Collecting, Managing and Analysing Qualitative INTERVIEW Data - (2 days)

This two-day course will address the issues of preparing for, collecting, managing and analysing  data from Face to Face and Focus Group interviews from a practical perspective.

Workshop - runs over 2 days
Emeritus Professor Carol Grbich is a Social Epidemiologist from Flinders University, South Australia.  Her previous appointments were in the School of Behavioural Health Sciences at Latrobe University and in the School of Education at Monash University. She is an experienced researcher and teacher of qualitative research and is the author of 7 qualitative textbooks including; Qualitative Research in Health: An introduction (Sage International, 1999); New Approaches in Social Research (London Sage publications, 2004) and Qualitative Data Analysis (London Sage Publications, 2013). She was the foundation Editor of one of the two International Journals whose focus is on mixed research methods and is the recipient of over $80 million in research grants.
About this course: 

The emphasis is on practical experience and the gaining of practice-based skills with regard to conducting both face to face and focus group interviews in person and online and in gaining experience in analysing data.

Course syllabus: 

Day 1.  

  • The impact of personal frames on data
  • Issues relating to successful face-to-face interviewing
  • Question Design
  • Conducting face to face interviews


Day 2

  • Issues related to successful group interviews
  • Conducting a Focus Group
  • Transcription and Preliminary data analysis of interview data
  • Thematic analysis of interview data. Computer management and criteria for assessing good qualitative research.


Course format: 

This course involves a mixture of seminar presentations using powerpoint, class discussions, and small group activities. 

Recommended Background: 

​Please note: there is some overlap between this course and the Foundations of Qualitative Methodologies, Data Collection and Analysis course.

Please contact us if you would like more information.

Recommended Texts: 

Recommended but not required text:

  • Grbich, C. 2013. Introduction to Data Analysis. Sage International: London.
  • Minichiello, V. Aroni, R, & Hays, T (2008) In-Depth Interviewing: Principles, Techniques, Analysis. 3rd edition. Melbourne: Longman.
  • Liamputtong P.  (2011) Focus Group Methodology: Principles and Practice. London: Sage.


Participants will be provided with copies of the power point presentation.


Participant feedback: 

Just a fantastic course- I was worried might be dry or boring but it really held my attention for the two full days. Love the online option- so much easier as I wouldnt have been able to attend easily otherwise.


Happy with the experience. The use of break out groups was good and mix delivery modes worked well to practice skills


Great balance of content and application through breakout rooms/ group work


The course was well organised, the booklet was written well and delivered in time for me to read it, the presenter is an expert and conveyed her knowledge in a professional and engaging manner.


Breaking up the delivery with small group activities was helpful and I think it allowed me to better absorb the content and remain focused. It was also nice to have a chance to interact with other members of the course.


The course targetted the stage I'm at right now in my PhD research and helped a lot with improving my literacy and deeper understanding of application principles and practices, especially in relation to data coding and analysis.




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