An Introduction to Mixed Methods Research Design - (2 days)

In this Master-class we will examine the key features of mixed methods research designs.


We will explore the different types of mixed method design; critically analyse the benefits and challenges associated with the design and implementation of each design type; and the analysis and write-up of mixed method studies.

Master Class - runs over 2 days

Nicola McNeil is an Associate Professor of Management from the School of Business, Law & Entrepreneurship at Swinburne University of Technology in Melbourne.   Nicola is currently working on several research projects in the areas of gender and work and the impact of high-performance work practices on employee wellbeing. She has received research grants and consultancies from the Canadian Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council, the Australian Federal Government, VicHealth, and a variety of industry partners and not-for-profit organisations.  Her research has been published in leading journals including the Journal of International Business Studies, the International Journal of HRM and European Sport Management Quarterly.

Nicola teaches units in the fields of human resource management and research methods to undergraduate and postgraduate students. She is also an instructor for the Australian Consortium of Social and Political Research Inc (ACSPRI) and offers courses on the use NVIVO and mixed methods research designs.

Course dates: Thursday 9 November 2017 - Friday 10 November 2017
Course status: Course completed (no new applicants)
Week 1
About this course: 

This Master-class is designed for participants with an introductory-level understanding of qualitative and quantative research techniques. Participants will have an opportunity to workshop their own mixed method designs during the class.


Course syllabus: 

Day 1:

Topics covered include:

  • Defining mixed methods research;
  • philosophical underpinnings of mixed method research;
  • selecting the appropriate mixed method design for your project;
  • convergent parallel designs;
  • explanatory and exploratory sequential designs;
  • examples of mixed method studies.



Topics covered include: 

  • embedded mixed method designs;
  • transformative designs;
  • multi-phase designs;
  • further examples of mixed method studies;
  • analysing and interpreting data in mixed method research;
  • validation and evaluation techniques;
  • guidelines for writing-up mixed method designs.



Course format: 

You will need to bring a laptop with you for the course, preloaded with Nvivo and SPSS.

If you don't have SPSS or NVivo installed on your laptop, Below are links for trial versions of the software. Please don't activate these trials until a couple of days before your course as they are time limited to 2 weeks & you will not be able to renew the trial on your laptop.


Trial SPSS - lasts 2 weeks only - don't activate until just before the course

Trial NVivo - lasts 2 weeks only - as above


Course fees
Non Member: 
Full time student Member: 