Foundations of Qualitative Methodologies, Data Collection and Analysis: Online (3-Day)

This is an introductory course designed for the individual with limited or no previous experience with qualitative techniques of data collection and analysis.


This course will be run over 3 days in 3 sessions per day:


9.30am - 11.00am - Session 1
11.30am - 1.00pm - session 2
2.00pm - 3.30pm - Session 3


Exercises and practice sessions will be provided.

Level 1 - runs over 3 days
Emeritus Professor Carol Grbich is a Social Epidemiologist from Flinders University, South Australia.  Her previous appointments were in the School of Behavioural Health Sciences at Latrobe University and in the School of Education at Monash University. She is an experienced researcher and teacher of qualitative research and is the author of 7 qualitative textbooks including; Qualitative Research in Health: An introduction (Allen and Unwin and Sage International, 1999); New Approaches in Social Research (London Sage publications, 2004) and Qualitative Data Analysis (London Sage Publications, 2013). Carol has supervised 50 doctoral students to successful completion, 25 of whom are now full Professors in Australian and overseas universities. She was the foundation Editor of one of the two International Journals whose focus is on mixed research methods and is the recipient of over $80 million in research grants.
About this course: 

This is an introductory course which deals with the major decisions qualitative researchers needs to make initially:

  • research design and ethics
  • qualitative paradigms and methodology/ies


The emphasis on the 2nd and 3rd days is on practical experience. The gaining of practice-based skills with regard to conducting both face-to-face and focus group interviews in person and online, and in gaining experience in analysing and displaying qualitative data.


The target audience for this course is those who would like to become more familiar with qualitative research decisions and techniques, from postgraduate university students and staff, to researchers in government and private organisations.

Course syllabus: 

Topics scheduled are:


Day 1

  • Introductory session. Outline of the course and identification of participants’ research interests. Researcher's frames and issues of design: sampling; triangulation; validity, reliability and ethics will also be covered.
  • Theoretical paradigms from Post positivism through to Performative/ Practice led.
  • Methodologies from Ethnography to Case studies.


Day 2

  • Interviewing. Casual and formal techniques of face-to-face interviewing (access, rapport, recording, and question design). Online interviewing practice.
  • Focus group techniques.


Day 3

  • Focus group practice. Observational techniques.
  • Data management and preliminary data analysis. Thematic Analysis.
  • Computer management. Data display and criteria for assessment of qualitative research.


Exercises will be provided for group work.


Course format: 

This course will take place via zoom.

You will need your own computer and wifi connection, and access to Zoom.


Recommended Background: 

There are no prerequisites for this course

Recommended Texts: 

The instructor's bound, book length course notes will serve as the course text. These will be sent to you in advance.


Suggested, but not required course readings:

  • Grbich, C., (2013) Qualitative Data Analysis: An introduction. 2 nd editions London: Sage Publications. Covers a variety of analytic styles.
  • Grbich, C., (2004) New Approaches in Social Research London: Sage Publications. Focus: Postmodernism and post structuralism
  • Grbich, C. (1999). Qualitative Research in Health: an introduction Sage International, California. A generic qualitative text for the health sector.
  • Cresswell, J., and Poth, C. (2017) Qualitative Inquiry abd Research Design: Choosing among five approaches. Sage Publications Inc.
  • Denzin, N. & Lincoln, Y. (2011) Handbook of Qualitative Research. Fourth edition. California: Sage. Suitable for advanced researchers.
  • Minichiello., V. Aroni, R, & Hays, T (2008) In-Depth Interviewing: Principles, techniques, analysis. 3rd edition. Melbourne: Longmans

Q: Do I have to have had any qualitative or quantative research experience to do this course?
A: No, this is an introductory course and no prior knowledge is required


Q: Has the name of this course changed?
A: This course was previously a 5 day course known as Foundations of Qualitative Methodologies, Data collection and Analysis

Participant feedback: 


The content helped build my knowledge base, but the way in which it was delivered with real examples from Carol's own experience also increased my enthusiasm for qualitative research and generated lots of ideas for my work


I found days two and three the most useful, mainly because I had previously covered off on the theory of qualitative research in a previous uni course. The practical focus on interviewing and focus groups, as well as data analysis and presentation, was extremely valuable.


I had reservations about an on line workshop before registering but I think this workshop was facilitated brilliantly on line. A good mix of didactic and practical.


The course was very practical and Carol was generous in sharing her experiences and views which added a lot of value. By far the most useful presentation of qualitative research I've experienced.

Very useful on gaining knowledge on techniques and how to gather data. Very relevant to my research.


The lecturer’s knowledge of the subject matter was impressive and her stories/experiences helped contextulise our understanding of the matter. There are a lot of resources provided which is very helpful.


A good introduction to a method of research I know little about. A guide as to what I need to learn about and source to explore. Encouraging, informative, stimulating.


Fantastic mix of theory & practice. It really solidified the concept.


Course targeted my needs. I wanted practical information & strategies, insight into problems/problem solving


Great balance of presentation, discussions, small group work and hands-on activities. Lots of practical examples. I loved hearing about the instructor’s (Carol)’s own long & varied experience.



The instructor's bound, book length course notes will serve as the course text.