | NA | NA | 1 | 1 | 9 | 3.408862 | 2.6065987 | NA | ▇▁▁▆▁ | F1.0 | NA |
I19 | Do you have a spouse or a partner and, if yes, do you share the same household? : | numeric | 1. Yes, I have a spouse/partner and we share the same household, 2. Yes, I have a spouse/partner but we don’t share the same household, 3. No, I don’t have a spouse/partner |
26 | 0.9754717 | NA | NA | 1 | 1 | 3 | 1.629594 | 0.9151486 | NA | ▇▁▁▁▃ | F1.0 | NA |
I20 | Is your spouse/partner currently working for pay, did he/she work for pay in the past, or has he/she never been paid work? : | numeric | 1. He/she is currently in paid work, 2. He/she is currently not in paid work but he/she had paid work in the past, 3. He/she has never had paid work |
362 | 0.6584906 | NA | NA | 1 | 1 | 3 | 1.458453 | 0.5400663 | NA | ▇▁▆▁▁ | F1.0 | NA |
I28 | Are you or have you ever been a member of a trade union or similar organisation? If yes: is that currently or only previously? : | numeric | 1. Yes, currently, 2. Yes, previously but not currently, 3. No, never |
44 | 0.9584906 | NA | NA | 1 | 3 | 3 | 2.386811 | 0.6983325 | NA | ▂▁▆▁▇ | F1.0 | NA |
I29 | Do you belong to a religion and, if yes, which religion do you belong to? : | numeric | 1. No religion, 2. Catholic, 3. Other Protestant, 4. Anglican/Church of England, 5. Uniting Church/Methodist, 6. Pentecostal, 7. Orthodox, 8. Other Christian, 9. Jewish, 10. Islamic, 11. Buddhist, 12. Hindu, 13. Other Asian religions, 14. Other religions - Please specify |
47 | 0.9556604 | NA | NA | 1 | 2 | 14 | 3.187562 | 3.2131713 | NA | ▇▃▁▁▁ | F2.0 | NA |
I31 | In our society there are groups which tend to be towards the top and groups which tend to be towards the bottom.Below is a scale which runs from top to bottom.Where would you put yourself on this scale? : | numeric | 1. Bottom 1, 2. 2, 3. 3, 4. 4, 5. 5, 6. 6, 7. 7, 8. 8, 9. 9, 10. Top 10 |
130 | 0.8773585 | NA | NA | 1 | 6 | 10 | 6.032258 | 1.7653013 | NA | ▁▂▇▆▁ | F2.0 | NA |
I32 | Do you usually think of yourself as close to any particular political party and, if yes, which party is that? : | numeric | 1. Labor Party (ALP), 2. Liberal Party, 3. National (Country) Party, 5. Greens, 8. No party affiliation, 9. Other party (please specify) |
63 | 0.9405660 | NA | NA | 1 | 5 | 9 | 4.944834 | 3.1210462 | NA | ▇▁▁▁▇ | F1.0 | NA |
I33 | Did you vote in Australias federal election in May 2019? : | numeric | 1. Yes, I did vote, 2. No, I did not vote, 3. I was not eligible to vote in the last election |
37 | 0.9650943 | NA | NA | 1 | 1 | 3 | 1.056696 | 0.2979244 | NA | ▇▁▁▁▁ | F1.0 | NA |
I34 | Thinking back to the last federal election in May 2019 - Which party did you vote for? : | numeric | 1. Labor Party (ALP), 2. Liberal Party, 3. National (Country) Party, 5. Greens, 6. Other party (please specify) |
176 | 0.8339623 | NA | NA | 1 | 2 | 6 | 2.250000 | 1.4859668 | NA | ▇▁▁▁▁ | F1.0 | NA |
I35 | If a federal election for the House of Representatives was to be held this weekend, which party would you vote for first in the House of Representatives? : | numeric | 1. Labor Party (ALP), 2. Liberal Party, 3. National (Country) Party, 5. Greens, 6. Other party (please specify) |
150 | 0.8584906 | NA | NA | 1 | 2 | 6 | 2.349451 | 1.6217969 | NA | ▇▁▁▂▁ | F1.0 | NA |
I36SACC1 | Code for group: SACC Level: 0 | numeric | 0. Error, 1. Oceania and Antarctica, 2. North-west Europe, 3. Southern and eastern Europe, 4. North Africa and the Middle East, 5. South-east Asia, 6. North-east Asia, 7. Southern and central Asia, 8. Americas, 9. Sub-Saharan Africa |
0 | 1.0000000 | NA | NA | 0 | 1 | 9 | 1.622642 | 1.7007071 | NA | ▇▂▁▁▁ | F1.0 | NA |
I37SACC1 | Code for group: SACC Level: 0 | numeric | 0. Error, 1. Oceania and Antarctica, 2. North-west Europe, 3. Southern and eastern Europe, 4. North Africa and the Middle East, 5. South-east Asia, 6. North-east Asia, 7. Southern and central Asia, 8. Americas, 9. Sub-Saharan Africa |
0 | 1.0000000 | NA | NA | 0 | 1 | 9 | 1.805660 | 1.8334748 | NA | ▇▂▁▁▁ | F1.0 | NA |
I38SACC1 | Code for group: SACC Level: 0 | numeric | 0. Error, 1. Oceania and Antarctica, 2. North-west Europe, 3. Southern and eastern Europe, 4. North Africa and the Middle East, 5. South-east Asia, 6. North-east Asia, 7. Southern and central Asia, 8. Americas, 9. Sub-Saharan Africa |
0 | 1.0000000 | NA | NA | 0 | 1 | 9 | 1.741509 | 1.7586086 | NA | ▇▂▁▁▁ | F1.0 | NA |
I40 | Do you identify yourself as Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander? : | numeric | 1. Yes, 2. No |
48 | 0.9547170 | NA | NA | 1 | 2 | 2 | 1.965415 | 0.1828165 | NA | ▁▁▁▁▇ | F1.0 | NA |
I42 | Is there at least one telephone inside your home that is currently working and is not a mobile phone? : | numeric | 1. Yes, 2. No, 3. Dont know |
46 | 0.9566038 | NA | NA | 1 | 2 | 3 | 1.547337 | 0.5078144 | NA | ▇▁▇▁▁ | F1.0 | NA |
I43 | How many people in your household, including yourself, have a currently working mobile phone? | numeric | NA | 80 | 0.9245283 | NA | NA | 1 | 2 | 7 | 2.261224 | 1.0459936 | NA | ▇▂▁▁▁ | F2.0 | NA |
I44 | In your home, do you have a computer (such as a PC, laptop or iPad) that is connected to the Internet? : | numeric | 1. Yes, 2. No, 3. Dont know |
63 | 0.9405660 | NA | NA | 1 | 1 | 3 | 1.077232 | 0.2708257 | NA | ▇▁▁▁▁ | F1.0 | NA |
I45 | Before taxes and other deductions, what on average is your own total WEEKLY income? : per week $ | numeric | NA | 354 | 0.6660377 | NA | NA | 41 | 1000 | 59000 | 1513.954377 | 3233.3556684 | NA | ▇▁▁▁▁ | F7.0 | NA |
I46 | Before taxes and other deductions, what on average is the total WEEKLY income of your household? : per week $ | numeric | NA | 366 | 0.6547170 | NA | NA | 80 | 1656 | 85000 | 2480.362810 | 4295.1676948 | NA | ▇▁▁▁▁ | F7.0 | NA |
I47 | How does the financial situation of your household now compare with what it was 12 months ago? : | numeric | 1. A lot better, 2. A little better, 3. About the same, 4. A little worse, 5. A lot worse |
77 | 0.9273585 | NA | NA | 1 | 3 | 5 | 3.051882 | 0.8505144 | NA | ▁▂▇▂▁ | F1.0 | NA |
I48 | Compared to now, what do you think the financial situation of your household will be in 12 months’ time? : | numeric | 1. A lot better, 2. A little better, 3. About the same, 4. A little worse, 5. A lot worse |
81 | 0.9235849 | NA | NA | 1 | 3 | 5 | 2.969356 | 0.7826602 | NA | ▁▂▇▂▁ | F1.0 | NA |
I49 | What is your current legal marital status? : | numeric | 1. Married, 2. Separated from my spouse but still legally married, 3. Divorced from spouse, 4. Widowed, 5. I have never been married |
64 | 0.9396226 | NA | NA | 1 | 1 | 5 | 2.259036 | 1.6766707 | NA | ▇▁▁▁▃ | F1.0 | NA |
I50 | Would you describe the place where you live as … : | numeric | 1. A big city, 2. The suburbs or outskirts of a big city, 3. A town or a small city, 4. A country village, 5. A farm or home in the country |
57 | 0.9462264 | NA | NA | 1 | 2 | 5 | 2.475573 | 1.1187709 | NA | ▃▇▅▂▂ | F1.0 | NA |
I51 | Do you own outright, are you buying or renting the dwelling in which you now live? : | numeric | 1. Own outright, 2. Own, paying off mortgage, 3. Rent from private landlord, 4. Rent from public housing authority, 5. Other (boarding, living at home, etc) |
65 | 0.9386792 | NA | NA | 1 | 2 | 5 | 1.867337 | 1.1252044 | NA | ▇▅▂▁▁ | F1.0 | NA |
I52 | What is your main source of daily news and information? : | numeric | 1. ABC news (TV, radio or website), 2. Social media (Facebook or Twitter), 3. Commercial TV (i.e. Channel 7 or 9 or a regional station), 4. Commercial radio (i.e. talkback radio or a music station), 5. Newspapers (including online) like the Daily Telegraph, Herald Sun, Courier Mail, The Advertiser, or The Mercury, 6. Newspapers (including online) like the Sydney Morning Herald, the Age, or the Guardian, 7. Other sources (i.e. local or regional newspapers, small publishers) |
104 | 0.9018868 | NA | NA | 1 | 2 | 7 | 2.542887 | 1.7327283 | NA | ▇▅▁▁▂ | F1.0 | NA |
JSON-LD metadata
The following JSON-LD can be found by search engines, if you share this codebook publicly on the web.
"name": "Australian Survey of Social Attitudes 2021 - Health and Healthcare",
"description": "The Australian Survey of Social Attitudes (AuSSA) is Australia's main source of data for the scientific study of the social attitudes, beliefs and opinions of Australians, how they change over time, and how they compare with other societies. The survey is used to help researchers better understand how Australians think and feel about their lives. It produces important information about the changing views and attitudes of Australians as we move through the 21st century. Similar surveys are run in other countries, so data from the AuSSA also allows us to compare Australia with countries all over the world. The aims of the survey are to discover: the range of Australians’ views on topics that are important to all of us; how these views differ for people in different circumstances; how they have changed over the past quarter century; and how they compare with people in other countries. AuSSA is also the Australian component of the International Social Survey Project (ISSP). The ISSP is a cross-national collaboration on surveys covering important topics. Each year, survey researchers in some 40 countries each do a national survey using the same questions. The ISSP focuses on a special topic each year, repeating that topic from time to time. The topic for the 2021 survey is 'Health and Healthcare'. This is the second time this has been the topic of the survey, having previously been the theme for the survey in 2011.\n\n\n## Table of variables\nThis table contains variable names, labels, and number of missing values.\nSee the complete codebook for more.\n\n[truncated]\n\n### Note\nThis dataset was automatically described using the [codebook R package]( (version",
"identifier": "",
"datePublished": "2022-05-10",
"creator": {
"@type": "Person",
"givenName": "Adam",
"familyName": "Zammit",
"email": "",
"affiliation": {
"@type": "Organization",
"name": "Australian Consortium for Social and Political Research Incorporated (ACSPRI)"
"citation": "ACSPRI (2022). AuSSA 2021 Codebook.",
"url": "",
"temporalCoverage": "2021",
"spatialCoverage": "Australia",
"keywords": ["A1", "A2", "A3", "A4_A", "A4_B", "A4_C", "A5", "A6_A", "A6_B", "A7_A", "A7_B", "A7_C", "A7_D", "A8_A", "A8_B", "A8_C", "A8_D", "A9", "A10_A", "A10_B", "A10_C", "A11", "A12_A", "A12_B", "A12_C", "A13_A", "A13_B", "A14_A", "A14_B", "A14_C", "A15_A", "A15_B", "A16_A", "A16_B", "A16_C", "A16_D", "A16_E", "A17_A", "A17_B", "A18_A", "A18_B", "A18_C", "A19", "A20", "A21_A", "A21_B", "A22", "A23_A", "A23_B", "A23_C", "A24", "A25", "A26_A", "A26_B", "A27_A", "A27_B", "A27_C", "A27_D", "A27_E", "A28", "A28other", "A29_A", "A29_B", "A29_C", "A30_A", "A30_B", "A31", "A32", "A33", "A34_A", "A34_B", "H1", "H2", "H3", "H4", "H5_A", "H6", "H7", "H8", "H9", "H10", "H11", "I1", "I2", "I3", "I5", "I7", "I9", "I10_A", "I10_B", "I15ANZSCO1", "I17ANZSIC1", "I18", "I19", "I20", "I28", "I29", "I31", "I32", "I33", "I34", "I35", "I36SACC1", "I37SACC1", "I38SACC1", "I40", "I42", "I43", "I44", "I45", "I46", "I47", "I48", "I49", "I50", "I51", "I52"],
"@context": "",
"@type": "Dataset",
"variableMeasured": [
"name": "A1",
"description": "If you were to consider your life in general these days, how happy or unhappy would you say you are, on the whole? :",
"value": "1. Completely happy,\n2. Very happy,\n3. Fairly happy,\n4. Neither happy nor unhappy,\n5. Fairly unhappy,\n6. Very unhappy,\n7. Completely unhappy,\n8. Can’t choose",
"maxValue": 8,
"minValue": 1,
"@type": "propertyValue"
"name": "A2",
"description": "In general, how much confidence do you have in the health care system in Australia? :",
"value": "1. Complete confidence,\n2. A great deal of confidence,\n3. Some confidence,\n4. Very little confidence,\n5. No confidence at all,\n6. Cant choose",
"maxValue": 6,
"minValue": 1,
"@type": "propertyValue"
"name": "A3",
"description": "Is it fair or unfair that people with higher incomes can afford better health care than people with lower incomes? :",
"value": "1. Very fair,\n2. Somewhat fair,\n3. Neither fair nor unfair,\n4. Somewhat unfair,\n5. Very unfair,\n6. Cant choose",
"maxValue": 6,
"minValue": 1,
"@type": "propertyValue"
"name": "A4_A",
"description": "How much do you agree or disagree with the following statements? : People use health care services more than necessary.",
"value": "1. Strongly agree,\n2. Agree,\n3. Neither agree nor disagree,\n4. Disagree,\n5. Strongly Disagree,\n6. Cant choose",
"maxValue": 6,
"minValue": 1,
"@type": "propertyValue"
"name": "A4_B",
"description": "How much do you agree or disagree with the following statements? : The government should provide only limited health care services.",
"value": "1. Strongly agree,\n2. Agree,\n3. Neither agree nor disagree,\n4. Disagree,\n5. Strongly Disagree,\n6. Cant choose",
"maxValue": 6,
"minValue": 1,
"@type": "propertyValue"
"name": "A4_C",
"description": "How much do you agree or disagree with the following statements? : In general, the health care system in Australia is inefficient.",
"value": "1. Strongly agree,\n2. Agree,\n3. Neither agree nor disagree,\n4. Disagree,\n5. Strongly Disagree,\n6. Cant choose",
"maxValue": 6,
"minValue": 1,
"@type": "propertyValue"
"name": "A5",
"description": "How willing would you be to pay higher taxes to improve the level of health care for all people in Australia? :",
"value": "1. Very willing,\n2. Fairly willing,\n3. Neither willing nor unwilling,\n4. Fairly unwilling,\n5. Very unwilling,\n6. Cant choose",
"maxValue": 6,
"minValue": 1,
"@type": "propertyValue"
"name": "A6_A",
"description": "How much do you agree or disagree with the following statements?People should have access to publicly funded health care even if they... : do not hold citizenship of Australia.",
"value": "1. Strongly agree,\n2. Agree,\n3. Neither agree nor disagree,\n4. Disagree,\n5. Strongly Disagree,\n6. Cant choose",
"maxValue": 6,
"minValue": 1,
"@type": "propertyValue"
"name": "A6_B",
"description": "How much do you agree or disagree with the following statements?People should have access to publicly funded health care even if they... : behave in ways that damage their health.",
"value": "1. Strongly agree,\n2. Agree,\n3. Neither agree nor disagree,\n4. Disagree,\n5. Strongly Disagree,\n6. Cant choose",
"maxValue": 6,
"minValue": 1,
"@type": "propertyValue"
"name": "A7_A",
"description": "In Australia, do you think it is easier or harder to get access to health care ... : for rich people than for poor people",
"value": "1. Much easier,\n2. Some-what easier,\n3. About the same,\n4. Some-what harder,\n5. Much harder,\n6. Cant choose",
"maxValue": 6,
"minValue": 1,
"@type": "propertyValue"
"name": "A7_B",
"description": "In Australia, do you think it is easier or harder to get access to health care ... : for old people than for young people",
"value": "1. Much easier,\n2. Some-what easier,\n3. About the same,\n4. Some-what harder,\n5. Much harder,\n6. Cant choose",
"maxValue": 6,
"minValue": 1,
"@type": "propertyValue"
"name": "A7_C",
"description": "In Australia, do you think it is easier or harder to get access to health care ... : for women than for men",
"value": "1. Much easier,\n2. Some-what easier,\n3. About the same,\n4. Some-what harder,\n5. Much harder,\n6. Cant choose",
"maxValue": 6,
"minValue": 1,
"@type": "propertyValue"
"name": "A7_D",
"description": "In Australia, do you think it is easier or harder to get access to health care ... : for citizens of Australia than for people who do not hold Australian citizenship",
"value": "1. Much easier,\n2. Some-what easier,\n3. About the same,\n4. Some-what harder,\n5. Much harder,\n6. Cant choose",
"maxValue": 6,
"minValue": 1,
"@type": "propertyValue"
"name": "A8_A",
"description": "Severe health problems may have many causes. How much do you agree or disagree with the following statements?People suffer from severe health problems... : because they behaved in ways that damaged their health.",
"value": "1. Strongly agree,\n2. Agree,\n3. Neither agree nor disagree,\n4. Disagree,\n5. Strongly Disagree,\n6. Cant choose",
"maxValue": 6,
"minValue": 1,
"@type": "propertyValue"
"name": "A8_B",
"description": "Severe health problems may have many causes. How much do you agree or disagree with the following statements?People suffer from severe health problems... : because of the environment they are exposed to at work or where they live.",
"value": "1. Strongly agree,\n2. Agree,\n3. Neither agree nor disagree,\n4. Disagree,\n5. Strongly Disagree,\n6. Cant choose",
"maxValue": 6,
"minValue": 1,
"@type": "propertyValue"
"name": "A8_C",
"description": "Severe health problems may have many causes. How much do you agree or disagree with the following statements?People suffer from severe health problems... : because of their genes.",
"value": "1. Strongly agree,\n2. Agree,\n3. Neither agree nor disagree,\n4. Disagree,\n5. Strongly Disagree,\n6. Cant choose",
"maxValue": 6,
"minValue": 1,
"@type": "propertyValue"
"name": "A8_D",
"description": "Severe health problems may have many causes. How much do you agree or disagree with the following statements?People suffer from severe health problems... : because they are poor.",
"value": "1. Strongly agree,\n2. Agree,\n3. Neither agree nor disagree,\n4. Disagree,\n5. Strongly Disagree,\n6. Cant choose",
"maxValue": 6,
"minValue": 1,
"@type": "propertyValue"
"name": "A9",
"description": "To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statement: Alternative medicine provides better solutions for health problems than Western conventional medicine? :",
"value": "1. Strongly agree,\n2. Agree,\n3. Neither agree nor disagree,\n4. Disagree,\n5. Strongly disagree,\n6. Cant choose",
"maxValue": 6,
"minValue": 1,
"@type": "propertyValue"
"name": "A10_A",
"description": "How much do you agree or disagree with the following statements about doctors in general in Australia? : All things considered, doctors can be trusted.",
"value": "1. Strongly agree,\n2. Agree,\n3. Neither agree nor disagree,\n4. Disagree,\n5. Strongly Disagree,\n6. Cant choose",
"maxValue": 6,
"minValue": 1,
"@type": "propertyValue"
"name": "A10_B",
"description": "How much do you agree or disagree with the following statements about doctors in general in Australia? : The medical skills of doctors are not as good as they should be.",
"value": "1. Strongly agree,\n2. Agree,\n3. Neither agree nor disagree,\n4. Disagree,\n5. Strongly Disagree,\n6. Cant choose",
"maxValue": 6,
"minValue": 1,
"@type": "propertyValue"
"name": "A10_C",
"description": "How much do you agree or disagree with the following statements about doctors in general in Australia? : Doctors care more about their earnings than about their patients.",
"value": "1. Strongly agree,\n2. Agree,\n3. Neither agree nor disagree,\n4. Disagree,\n5. Strongly Disagree,\n6. Cant choose",
"maxValue": 6,
"minValue": 1,
"@type": "propertyValue"
"name": "A11",
"description": "During the past 12 months, how often, if at all, did you use the internet on any device (such as computers, tablets and smartphones) to look for health or medical information for yourself or someone else? :",
"value": "1. Several times a day,\n2. Once a day,\n3. Several times a week,\n4. Several times a month,\n5. Several times a year,\n6. Never or almost never,\n14. I do not have access to the internet,\n15. Cant choose",
"maxValue": 15,
"minValue": 1,
"@type": "propertyValue"
"name": "A12_A",
"description": "During the past 12 months, how often, if at all, have you used the internet to look for information on the following topics? : Information on healthy lifestyle?",
"value": "1. Never,\n2. Seldom,\n3. Sometimes,\n4. Often,\n5. Very often,\n6. Cant choose",
"maxValue": 6,
"minValue": 1,
"@type": "propertyValue"
"name": "A12_B",
"description": "During the past 12 months, how often, if at all, have you used the internet to look for information on the following topics? : Information related to anxiety, stress, or similar problems?",
"value": "1. Never,\n2. Seldom,\n3. Sometimes,\n4. Often,\n5. Very often,\n6. Cant choose",
"maxValue": 6,
"minValue": 1,
"@type": "propertyValue"
"name": "A12_C",
"description": "During the past 12 months, how often, if at all, have you used the internet to look for information on the following topics? : Information on vaccinations?",
"value": "1. Never,\n2. Seldom,\n3. Sometimes,\n4. Often,\n5. Very often,\n6. Cant choose",
"maxValue": 6,
"minValue": 1,
"@type": "propertyValue"
"name": "A13_A",
"description": "To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements? During the past 12 months, information on the internet... : affected my health behaviour in a positive way.",
"value": "1. Strongly agree,\n2. Agree,\n3. Neither agree nor disagree,\n4. Disagree,\n5. Strongly disagree,\n6. Cant choose",
"maxValue": 6,
"minValue": 1,
"@type": "propertyValue"
"name": "A13_B",
"description": "To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements? During the past 12 months, information on the internet... : helped me understand what a doctor tried to explain to me.",
"value": "1. Strongly agree,\n2. Agree,\n3. Neither agree nor disagree,\n4. Disagree,\n5. Strongly disagree,\n6. Cant choose",
"maxValue": 6,
"minValue": 1,
"@type": "propertyValue"
"name": "A14_A",
"description": "To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements? : The internet is useful to help people decide if their symptoms are serious enough to go to the doctor.",
"value": "1. Strongly agree,\n2. Agree,\n3. Neither agree nor disagree,\n4. Disagree,\n5. Strongly disagree,\n6. Cant choose",
"maxValue": 6,
"minValue": 1,
"@type": "propertyValue"
"name": "A14_B",
"description": "To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements? : The internet is useful to check that the doctor is giving people appropriate advice.",
"value": "1. Strongly agree,\n2. Agree,\n3. Neither agree nor disagree,\n4. Disagree,\n5. Strongly disagree,\n6. Cant choose",
"maxValue": 6,
"minValue": 1,
"@type": "propertyValue"
"name": "A14_C",
"description": "To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements? : It is not easy to distinguish between reliable and unreliable health information on the internet.",
"value": "1. Strongly agree,\n2. Agree,\n3. Neither agree nor disagree,\n4. Disagree,\n5. Strongly disagree,\n6. Cant choose",
"maxValue": 6,
"minValue": 1,
"@type": "propertyValue"
"name": "A15_A",
"description": "How much do you agree or disagree with the following statements about vaccinations? : Overall, vaccinations do more harm than good.",
"value": "1. Strongly agree,\n2. Agree,\n3. Neither agree nor disagree,\n4. Disagree,\n5. Strongly disagree,\n6. Cant choose",
"maxValue": 6,
"minValue": 1,
"@type": "propertyValue"
"name": "A15_B",
"description": "How much do you agree or disagree with the following statements about vaccinations? : It is better to develop immunity by getting ill than having a vaccination.",
"value": "1. Strongly agree,\n2. Agree,\n3. Neither agree nor disagree,\n4. Disagree,\n5. Strongly disagree,\n6. Cant choose",
"maxValue": 6,
"minValue": 1,
"@type": "propertyValue"
"name": "A16_A",
"description": "During the past 4 weeks how often... : have you had difficulties with work or household activities because of health problems?",
"value": "1. Never,\n2. Seldom,\n3. Sometimes,\n4. Often,\n5. Very often,\n6. Cant choose",
"maxValue": 6,
"minValue": 1,
"@type": "propertyValue"
"name": "A16_B",
"description": "During the past 4 weeks how often... : have you had bodily aches or pains?",
"value": "1. Never,\n2. Seldom,\n3. Sometimes,\n4. Often,\n5. Very often,\n6. Cant choose",
"maxValue": 6,
"minValue": 1,
"@type": "propertyValue"
"name": "A16_C",
"description": "During the past 4 weeks how often... : have you felt unhappy and depressed?",
"value": "1. Never,\n2. Seldom,\n3. Sometimes,\n4. Often,\n5. Very often,\n6. Cant choose",
"maxValue": 6,
"minValue": 1,
"@type": "propertyValue"
"name": "A16_D",
"description": "During the past 4 weeks how often... : have you lost confidence in yourself?",
"value": "1. Never,\n2. Seldom,\n3. Sometimes,\n4. Often,\n5. Very often,\n6. Cant choose",
"maxValue": 6,
"minValue": 1,
"@type": "propertyValue"
"name": "A16_E",
"description": "During the past 4 weeks how often... : have you felt you could not overcome your problems?",
"value": "1. Never,\n2. Seldom,\n3. Sometimes,\n4. Often,\n5. Very often,\n6. Cant choose",
"maxValue": 6,
"minValue": 1,
"@type": "propertyValue"
"name": "A17_A",
"description": "During the past 12 months, how often did you visit or were visited by... : a doctor?",
"value": "1. Never,\n2. Seldom,\n3. Sometimes,\n4. Often,\n5. Very often,\n6. Cant choose",
"maxValue": 6,
"minValue": 1,
"@type": "propertyValue"
"name": "A17_B",
"description": "During the past 12 months, how often did you visit or were visited by... : an alternative health care practitioner?",
"value": "1. Never,\n2. Seldom,\n3. Sometimes,\n4. Often,\n5. Very often,\n6. Cant choose",
"maxValue": 6,
"minValue": 1,
"@type": "propertyValue"
"name": "A18_A",
"description": "During the past 12 months did it ever happen that you did not get the medical treatment you needed because... : you could not pay for it?",
"value": "1. Yes,\n2. No,\n9. Did not need medical treatment",
"maxValue": 9,
"minValue": 1,
"@type": "propertyValue"
"name": "A18_B",
"description": "During the past 12 months did it ever happen that you did not get the medical treatment you needed because... : you could not take the time off work or had other commitments?",
"value": "1. Yes,\n2. No,\n9. Did not need medical treatment",
"maxValue": 9,
"minValue": 1,
"@type": "propertyValue"
"name": "A18_C",
"description": "During the past 12 months did it ever happen that you did not get the medical treatment you needed because... : the waiting list was too long?",
"value": "1. Yes,\n2. No,\n9. Did not need medical treatment",
"maxValue": 9,
"minValue": 1,
"@type": "propertyValue"
"name": "A19",
"description": "How likely is it that if you become seriously ill, you would get or not get the best treatment available in Australia :",
"value": "1. Its certain I would get,\n2. Its likely I would get,\n3. Equal chance of getting or not getting,\n4. Its likely I would not get,\n5. Its certain I would not get,\n6. Cant choose",
"maxValue": 6,
"minValue": 1,
"@type": "propertyValue"
"name": "A20",
"description": "In general, how satisfied or dissatisfied are you with the health care system in Australia? :",
"value": "1. Completely satisfied,\n2. Very satisfied,\n3. Fairly satisfied,\n4. Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied,\n5. Fairly dissatisfied,\n6. Very dissatisfied,\n7. Completely dissatisfied,\n8. Can’t choose",
"maxValue": 8,
"minValue": 1,
"@type": "propertyValue"
"name": "A21_A",
"description": "How satisfied or dissatisfied were you with the treatment you received.. : when you last visited a doctor?",
"value": "1. Completely satisfied,\n2. Very satisfied,\n3. Fairly satisfied,\n4. Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied,\n5. Fairly dissatisfied,\n6. Very dissatisfied,\n7. Completely dissatisfied,\n9. Does not apply,\n10. Cant choose",
"maxValue": 10,
"minValue": 1,
"@type": "propertyValue"
"name": "A21_B",
"description": "How satisfied or dissatisfied were you with the treatment you received.. : when you last visited an alternative health care practitioner?",
"value": "1. Completely satisfied,\n2. Very satisfied,\n3. Fairly satisfied,\n4. Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied,\n5. Fairly dissatisfied,\n6. Very dissatisfied,\n7. Completely dissatisfied,\n9. Does not apply,\n10. Cant choose",
"maxValue": 10,
"minValue": 1,
"@type": "propertyValue"
"name": "A22",
"description": "Do you smoke cigarettes, and if so about how many cigarettes a day? :",
"value": "1. Do not smoke and never did,\n2. Do not smoke now but smoked in the past,\n3. Smoke 1-5 cigarettes per day,\n4. Smoke 6-10 cigarettes per day,\n5. Smoke 11-20 cigarettes per day,\n6. Smoke 21-40 cigarettes per day,\n7. Smoke more than 40 cigarettes per day,\n8. Can’t choose",
"maxValue": 8,
"minValue": 1,
"@type": "propertyValue"
"name": "A23_A",
"description": "How often do you.. : drink 4 or more alcoholic drinks on the same day?",
"value": "1. Never,\n2. Once a month or less often,\n3. Several times a month,\n4. Several times a week,\n5. Daily,\n6. Cant choose",
"maxValue": 6,
"minValue": 1,
"@type": "propertyValue"
"name": "A23_B",
"description": "How often do you.. : do physical activity for at least 20 minutes that makes you sweat or breathe more heavily than usual?",
"value": "1. Never,\n2. Once a month or less often,\n3. Several times a month,\n4. Several times a week,\n5. Daily,\n6. Cant choose",
"maxValue": 6,
"minValue": 1,
"@type": "propertyValue"
"name": "A23_C",
"description": "How often do you.. : eat fresh fruit or vegetables?",
"value": "1. Never,\n2. Once a month or less often,\n3. Several times a month,\n4. Several times a week,\n5. Daily,\n6. Cant choose",
"maxValue": 6,
"minValue": 1,
"@type": "propertyValue"
"name": "A24",
"description": "In general, would you say your health is .. :",
"value": "1. Excellent,\n2. Very good,\n3. Good,\n4. Fair,\n5. Poor,\n6. Cant choose",
"maxValue": 6,
"minValue": 1,
"@type": "propertyValue"
"name": "A25",
"description": "Do you have a long-standing illness, a chronic condition, or a disability? :",
"value": "1. Yes,\n2. No",
"maxValue": 2,
"minValue": 1,
"@type": "propertyValue"
"name": "A26_A",
"description": "What is your... : height: cm",
"@type": "propertyValue"
"name": "A26_B",
"description": "What is your... : weight: kg",
"@type": "propertyValue"
"name": "A27_A",
"description": "Do you think the Australian government should or should not have the right to do the following at times of severe epidemics? : Shut down businesses and places of employment",
"value": "1. Definitely should have the right,\n2. Probably should have the right,\n3. Probably should not have the right,\n4. Definitely should not have the right,\n5. Cant choose",
"maxValue": 5,
"minValue": 1,
"@type": "propertyValue"
"name": "A27_B",
"description": "Do you think the Australian government should or should not have the right to do the following at times of severe epidemics? : Demand that people stay at home",
"value": "1. Definitely should have the right,\n2. Probably should have the right,\n3. Probably should not have the right,\n4. Definitely should not have the right,\n5. Cant choose",
"maxValue": 5,
"minValue": 1,
"@type": "propertyValue"
"name": "A27_C",
"description": "Do you think the Australian government should or should not have the right to do the following at times of severe epidemics? : Use digital (mobile phone) surveillance to track infected people",
"value": "1. Definitely should have the right,\n2. Probably should have the right,\n3. Probably should not have the right,\n4. Definitely should not have the right,\n5. Cant choose",
"maxValue": 5,
"minValue": 1,
"@type": "propertyValue"
"name": "A27_D",
"description": "Do you think the Australian government should or should not have the right to do the following at times of severe epidemics? : Require people to wear face masks",
"value": "1. Definitely should have the right,\n2. Probably should have the right,\n3. Probably should not have the right,\n4. Definitely should not have the right,\n5. Cant choose",
"maxValue": 5,
"minValue": 1,
"@type": "propertyValue"
"name": "A27_E",
"description": "Do you think the Australian government should or should not have the right to do the following at times of severe epidemics? : Ban public gatherings",
"value": "1. Definitely should have the right,\n2. Probably should have the right,\n3. Probably should not have the right,\n4. Definitely should not have the right,\n5. Cant choose",
"maxValue": 5,
"minValue": 1,
"@type": "propertyValue"
"name": "A28",
"description": "What kind of health insurance do you have? :",
"value": "1. Have no health insurance,\n2. Medicare only (A),\n3. Private insurance only (B),\n4. Employer/union based insurance only (C),\n5. Medicare and private/complementary insurance (A+B),\n6. Medicare and employer/union based insurance (A+C),\n7. Employer/union based and private/complementary insurance (B+C),\n8. Employer/union based, private/complementary and Medicare (A+B+C),\n9. Other (specify)",
"maxValue": 9,
"minValue": 1,
"@type": "propertyValue"
"name": "A28other",
"description": "Other (specify)",
"@type": "propertyValue"
"name": "A29_A",
"description": "Do you think the Australian government should or should not have the right to do the following at times of severe epidemics? : Place people known to carry the disease in isolation",
"value": "1. Definitely should have the right,\n2. Probably should have the right,\n3. Probably should not have the right,\n4. Definitely should not have the right,\n5. Cant choose",
"maxValue": 5,
"minValue": 1,
"@type": "propertyValue"
"name": "A29_B",
"description": "Do you think the Australian government should or should not have the right to do the following at times of severe epidemics? : Suspend compulsory education and close schools and kindergartens",
"value": "1. Definitely should have the right,\n2. Probably should have the right,\n3. Probably should not have the right,\n4. Definitely should not have the right,\n5. Cant choose",
"maxValue": 5,
"minValue": 1,
"@type": "propertyValue"
"name": "A29_C",
"description": "Do you think the Australian government should or should not have the right to do the following at times of severe epidemics? : Close borders to other countries",
"value": "1. Definitely should have the right,\n2. Probably should have the right,\n3. Probably should not have the right,\n4. Definitely should not have the right,\n5. Cant choose",
"maxValue": 5,
"minValue": 1,
"@type": "propertyValue"
"name": "A30_A",
"description": "Did the way the Covid-19 pandemic was handled in Australia increase or decrease your confidence in... : the health care system?",
"value": "1. Increased it a lot,\n2. Increased it a little,\n3. Neither increased it nor decreased it,\n4. Decreased it a little,\n5. Decreased it a lot,\n6. Cant choose",
"maxValue": 6,
"minValue": 1,
"@type": "propertyValue"
"name": "A30_B",
"description": "Did the way the Covid-19 pandemic was handled in Australia increase or decrease your confidence in... : the federal government?",
"value": "1. Increased it a lot,\n2. Increased it a little,\n3. Neither increased it nor decreased it,\n4. Decreased it a little,\n5. Decreased it a lot,\n6. Cant choose",
"maxValue": 6,
"minValue": 1,
"@type": "propertyValue"
"name": "A31",
"description": "Considering your work activity before the Covid-19 pandemic and at present, which of the following statements best describes your paid employment situation... :",
"value": "1. I did not have a job before the pandemic and I do not have a job now,\n2. I have the same job as before the pandemic,\n3. I lost my job due to the pandemic and now have a new job,\n4. I lost my job due to the pandemic and could not find a new job,\n5. I did not have a job before the pandemic and I do have a job now,\n6. I changed or left my job for reasons unrelated to the pandemic,\n7. Cant choose",
"maxValue": 7,
"minValue": 1,
"@type": "propertyValue"
"name": "A32",
"description": "Thinking about the income of your household before the Covid-19 pandemic compared with now, would you say it has increased, decreased or stayed about the same? :",
"value": "1. Increased a lot,\n2. Increased a little,\n3. Stayed about the same,\n4. Decreased a little,\n5. Decreased a lot,\n6. Cant choose",
"maxValue": 6,
"minValue": 1,
"@type": "propertyValue"
"name": "A33",
"description": "Thinking about how often you met with your extended family and friends in person before the Covid-19 pandemic, would you say you now meet them in person more often, less often, or about the same :",
"value": "1. Much less often,\n2. A little less often,\n3. About the same,\n4. A little more often,\n5. Much more often,\n6. Cant choose",
"maxValue": 6,
"minValue": 1,
"@type": "propertyValue"
"name": "A34_A",
"description": "There are different opinions about people that have certain health conditions. How much do you agree or disagree with the following statements? : Most people become very overweight because they are lazy.",
"value": "1. Strongly agree,\n2. Agree,\n3. Neither agree nor disagree,\n4. Disagree,\n5. Strongly disagree,\n6. Cant choose",
"maxValue": 6,
"minValue": 1,
"@type": "propertyValue"
"name": "A34_B",
"description": "There are different opinions about people that have certain health conditions. How much do you agree or disagree with the following statements? : Most people who tested positive for Covid-19 contracted the virus because they were careless.",
"value": "1. Strongly agree,\n2. Agree,\n3. Neither agree nor disagree,\n4. Disagree,\n5. Strongly disagree,\n6. Cant choose",
"maxValue": 6,
"minValue": 1,
"@type": "propertyValue"
"name": "H1",
"description": "Do you think the number of immigrants allowed into Australia should be reduced or increased? :",
"value": "1. Increased a lot,\n2. Increased a little,\n3. Remain about the same as it is,\n4. Decrease a little,\n5. Decrease a lot",
"maxValue": 5,
"minValue": 1,
"@type": "propertyValue"
"name": "H2",
"description": "Which of the following statements do you personally believe? :",
"value": "1. Climate change is happening now, and is caused mainly by human activities,\n2. Climate change is happening now, but is caused mainly by natural forces,\n3. Climate change is not happening now,\n4. I don’t know whether climate change is happening or not",
"maxValue": 4,
"minValue": 1,
"@type": "propertyValue"
"name": "H3",
"description": "How much do you feel that you understand about climate change - would you say a great deal, a moderate amount, only a little, or nothing at all? :",
"value": "1. A great deal,\n2. A moderate amount,\n3. Only a little,\n4. Nothing at all",
"maxValue": 4,
"minValue": 1,
"@type": "propertyValue"
"name": "H4",
"description": "Should the federal government do more or less than it is doing now to address the impact of climate change? :",
"value": "1. Should do much more,\n2. Should do more,\n3. About the same,\n4. Should do less,\n5. Should do much less",
"maxValue": 5,
"minValue": 1,
"@type": "propertyValue"
"name": "H5_A",
"description": "In politics people sometimes talk of left and right. Where would you place yourself on a scale from 0 to 10 where 0 means the left and 10 means the right? :",
"value": "1. Left 0,\n2. 1,\n3. 2,\n4. 3,\n5. 4,\n6. 5,\n7. 6,\n8. 7,\n9. 8,\n10. 9,\n11. Right 10,\n12. Cant choose",
"maxValue": 12,
"minValue": 1,
"@type": "propertyValue"
"name": "H6",
"description": "On the whole, are you very satisfied, fairly satisfied, not very satisfied or not at all satisfied with the way democracy works in Australia? :",
"value": "1. Very satisfied,\n2. Fairly satisfied,\n3. Not very satisfied,\n4. Not at all satisfied",
"maxValue": 4,
"minValue": 1,
"@type": "propertyValue"
"name": "H7",
"description": "Would you say the government is run by a few big interests looking out for themselves, or that it is run for the benefit of all the people? :",
"value": "1. Entirely run for the big interests,\n2. Mostly run for the big interests,\n3. About half and half,\n4. Mostly run for the benefit of all,\n5. Entirely run for the benefit of all",
"maxValue": 5,
"minValue": 1,
"@type": "propertyValue"
"name": "H8",
"description": "In your opinion, about how many politicians in Australia are involved in corruption? :",
"value": "1. Almost none,\n2. A few,\n3. Some,\n4. Quite a lot,\n5. Almost all,\n6. Cant choose",
"maxValue": 6,
"minValue": 1,
"@type": "propertyValue"
"name": "H9",
"description": "Some people think that the Federal government should reduce taxes a lot and spend much less on social services. Others think that the Federal government should increase taxes a lot and spend much more on social services, and others have opinions some",
"value": "1. Strongly favour reducing taxes,\n2. Mildly favour reducing taxes,\n3. It depends,\n4. Mildly favour spending more on social services,\n5. Strongly favour spending more on social services",
"maxValue": 5,
"minValue": 1,
"@type": "propertyValue"
"name": "H10",
"description": "Please say whether you think equal opportunities for women have gone too far, not gone far enough, or is about right? :",
"value": "1. Gone much too far,\n2. Gone too far,\n3. About right,\n4. Not gone far enough,\n5. Not gone nearly far enough",
"maxValue": 5,
"minValue": 1,
"@type": "propertyValue"
"name": "H11",
"description": "Generally speaking, would you say that most people can be trusted, or that you cant be too careful in dealing with people?Please cross one box to show what you think, where 1 means you cant be too careful and 5 means most people can be trusted. :",
"value": "1. You cant be too careful 1,\n2. 2,\n3. 3,\n4. 4,\n5. Most people can be trusted 5,\n6. Cant choose",
"maxValue": 6,
"minValue": 1,
"@type": "propertyValue"
"name": "I1",
"description": "Are you ... :",
"value": "1. Male,\n2. Female",
"maxValue": 2,
"minValue": 1,
"@type": "propertyValue"
"name": "I2",
"description": "When were you born?",
"@type": "propertyValue"
"name": "I3",
"description": "Are you currently in school or studying in higher education? :",
"value": "1. I am still at school,\n2. I am still at college/university/in vocational training,\n3. No I am not currently in school, college, university or in vocational training",
"maxValue": 3,
"minValue": 1,
"@type": "propertyValue"
"name": "I5",
"description": "What is the highest year of schooling you have completed? :",
"value": "1. Year 12 or equivalent,\n2. Year 11 or equivalent,\n3. Year 10 or equivalent,\n4. Completed primary school,\n5. Completed pre-primary school,\n6. Did not go to school",
"maxValue": 6,
"minValue": 1,
"@type": "propertyValue"
"name": "I7",
"description": "Are you currently working for pay, did you work for pay in the past, or have you never been in paid work? :",
"value": "1. I am currently in paid work,\n2. I am currently not in paid work but I had paid work in the past,\n3. I have never had paid work",
"maxValue": 3,
"minValue": 1,
"@type": "propertyValue"
"name": "I9",
"description": "Which of the following best describes your current paid employment status? :",
"value": "1. Permanent employment,\n2. Fixed term employment (i.e. a contract job for at least 6 months),\n3. Casual employment,\n4. Other employment (i.e. short term contracts under 6 months, Gig jobs)",
"maxValue": 4,
"minValue": 1,
"@type": "propertyValue"
"name": "I10_A",
"description": "Over the next year or so, how worried are you that you... : could lose your job?",
"value": "1. Very worried,\n2. Worried,\n3. Not very worried,\n4. Not at all worried",
"maxValue": 4,
"minValue": 1,
"@type": "propertyValue"
"name": "I10_B",
"description": "Over the next year or so, how worried are you that you... : wont get enough regular work hours in your current job/s to make ends meet?",
"value": "1. Very worried,\n2. Worried,\n3. Not very worried,\n4. Not at all worried",
"maxValue": 4,
"minValue": 1,
"@type": "propertyValue"
"name": "I15ANZSCO1",
"description": "Code for group: ANZSCO2013v1.2 Level: 0",
"value": "0. Operational codes (Aus),\n1. Managers,\n2. Professionals,\n3. Technicians and Trades Workers,\n4. Community and Personal Service Workers,\n5. Clerical and Administrative Workers,\n6. Sales Workers,\n7. Machinery Operators and Drivers,\n8. Labourers,\n9. Operational codes (NZ)",
"maxValue": 9,
"minValue": 0,
"@type": "propertyValue"
"name": "I17ANZSIC1",
"description": "Code for group: ANZSIC Level: 0",
"value": "1. Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing,\n2. Mining,\n3. Manufacturing,\n4. Electricity, Gas, Water and Waste Services,\n5. Construction,\n6. Wholesale Trade,\n7. Retail Trade,\n8. Accommodation and Food Services,\n9. Transport, Postal and Warehousing,\n10. Information Media and Telecommunications,\n11. Financial and Insurance Services,\n12. Rental, Hiring and Real Estate Services,\n13. Professional, Scientific and Technical Services,\n14. Administrative and Support Services,\n15. Public Administration and Safety,\n16. Education and Training,\n17. Health Care and Social Assistance,\n18. Arts and Recreation Services,\n19. Other Services,\n20. Blank,\n21. Not codeable",
"maxValue": 21,
"minValue": 1,
"@type": "propertyValue"
"name": "I18",
"description": "Which of the following best describes your current situation? :",
"value": "1. In paid work (as an employee, self-employed, or working for your own family’s business),\n2. Unemployed and looking for a job,\n3. In education (not paid for by employer), in school/student/pupil even if on vacation,\n4. Apprentice or trainee,\n5. Permanently sick or disabled,\n6. Retired,\n7. Doing housework, looking after the home, children or other persons,\n9. Other",
"maxValue": 9,
"minValue": 1,
"@type": "propertyValue"
"name": "I19",
"description": "Do you have a spouse or a partner and, if yes, do you share the same household? :",
"value": "1. Yes, I have a spouse/partner and we share the same household,\n2. Yes, I have a spouse/partner but we don’t share the same household,\n3. No, I don’t have a spouse/partner",
"maxValue": 3,
"minValue": 1,
"@type": "propertyValue"
"name": "I20",
"description": "Is your spouse/partner currently working for pay, did he/she work for pay in the past, or has he/she never been paid work? :",
"value": "1. He/she is currently in paid work,\n2. He/she is currently not in paid work but he/she had paid work in the past,\n3. He/she has never had paid work",
"maxValue": 3,
"minValue": 1,
"@type": "propertyValue"
"name": "I28",
"description": "Are you or have you ever been a member of a trade union or similar organisation? If yes: is that currently or only previously? :",
"value": "1. Yes, currently,\n2. Yes, previously but not currently,\n3. No, never",
"maxValue": 3,
"minValue": 1,
"@type": "propertyValue"
"name": "I29",
"description": "Do you belong to a religion and, if yes, which religion do you belong to? :",
"value": "1. No religion,\n2. Catholic,\n3. Other Protestant,\n4. Anglican/Church of England,\n5. Uniting Church/Methodist,\n6. Pentecostal,\n7. Orthodox,\n8. Other Christian,\n9. Jewish,\n10. Islamic,\n11. Buddhist,\n12. Hindu,\n13. Other Asian religions,\n14. Other religions - Please specify",
"maxValue": 14,
"minValue": 1,
"@type": "propertyValue"
"name": "I31",
"description": "In our society there are groups which tend to be towards the top and groups which tend to be towards the bottom.Below is a scale which runs from top to bottom.Where would you put yourself on this scale? :",
"value": "1. Bottom 1,\n2. 2,\n3. 3,\n4. 4,\n5. 5,\n6. 6,\n7. 7,\n8. 8,\n9. 9,\n10. Top 10",
"maxValue": 10,
"minValue": 1,
"@type": "propertyValue"
"name": "I32",
"description": "Do you usually think of yourself as close to any particular political party and, if yes, which party is that? :",
"value": "1. Labor Party (ALP),\n2. Liberal Party,\n3. National (Country) Party,\n5. Greens,\n8. No party affiliation,\n9. Other party (please specify)",
"maxValue": 9,
"minValue": 1,
"@type": "propertyValue"
"name": "I33",
"description": "Did you vote in Australias federal election in May 2019? :",
"value": "1. Yes, I did vote,\n2. No, I did not vote,\n3. I was not eligible to vote in the last election",
"maxValue": 3,
"minValue": 1,
"@type": "propertyValue"
"name": "I34",
"description": "Thinking back to the last federal election in May 2019 - Which party did you vote for? :",
"value": "1. Labor Party (ALP),\n2. Liberal Party,\n3. National (Country) Party,\n5. Greens,\n6. Other party (please specify)",
"maxValue": 6,
"minValue": 1,
"@type": "propertyValue"
"name": "I35",
"description": "If a federal election for the House of Representatives was to be held this weekend, which party would you vote for first in the House of Representatives? :",
"value": "1. Labor Party (ALP),\n2. Liberal Party,\n3. National (Country) Party,\n5. Greens,\n6. Other party (please specify)",
"maxValue": 6,
"minValue": 1,
"@type": "propertyValue"
"name": "I36SACC1",
"description": "Code for group: SACC Level: 0",
"value": "0. Error,\n1. Oceania and Antarctica,\n2. North-west Europe,\n3. Southern and eastern Europe,\n4. North Africa and the Middle East,\n5. South-east Asia,\n6. North-east Asia,\n7. Southern and central Asia,\n8. Americas,\n9. Sub-Saharan Africa",
"maxValue": 9,
"minValue": 0,
"@type": "propertyValue"
"name": "I37SACC1",
"description": "Code for group: SACC Level: 0",
"value": "0. Error,\n1. Oceania and Antarctica,\n2. North-west Europe,\n3. Southern and eastern Europe,\n4. North Africa and the Middle East,\n5. South-east Asia,\n6. North-east Asia,\n7. Southern and central Asia,\n8. Americas,\n9. Sub-Saharan Africa",
"maxValue": 9,
"minValue": 0,
"@type": "propertyValue"
"name": "I38SACC1",
"description": "Code for group: SACC Level: 0",
"value": "0. Error,\n1. Oceania and Antarctica,\n2. North-west Europe,\n3. Southern and eastern Europe,\n4. North Africa and the Middle East,\n5. South-east Asia,\n6. North-east Asia,\n7. Southern and central Asia,\n8. Americas,\n9. Sub-Saharan Africa",
"maxValue": 9,
"minValue": 0,
"@type": "propertyValue"
"name": "I40",
"description": "Do you identify yourself as Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander? :",
"value": "1. Yes,\n2. No",
"maxValue": 2,
"minValue": 1,
"@type": "propertyValue"
"name": "I42",
"description": "Is there at least one telephone inside your home that is currently working and is not a mobile phone? :",
"value": "1. Yes,\n2. No,\n3. Dont know",
"maxValue": 3,
"minValue": 1,
"@type": "propertyValue"
"name": "I43",
"description": "How many people in your household, including yourself, have a currently working mobile phone?",
"@type": "propertyValue"
"name": "I44",
"description": "In your home, do you have a computer (such as a PC, laptop or iPad) that is connected to the Internet? :",
"value": "1. Yes,\n2. No,\n3. Dont know",
"maxValue": 3,
"minValue": 1,
"@type": "propertyValue"
"name": "I45",
"description": "Before taxes and other deductions, what on average is your own total WEEKLY income? : per week $",
"@type": "propertyValue"
"name": "I46",
"description": "Before taxes and other deductions, what on average is the total WEEKLY income of your household? : per week $",
"@type": "propertyValue"
"name": "I47",
"description": "How does the financial situation of your household now compare with what it was 12 months ago? :",
"value": "1. A lot better,\n2. A little better,\n3. About the same,\n4. A little worse,\n5. A lot worse",
"maxValue": 5,
"minValue": 1,
"@type": "propertyValue"
"name": "I48",
"description": "Compared to now, what do you think the financial situation of your household will be in 12 months’ time? :",
"value": "1. A lot better,\n2. A little better,\n3. About the same,\n4. A little worse,\n5. A lot worse",
"maxValue": 5,
"minValue": 1,
"@type": "propertyValue"
"name": "I49",
"description": "What is your current legal marital status? :",
"value": "1. Married,\n2. Separated from my spouse but still legally married,\n3. Divorced from spouse,\n4. Widowed,\n5. I have never been married",
"maxValue": 5,
"minValue": 1,
"@type": "propertyValue"
"name": "I50",
"description": "Would you describe the place where you live as ... :",
"value": "1. A big city,\n2. The suburbs or outskirts of a big city,\n3. A town or a small city,\n4. A country village,\n5. A farm or home in the country",
"maxValue": 5,
"minValue": 1,
"@type": "propertyValue"
"name": "I51",
"description": "Do you own outright, are you buying or renting the dwelling in which you now live? :",
"value": "1. Own outright,\n2. Own, paying off mortgage,\n3. Rent from private landlord,\n4. Rent from public housing authority,\n5. Other (boarding, living at home, etc)",
"maxValue": 5,
"minValue": 1,
"@type": "propertyValue"
"name": "I52",
"description": "What is your main source of daily news and information? :",
"value": "1. ABC news (TV, radio or website),\n2. Social media (Facebook or Twitter),\n3. Commercial TV (i.e. Channel 7 or 9 or a regional station),\n4. Commercial radio (i.e. talkback radio or a music station),\n5. Newspapers (including online) like the Daily Telegraph, Herald Sun, Courier Mail, The Advertiser, or The Mercury,\n6. Newspapers (including online) like the Sydney Morning Herald, the Age, or the Guardian,\n7. Other sources (i.e. local or regional newspapers, small publishers)",
"maxValue": 7,
"minValue": 1,
"@type": "propertyValue"