Qualitative Research: Design, Analysis and Representation

This course is designed for participants who have undertaken a qualitative study in their work or study and would like to build their theoretical knowledge and applied skill base in qualitative research.

Level 2 - runs over 5 days

Dr Delwyn Goodrick is a psychologist who undertakes program evaluation and social research with a wide range of government and private sector clients. She is an experienced trainer having conducted a range of specialist workshops in research and program evaluation in Australia, Singapore, the US, UK, Canada and New Zealand. Most of Delwyn's work relates to health and education contexts. She maintains her own private consultancy practice and is currently working from New Zealand.

About this course: 

The focus of this course is on issues of design and positioning, analysis and representation of qualitative research. This course only provides a generic overview of data collection methods, as it is assumed that participants will have experience with methods. Many of the examples will make reference to research in business, psychology and health.


The target audience for this course are researchers, practitioners and academics who have conducted at least one qualitative study, and are familiar with the process and context of qualitative research.

Course syllabus: 

Day 1

  • Epistemological and Methodological foundations.
  • The importance of epistemology and methodology in qualitative research.
  • Identification of research, values, stance, and voice.
  • Designing qualitative research – common frameworks (life history, ethnography)


Day 2

  • Design frameworks continued.
  • Grounded Theory and Ethnography.
  • An overview of methods and methods tips.
  • Linking stance, design and methods.


Day 3

  • Case study and narrative research design frameworks will be presented.
  • Making sense of qualitative data: How to make reasoned decisions about the appropriateness of analytic strategies Data management and analysis.


Day 4

  • Data Analysis and representation continued.
  • Matrix displays,
  • thematic analysis (grounded and theory driven),
  • constant comparative method,
  • phenomenological approaches.


Day 5

  • Issues in the representation of qualitative research.
  • How to assess the quality of qualitative research, enhancing the validity and trustworthiness of qualitative research (including technical, reflexive and critical criteria and standards).
  • Post structural forms of legitimation.
  • Constructing effective arguments.
Course format: 

This course will take place in a classroom. No equipment is needed.

Recommended Background: 

Participants will be expected to have experience with at least one qualitative research project or have undertaken an introductory level course in qualitative research methods.  While some discussion of the technical elements of methods is presented during the course of the workshop, participants should have a basic familiarity with data collection methods such as interviews, observation and document analysis.

Recommended Texts: 

The instructor's bound, book length course notes will serve as the course text.


Other reading that may be useful:

  • Bazeley, P. (2013). Qualitative data analysis: Practical Strategies. London: Sage
  • Miles, M. Huberman, M., & Saldana, J. (2014). Qualitative data analysis: A methods sourcebook. (3rd ed). Los Angeles: Sage.
  • Patton, MQ. (2015). Qualitative research and evaluation methods. 4th ed, Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage

Q: Do I have to have had any qualitative research experience to do this course?

A: Yes, you will have been expected to have experience with at least one qualitative research project or have undertaken an introductory level course in qualitative research methods.

Participant feedback: 


The course was incredibly helpful at a relatively early stage of my PhD, where I am currently trying to determine what epistemology will frame my research and what research design, methods, and data analysis techniques would be most appropriate.


Helped provide lots of background to the development and distrusting in perspectives within qualitative research and opened up new possibilities on approaching qualitative work with varied lens and varied options.


An excellent overview of qual design framework & methods of analysis with great examples & exercises throughout. Awesome course.


The course content was delivered in a fashion that allowed for good exploration of the content, group review, and excellent facilitated discussion. Del is a fantastic teacher and facilitator.


Feel like I am much more thoroughly grounded in QRM and QDA and able to make more significant, theoretically rigorous contributions to the research design and output of my team.


Covered a huge range of material, most of which was relevant to my needs. Loads of resources in the course and suggested reading and resources to follow up post course.


This course has been invaluable for me as a PhD student with limited experience with qualitative research. It gave a really solid and cohesive background to theoretical underpinnings of qual research and how these influenced and informed choice of design framework, method and analysis.


Extremely useful for gaining further clarity regarding Qual methods/design & applying this to my own research project.


Broad & detailed knowledge clearly explained with relevant examples. Draw upon professional experience well.


I found the course had a very practical element to it. The way it was taught provided a good sense of how the theories/methodologies could be implemented in practice in a number of content.


Del has an amazing wealth of knowledge can explain complex concepts in a straight forward way, and is highly engaging - one of the best instructors I’ve had.


The course was a great mix of theory, practice and practical, It was also well facilitated and participatory & engaging all students and tailoring research to our individual experiences.


Del helped me situate myself in the compendium of ontological and epistemological traditions.


The course content was delivered in a fashion that allowed for good exploration of the content, group review, and excellent facilitated discussion. Del is a fantastic teacher and facilitator.


This course has been invaluable for me as a PhD student with limited experience with qualitative research. It gave a really solid and cohesive background to theoretical underpinnings of qual research and how these influenced and informed choice of design framework, method and analysis.


Covered a huge range of material, most of which was relevant to my needs. Loads of resources in the course and suggested reading and resources to follow up post course.


Good mix of presentation with many opportunities for discussion. The reading materials and in-class analysis & discussion of these were excellent. Clarified + explained these well.



The instructor's bound, book length course notes will serve as the course text.