DMPs: Hmmmmmm, I think I know what they are but… (Jane Fry and Carla Graebner)
This workshop will help attendees understand the process and reasoning behind DMPs (or Data Management Plans). The session will start by providing an overview of DMPs and illustrating their value to researchers and those involved in research services on a campus, such as, research service offices, research ethics, libraries, research computing units, academic deans and vice presidents, chief information officers, and information privacy officers. Participants will be introduced to the Portage DMP Assistant and the Data Stewardship DMP template. Through a variety of interesting exercises, attendees will learn tips on how to explain DMPs to their researchers and will themselves gain experience in understanding the different components of a DMP. The knowledge garnered will enable the participants to demonstrate the skills needed to be a leader in their department and on campus (where applicable) in Research Data Management. This workshop is mainly for beginners but we welcome the more seasoned to join in as well. Active participation will be encouraged!