Please contact ACSPRI at: with details of your publication that cites the AuSSA so we can include it on this list.
For details of publications that cite the ISSP - please see the ISSP Bibliography. The ISSP list only includes publications that use data from at least two countries (that may include Australian data).
Publications (updated March 2024):
- Adams, C. (2010). Public opinion on the sentencing of mentally ill female offenders; factors that influence people's perceptions of appropriate punishments and the impact of personal experience on sentencing judgements.
- Ai, X., Han, Z., & Zhang, Q. Extreme Weather Experience and Climate Change Risk Perceptions: The Roles of Political Ideology and Climate Change Cause Attribution. Available at SSRN 4535363.
- Aimer, P. Note: page numbers in bold type refer to Tables. industrial relations, 69, 101.
- Alec Zuo, Sarah Ann Wheeler, The Australian public’s preferences for further environmental and cultural water recovery options in the Murray-Darling Basin, The Australian public’s preferences for further environmental and cultural water recovery options in the Murray-Darling Basin, Journal of Hydrology, 2024,
- Alexander, D. (2013) “It's Not What You Know It's Who You Know: Political Connectedness and Political engagement at the local level.” Journal of Sociology, 49(4).
- Ali, Z., & Jalil, R. Issues of the Integration of the Baha’is and Hindus in Pakistan.
- Arthur, D. (2014) Why Can't We Have a Simple Welfare System? Australian Review of Public Affairs <>
- Ashok, V., Kuziemko, I. And Washington, E. (2015) “Support for Redistribution in an Age of Rising Inequality: New Stylised Facts and Some Tentative Explanations.” BPEA Conference Draft. Brookings Papers on Economic Activity, 19 March - 20 March 2015.
- Atkinson, R., Picken, F. and Tranter, B. (2009) “Home and Away from Home: The Urban-regional Dynamics of Second Home Ownership in Australia.” Urban Research and Practice, 2(1): 1-17.
- Atkinson, R., Taylor, E. and Walter, M. (2010) “Burying Indigeneity: The Spatial Construction of Reality and Aboriginal Australia.” Social and Legal Studies, 19: 311-330.
- Atkinson, R. and Tranter, B. (2011) “Outside society? The social implications of gated and secured neighbourhoods in Australia.” Centre for Urban Research (CURB) Working Paper.
- Attitudes IV, A. S. (2018). Climate scepticism in Australia. Australian Social Attitudes IV: The Age of Insecurity, 81.
- Attitudes IV, A. S. (2018). It is clear from the statistics presented above that it has become increasingly common for people to marry later (or not at all), and to have children outside of marriage. But how have people’s attitudes to marriage changed over time?. Australian Social Attitudes IV: The Age of Insecurity, 197.
- Austin, C. C. (2016). Chapter Five [Paper Three]. The construction of national identity on Australian political parties’ Facebook pages. Framing Australianness: Is there room for the cosmopolitan?, 120.
- Austin, C., & Fozdar, F. (2016). Chapter Three [Paper One] Australian national identity: empirical research since. Framing Australianness: Is there room for the cosmopolitan?, 71.
- Austin, C., & Fozdar, F. (2017). “Team Australia”: Cartoonists Challenging Exclusionary Nationalist Discourse. Journal of Australian Studies, 41(1), 65-80.
- Austin, C., & Fozdar, F. (2018). Australian national identity: empirical research since 1998. National Identities, 20(3), 277-298.
- Australian Human Rights Commission (2014) “Face the Facts: Gender Equality.”
- Baghirli, A., Yusifova, Z., Fataliyeva, F., Valiyev, E., & Malik-Aslanov, M. (2020). Multiculturalism as a way to religious tolerance. Undergraduate Journal of Global Citizenship, 3(2), 5.
- Bannister, B. (2013) Secondary Victims' Perceptions of Justice: Implications for Forensic Psychology PhD diss, Edith Cowan University.
- Batterham, D., Hollows, A. and Kolar, V. “Attitudes to Homelessness in Australia.” Australian Social Policy Journal, 10: 73-96.
- Baxter, J. and Tai, T. O. (2016) Inequalities in Unpaid Work: A Cross-National Comparison Handbook on Well-being of Working Women ((pp. 653-671).
- Bean, C. (2005). Is there a crisis of trust in Australia?. Australian Social Attitudes, 122-140.
- Bean, C. (2012). Are we keeping the bastards honest? Perceptions of corruption, integrity and influence on politics. Australia: Identity, fear and governance in the 21st Century, 95-106.
- Bean, C. (2015). Changing citizen confidence: Orientations towards political and social institutions in Australia, 1983-2010. The Open Political Science Journal, 8, 1-9.
- Bean, C. S. This file was downloaded from: http://eprints. qut. edu. au/57444.
- Beaton-Wells, C. and Haines, F. (2010) “The Australian Conversation: How the Case for Cartel Criminalisation was Made.” New Journal of European Criminal Law, 1(4): 499-521.
- Beddoe, L. and Maidment, J. (2014) Social Work Practice for Promoting Health and Wellbeing: Critical Issues. New York: Routledge.
- Ben, J., Elias, A., Sharples, R., Dunn, K., McGarty, C., Truong, M., ... & Paradies, Y. (2022). Identifying and filling racism data gaps in Victoria: a stocktake review.
- Betts, K. (2010) “Population Growth: What do Australian Voters Want?” People and Place, 18: 49-64.
- Betts, K. (2010) “A Bigger Australia: Opinions for and Against.” People and Place, 18: 25-28.
- Betts, K. (2010) “Attitudes to immigration and population growth in Australia 1954-2010: An Overview.” People and Place, 18: 32-51.
- Betts, K. (2009) “Attitudes to Abortion: Australia and Queensland in the Twenty-First century.” People and Place, 17: 25-39.
- Betts, K. (2008) “Population Ageing in Australia: Policy Implications of Recent Projections.” People and Place, 16(4): 43-51.
- Betts, K. (2008) “Dissatisfaction with Immigration Grows.” People and Place, 16: 19-34.
- Betts, K. (2006). Review of Shaun Wilson et al.(Eds) Australian Social Attitudes: The First Report. People and Place, 14(2), 66-68.
- Betts, K. (2005) “Migrants Attitudes to Immigration in Australia: 1990-2004.” People and Place, 13: 29-31.
- Betts, K. (2004) “Attitudes to abortion in Australia: 1972 to 2003.” People and Place, 12: 22-28.
- Betts, K. Informa, 2nd Annual Population Australia 2050 summit, Melbourne 26 September 2011.
- Biddle, N. (2018). Location and segregation: the distribution of the Indigenous population across Australia's urban centres. Canberra, ACT: Centre for Aboriginal Economic Policy Research (CAEPR), The Australian National University.
- Bilodeau, A. (2004, September). Protest participation among immigrants: A comparative analysis of Canada and Australia. In unpublished paper presented at Australasian Political Studies Association Conference, Adelaide.
- Birrell, B. (2013) “Media Effects and Immigration Policy in Australia.” In Immigration and Public Opinion in Liberal Democracies, edited by G. P. Freeman, R. Hansen and D. Leal, NY: Routledge.
- Booth, K., & Kendal, D. (2020). Underinsurance as adaptation: Household agency in places of marketisation and financialisation. Environment and Planning A: Economy and Space, 52(4), 728-746.
- Bouma, G. D. (2012). Minority religious identity and religious social distance in Australia. Australia: Identity, fear and governance in the 21st century, 47-60.
- Bouma, G.D. and Hughes, P.J. (2014) “Using Census Data in the Management of Religious Diversity: An Australian Case Study.” Religion, 44(3): 434-352.
- Boyd, W. E., den Exter, K. et al (2013) “Current Issues in Environmental Management in Australia: What Do People Think?” Australian Studies Centre, 10: 31-50.
- Bramble, T. (2004) “Contradictions in Australia's 'Miracle Economy'.” Journal of Australia Political Economy, 54: 5-31.
- Brenton, S. (2008) “Public Confidence in Australian Democracy.” Democratic Audit of Australia Discussion Paper No. 2.
- Breunig, R. and Gong, X. (2013) “The Dynamics of Satisfaction with Working Hours in Australia: The Usefulness of Panel Data in Evaluating the Case for Policy Intervention.” Asia and the Pacific Policy Studies Working Paper.
- Broady, T. R., Brener, L., Cama, E., Hopwood, M., & Treloar, C. (2020). Stigmatising attitudes towards people who inject drugs, and people living with blood borne viruses or sexually transmissible infections in a representative sample of the Australian population. PLoS One, 15(4), e0232218.
- Brown, J. (2009) “What's Next for Welfare-to-work?” Issue Analysis, (117): 1-15.
- Brown, K. (2006) “The Position of Australian Community Sporting Organisations in the Third Sector: Membership Profiles, Characteristics and Attitudes.” Third Sector Review, 12: 17-39.
- Brown, K. M. (2010). Civic participation in context: the role of social-capital production and exchange. Third Sector Review, 16(1), 145-171.
- Buckingham, J. (2010) The Rise of Religious Schools in Australia. The Centre for Independent Studies Policy Monongraphs.
- Burton, P. (2014) Responding to Climate Change: Lessons from an Australian Hotspot. Victoria: CSIRO Publishing.
- Burton, P. (2009) “Climate Change and Public Policy: Three Challenges.” Crawford School of Economics and Government, ANU Policy Brief 5.
- Burns, M. (2013) “Towards Growing Indigenous Culturally Competent Legal Professionals in Australia.” The International Education Journal: Comparative Perspectives, 12(1): 226-248.
- Butler, A. and McFarlane, K. (2009) Public Confidence in the NSW Criminal Justice System. NSW Sentencing Council, Monograph 9.
- Caldicott, D., Makkai, T., McLeod, M., Tzanetis, S., & Vumbaca, G. (2023). A step change model analysis of the establishment of pill testing in one Australian jurisdiction. Harm Reduction Journal, 20(1), 172.
- Camilleri, R. (2007) “The Australian Media and Post-Mahathir Malaysia.” Australian Quarterly, 79(5): 26-40.
- Cannon, L., & Kendig, H. (2018). ‘Millennials’: Perceived generational opportunities and intergenerational conflict in Australia. Australasian Journal on Ageing, 37(4), E127-E132.
- Capper, S. (2008) “Victorian Law Reform Commission Discussion Questions: Submission by the Victorian Women's Trust”. Victorian Women's Trust,
- Carrington, K., McIntosh, A. and Walmsley, J. (2007) The Social Costs and Benefits of Migration into Australia. Centre for Applied Research in Social Science (CARSS) Report.
- Carter, M. (2009) Explaining the Census: Investigating Reasons for Non-Response to the ABS Census of Population and Housing. Institute for Social Research Paper.
- Charnock, D. (2010) “What do Australian Voters Mean by 'Left-Right'?” Australian Journal of Political Science, 45: 491-499.
- Charnock, D. (2006) “Children and Families: Relationships between Family Attitudes, Household Consumption and Voting in Australia.” Australian Journal of Political Science, 41: 371-384.
- Chesters, J. and Watson, L. (2013) “Understanding the Persistence of Inequality in Higher Education: Evidence from Australia.” Journal of Education Policy, 28(2): 198-215.
- Chesters, J. and Western, J. (2010) “Evidence and Perceptions of Inequality in Australia.” ANU Centre Economic Policy Research Discussion Paper No. 635.
- Clark, J. (2009) “Nation-state Belonging Among Asian Australians and the Question of Transnationalism.” Current Sociology, 57: 27-46.
- Clark, J. (2008) “Australian Public Opinion on Citizenship and Transnational Ties in Asia.” Australian Geographer, 39(1): 9-20.
- Clark, J. (2007) “Perceptions of Australian Cultural Identity among Asian Australians.” The Australian Journal of Social Issues, 42(3): 303-320.
- Cole, F. (2022). Free as a bird: legal outcomes and public perceptions of gendered violence alleged of National Rugby League players: two case studies (Doctoral dissertation, Macquarie University).
- Colic, Peisker, V. (2011) “A New Era in Multiculturalism? From Working-Class 'Ethics' to a 'Multicultural Middle-Class.” International Migration Review, 45: 562-587.
- Council, N. S. Public Confidence in the NSW Criminal Justice System.
- Cully, M. (2011) “Skilled Immigration Reform in Australia.” Migration Policy Practice, 1(1): 4-7.
- Cultural Development Network (2014) “Research Report: August 2014 Cultural data for Local Government.” Cultures Communities Councils,
- Daniels, B. (2012) Consolidation of Commonwealth Anti-Discrimination Laws: Submission by The Independent Schools Council of Australia (ISCA).
- Davis, B. and Dosseter, K. (2010) “Trends and Issues in Crime and Criminal Justice: (Mis)perceptions of crime in Australia.” AIC Report No. 396.
- Dawes, G. and Bozkurt, V. (2010) “The Changing World of Work and Youth: A Comparative Research of Australian and Turkish University Students, Perceptions about the Changing World of Work.” World Applied Sciences Journal, 9(12): 1343-1349.
- Deeming, C. (2013) “Social Democracy and Social Policy in Neoliberal Times.” Journal of Sociology, 0(0): 1-24.
- Denemark, D. (2012) “Trust, Efficacy and Opposition to Anti-terrorism, Police Power: Australia in Comparative Perspective.” Australian Journal of Political Science, 47(1): 91-113.
- Denemark, D. (2009) “Trust, Threat and Opposition to Anti-terrorism Police Powers: Australia in Comparative Perspective.” International Political Studies Association World Congress Conference Paper.
- Denemark, D., (2005) “Mass Media and Media Power in Australia.” In Australian Social Attitudes: The First Report, edited by Wilson, S., Meagher, G., Gibson, R., Denemark, D., and Western, M., 220-239. Sydney: UNSW Press.
- DeVaus, D. (2005) “Ex-nuptial children in Australia: An Empirical Analysis of Non marital Births.” Journal of Family Studies, 11: 36-45.
- Donoghue, J., & Tranter, B. (2018). Exploring Australian national identity: Heroes, memory and politics. Emerald Publishing Limited.
- Donoghue, J., & Tranter, B. (2018). On Bradman’s bat: Australian sporting heroes. National Identities, 20(2), 143-156.
- Donoghue, J. and Tranter, B. (2014) “The Anzac Myth and Australian National Identity,” available at:
- Dononghue, J. and Tranter, B. (2013) “The Anzacs: Military influences on Australian identity.” Journal of Sociology, 0(0): 1-15.
- Donoghue, J. and Tranter, B. (2013) “Public Housing and Social Capital in Australia” Journal of Land, Housing, and Urban Affairs, 4(2): 145-152.
- Donoghue, J. and Tranter, B. (2012) “Social capital, Interpersonal Trust and Public Housing in Australia.” Social Work, 65: 413-430.
- Donoghue, J. and Tranter, B. (2009) “Social Capital in Australian Public Housing.” TASA Conference Paper.
- Donoghue, J. and Tranter, B. (2008) “Attitudes of Public Housing Tenants in Australia.” Third Australasian Housing Researchers Refereed Conference Paper.
- Dowling, H. (2014) “Religion and Spirituality: Finding God Within.” Revive Magazine.
- Dunn, K.M. and Piracha, A. (2015) “The Multifaith City in an Era of Post-secularism: The Complicated Geographies of Christians, Non-Christians and Non-faithful Across Sydney, Australia.” In The Changing World Religion Map: Sacred Places, Identities, Practices and Politics, edited by Brunn, S, Springer Netherlands.
- Dunn, K.M. (2007) “Contemporary Racism and Islamaphobia in Australia” Contemporary Racism and Islamaphbia, 7(4): 564.
- Durey, R. (2010) “Women's Health Victoria: Women and Abortion.” Women's Health Issues Paper, (6): 1-17.
- Eikhof, D., Warhurst, C. and Haunschild, A. (2007) “Introduction: What Work? What Life? What Balance?: Critical Reflections on the Work-life Balance Debate.” Employee Relations, 29(4): 325-333.
- Evans, A. (2015) “Entering a Union in the Twenty-First Century: Cohabitation and Living Apart Together.” In Family Formation in 21st Century Australia, edited by Heard, G. and Arunachalm, D., 13-30. Melbourne: Springer Netherlands.
- Evans, A. and Reimondos, A. (2013) “Climate of Doubt: What Australians Think About Climate Change The Conversation.” The Conversation,
- Evans, H. (2005) Journals of the Senate. The Parliament of the Commonwealth of Australia, (23): 573-596.
- Ezzy, D. (2022) "Only 19% of Australians agree religious schools should be able to ban LGBT+ teachers" The Conversation,
- Ezzy, D., Beaman, L., Dwyer, A., Fielder, B., McLeay, A., Rice, S., & Richardson-Self, L. (2023). LGBTQ+ non-discrimination and religious freedom in the context of government-funded faith-based education, social welfare, health care, and aged care. Journal of Sociology, 59(4), 931-951.
- Fear, J. (2008) “Choice Overload: Australians Coping with Financial Decisions.” Australia Institute Discussion Paper No. 99.
- Federation, A. S. (2008). Subject and Author Index. Sport and Social Capital, 85, 359.
- Fernández‐i‐Marín, X. (2011) “The Impact of e-Government Promotion in Europe: Internet Dependence and Critical Mass.” Policy & Internet, 3(4): 1-29.
- Flavel, J. (2007) Maximising Workforce Capacity as a Means of Easing High Job Vacancy Rates. Flinders Social Monitor No. 6.
- Fletcher, R., May, C., St George, J., Stoker, L., and Oshan, M. (2014). Engaging Fathers: Evidence Review. Canberra: Australian Research Alliance for Children and Youth (ARACY).
- Fletcher, Richard. (2008) “Father-inclusive Practice and Associated Professional Competencies.” Australian Family Relationships Clearinghouse Briefing Paper No.9.
- Fozdar, F. (2016). Asian invisibility/Asian threat: Australians talking about Asia. Journal of Sociology, 52(4), 789-805.
- Fozdar, F. (2017). “It’s the end of the world as we know it... and I feel fine”: Considering a postnational world. In Critical Reflections on Migration,'Race'and Multiculturalism (pp. 143-158). Routledge.
- Fozdar, F. (2021). Re-imagining the world: Australians’ engagement with postnationalism, or Why the nation is the problem. Journal of Sociology, 57(1), 146-164.
- Francis, N. (2022). Religiosity in Australia-Part 3: religion and politics.
- Franklin, A. S. (2012) “A :Lonely Society? Loneliness and Liquid Modernity in Australia.” Australian Journal of Social Issues, 47: 11-28.
- Franklin, A. and Tranter, B. (2011) “Essays on the Housing, Loneliness and Health.” Australian Housing and Urban Research Institute Final Report No. 164.
- Franklin, A. and Tranter, B. (2010) “Loneliness, Housing and Health in Australia – Results from a 2009 National Survey.” TASA Conference.
- Fredman, N.J. (2009) “Nation, Class and the Australian Left.” PhD thesis, Southern Cross University, Lismore, NSW.
- Gayo, M., & Rowe, D. (2018). The Australian sport field: moving and watching. Media International Australia, 167(1), 162-180.
- Gelb, K. (2014) “The Drivers of Punitive Penal Policy in Victoria, Australia.” Stockholm Criminology Symposium, University of Western Sydney. 9 June - 11 June 2014.
- Gelb, K. (2011) “Predictors of Confidence” Community Views in Victoria.” Sentencing Advisory Council Research Paper, Victoria.
- Gelb, K. (2008) “Measuring Public Opinion About Sentencing.” Sentencing Advisory Council Research Paper, Victoria.
- Gelb, K. (2006) “Myths and Misconceptions: Public Opinion versus Public Judgement About Sentencing.” Sentencing Advisory Council Research Paper, Victoria.
- Gelber, K. (2011) “Freedom of Speech and Australian Political Culture.” University of Queensland Law Journal, 30(1): 134-144.
- Gelber, K. (2005) “Beyond Australia's First Bill of Rights'.” Paper presented to Assessing the First Year of the Act Human Rights Act Conference, ANU, Canberra.
- Genova, A., Di Furia, L., & Zaidi, A. (2017). SUCCESS, AGING, AND QUALITY OF LIFE: PROMOTING ACTIVE AGEING AT THE LOCAL LEVEL: LEARNINGS FROM A CASE STUDY OF ITALY. Innovation in Aging, 1(suppl_1), 764-764.
- Gladiagau, K. and West, B. (2007) Religious Affiliation and Moral Conservatism in Australia and South Australia. Flinders Social Monitor No. 8.
- Goodman-Delahunty, J., Brewer, N. et al (2008) “Practices, policies, and procedures that influence juror satisfaction in Australia.” Criminology Research Council Research and Public Policy Series no. 87, Canberra.
- Goot, M. (2013) “Studying the Australian Voter: Questions, Methods, Answers.” Australian Journal of Political Science, 48: 366-378.
- Goot, M., & Watson, I. (2012). 9. WorkChoices: An electoral issue and its social, political and attitudinal cleavages. Identity, Fear and Governance in the 21st Century, 133.
- Goot, M. and Watson, I. (2011) Population, Immigration and Asylum Seekers: Patterns in Australian Public Opinion. Parliamentary Library, Parliament of Australia.
- Goot, M., & Watson, I. (2010). Nativism as citizenship: Immigration, economic hardship, and the politics of the right. In From Migrant to Citizen: Testing Language, Testing Culture (pp. 217-235). London: Palgrave Macmillan UK.
- Goot, M., & Watson, I. (2007). Are ‘aspirationals’ different. Australian social attitudes, 2, 217-240.
- Goot, M. and Watson, I. (2006) “Are 'Aspirationals' Different?” Refereed Conference Paper presented to the Australasian Political Studies Association Conference, University of Newcastle.
- Grant, R. (2004) Less Tax or More Social Spending; Twenty Years of Opinion Polling. Department of the Parliamentary Library Research Paper.
- Gray, I. and Brown, A.J. (2006) “The Political Viability of Federal Reform: Interpreting Public Attitudes.” In Federalism and Regionalism in Australia. eds. A.J. Brown and J.A. Bellamy, Canberra: ANU E Press.
- Greenhalgh, E.M., Watts, S.E., Schutte, N.S. (2014) “Mechanisms of Moral Disengagement in the Endorsement of Asylum Seeker Policies in Australia.” Ethics & Behaviour.
- Gregory, R. (2013) “Inquiry into Health Insurance Amendment (Medicare Funding for Certain Types of Abortion) Bill 2013.” Women's Health West,
- Habibis, D., Hookway, N. and Vreugdenhil, A. (2016) ‘Kindness in Australia: An Empirical Critique of Moral Decline Sociology’, British Journal of Sociology, 67(3): 395–413.
- Hanabeth, L., Lloyd, D., Boyd, W. and Exterm K.D. (2013) “Unconventional Gas Development: Why a Regional Community Said No.” Geographical Research, 52(3): 263-279.
- Hanson, D. and Tranter, B. (2006) “Who are the shareholders in Australia and what are their ethical opinions?” Corporate Governance: An International Review, 14: 23-32.
- Harley, K., Willis, K.,et al (2011) “Navigating public/private healthcare boundaries: choice and healthcare capital.” TASA Research Paper, Sydney.
- Healy, J. and Moskos, M. (2005) “How Do Aged Care Workers Compare with Other Australian Workers?” The National Institute of Labour Studies Report.
- Henderson, T., & Spies-Butcher, B. (2022). The Nordic Connection: The impact of the Finnish basic income pilot on the Australian basic income debate. European Journal of Social Security, 24(3), 276-291.
- Henson, B., Reyns, B.W. and Fisher, B.S. “Fear of Crime Online? Examining the Effect of Risk, Previous Victimization, and Exposure on Fear of Online Interpersonal Victimization.” Journal of Contemporary Criminal Justice, 29(4): 475-497.
- Hewitt, B., Baxter, J., and Western, M. (2006) “Family, work and health: The impact of marriage, parenthood and employment on self-reported health of Australian men and women.” Journal of sociology, 42(1): 61-78.
- Higgins, C. and Tilt, C. (2007) “Community attitudes and activism on social, political and environmental issues.” Journal of Asia-Pacific Centre for Environmental Accountability, 13: 8-12.
- Hill, G. J. (2022). Sunburnt Country, Sweeping Pains: The Experiences of Asian Australian Women in Ministry and Mission. Wipf and Stock Publishers.
- Hodgkin, S. (2014) “Intergenerational Solidarity: An Investigation of Attitudes Towards the Responsibility for Formal and Informal Elder Care in Australia.” Health Sociology Review 23(1): 53-64.
- Holmes, M. (2007) Couples Living Apart together in Australia. Flinders Social Monitor No. 7.
- Hookway, N. (2012) ‘Moral Compass: is Australia a Kind Nation’, The Conversation
- Hookway, N. (2014) ‘Kindness is the Measure of Society’, The Age
- Hookway, N. and Habibis, D. (2014): ‘Forget Moral Decline: Aussies Might be Getting Kinder’, The Conversation
- Hookway, N. and Habibis, D. (2014) ‘Australia’s Level of Kindness Related to One’s Own Kind’, The Sunday Age.
- Hookway, N. and Habibis, D. (2015) “Forget Moral Decline: The Kids are All Right.” The Byron Shire, 29(4):12.
- Hookway, N., & Woodman, D. (2021). Beyond millennials v baby boomers: Using kindness to assess generationalism across four age cohorts in Australia. The Sociological Review, 69(4), 830-845.
- Horne, À. (2018). Influential and important Australians. Exploring Australian National Identity: Heroes, Memory and Politics, 113.
- Hoye, R. (2006). Sport and the Third Sector: an introduction to the special issue [Paper in Special Issue: Sport and the Third Sector.]. Third Sector Review, 12(2), 5-15.
- Huang, X., & Western, M. (2012). 10. How Do Australians Search for Jobs?. Identity, Fear and Governance in the 21st Century, 171.
- Huang, X. and Western, M. (2011) “Social Networks and Occupational Attainment in Australia.” Sociology, 45(2): 269-286.
- Huang, X and Western, M. (2010) “Getting a Job in Australia: Evidence from AuSSA 2007 and Methological Reflections.” Conference Paper presented to ACSPRI Social Science Methodology Conference, Sydney.
- Huang, X. (2009) “Job Search Methods and Job-Worker Matching: An Explorative Study in Australia.” TASA 2009 Conference Proceedings, Australian National University.
- Huang, X and Western, M. (2008) “Social Networks and Occupational Attainment in Australia: A Preliminary Analysis.” Sociology 45(2): 269-286.
- Hughes, P. (2023). Australians’ attitudes to various religions and interfaith activities. In Interfaith Engagement Beyond the Divide: Approaches, Experiences, and Practices (pp. 163-179). Singapore: Springer Nature Singapore.
- Hughes, P. (2023). Re-building confidence as a prelude to ministry. Journal of Contemporary Ministry, (7), 7-30.
- Hughes, P. (2014) Religion Among Young People in Australia, Thailand and the United States. Journal for the Academic Study of Religion, 27(1).
- Hughes, P. (2014) “Statistics from the UK.” Pointers: Bulletin of the Christian Research Association, 24(4): 16.
- Hughes, P. (2014) “Trust and Faith.” Bulletin of the Christian Research Association, 24(2): 5-8.
- Hughes, P. (2013) “Church Attendance Rates Among Young People: Some Notes.” Bulletin of the Christian Research Association, 23(1): 7-8.
- Hughes, P. (2013) “A New Day for Religion in Canada and Australia.” Bulletin of the Christian Research Association, 23(1): 5-6.
- Hughes, P. (2013) “The Missing 1.8 Million.” Bulletin of the Christian Research Association, 23(1): 1-4.
- Hughes, P. (2012) “God's Activity in Miracles.” Bulletin of the Christian Research Association, 22(2): 1-6.
- Hughes, P. (2012) “Belief in God: Is the 'New Atheism' Influencing Australians?” Bulletin of the Christian Research Association, 22(1): 1-7.
- Hughes, P. (2012) “Spiritual But Not Religious.” Bulletin of the Christian Research Association, 22(4): 13-17.
- Hughes, P. (2012) “The Impact of Recent Immigration on Religious Groups in Australia.” Bulletin of the Christian Research Association, 22(4): 1-8.
- Hughes, P. (2010) “Attitudes to Issues of Sexuality.” Christian Research Association Bulletin, 20(4): 13-16.
- Hughes, P. (2010) “Who Reads the Bible?” Bulletin of the Christian Research Association, 20(4): 11-13.
- Hughes, P. (2010) “Australian Attitudes Towards the Variety of Religions.” Bulletin of the Christian Research Association, 20(4): 6-11.
- Hughes, P. (2010) “Christian Research Association Staff Report: 2010.” Bulletin of the Christian Research Association, 20(3): 5-7.
- Hughes, P. (2010) “Are Australians 'Losing Their Religion'?” Bulletin of the Christian Research Association, 20(2): 1-6.
- Hughes, P. (2010) Shaping Australia's Spirituality: A Review of Christian Ministry in the Australian Context. Victoria: Mosaic Press.
- Hughes, P. and Fraser, L. (2014) Life, Ethics and Faith in Australian Society. Victoria: Christian Research Association.
- Hughes, P.J. and Cronshaw, D. (2013) Baptists in Australia: A Church with a Heritage and a Future. Victoria: Christian Research Association.
- Hughes, P. J. (2011). Values and Local Church Mission. Australian Journal of Mission Studies, 47-54.
- Hughes, P., Fraser, M. and Reid, S. (2012) Australia's Religious Communities: Facts and Figures from 2011 Australian Census and Other Sources. Victoria: Christian Research Association.
- Humpage, L. (2008) “The Future of Social Citizenship: Politics, Institutions and Outcomes. Annual Conference of the Research Committee on Poverty, Social Welfare and Social Policy (RC19).” Conference Paper presented to International Sociological Associations Conference, Stockholm.
- Humpage, L. (2008) Radical change or more of the same? Public attitudes towards social citizenship in New Zealand since neoliberal reform." Australian Journal of Social Issues, 43(2): 215-230.
- Hussain, R., Kendig, H., O'Loughlin, K., & Cannon, L. (2017). Perceptions of health‐care professionals’ treatment of older people. Australasian Journal on Ageing, 36(2), 102-106.
- Indermaur, D. and Roberts, L. (2010) “Punitiveness in Australia: current status, trends and strategic responses.” In Punitivity International Developments: Vol 1: Punitiveness – a global Phenomenon?, eds. H. Kury and E. Shea, Germany: Brockmeyer-Verlag, 181-202.
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