Note: This course was previously entitled "Introduction to Qualitative Research Techniques".
Note Also: This course has just filled up in Week 2 so it has just been added to Week 3. You are welcome to join the waiting list for the Week 2 version as well as make a booking for Week 3. If a place becomes available for Week 2 and you are first on the Week 2 waiting list, you would be able to transer across from Week 3.
This introductory course is designed for the individual with no background in research or with no previous experience with qualitative techniques of data collection and analysis. The course will combine lectures and practical 'workshops'. Time will also be set aside for participants to discuss their own research. Topics scheduled are:
(Monday) Introductory session. Outline of the course and identification of participants’ research interests and expectations. Framing. Theory driven, theory generating post modern and post structural research. Types of qualitative research – various approaches. Issues of Qualitative design: sampling; triangulation; validity and reliability and ethics.
(Tuesday) Interviewing. Casual and formal techniques of interviewing (access, rapport, recording, and types of questions). Data storage: transcribing interviews, preliminary analysis by themes, recursive techniques of data collection. Workshop on interviewing. Group interviews.
(Wednesday) Focus groups and participant observation. Workshop on running a focus group. The technique of participant observation - usage, ethical issues and procedures involved. Workshop on observation and writing up observation sessions. Preliminary data analysis on interviewing and observation data.
(Thursday) Data analysis. Types of analysis. Analysis during and after data collection. Workshop on thematic analysis and developing a coding system. Content analysis techniques and issues. Workshops on content and discourse analysis (cultural rather than linguistic).
(Friday) Writing up data for different types of research. Thesis, articles, and reports. Techniques of data presentation and display. In the afternoon, time will be given over to participants’ research problems, or the further investigation of any areas which participants would like explored.
• Grbich, C., Qualitative Research in Health: An Introduction, Sydney: Allen and Unwin and Sage International, 1999.
• Grbich, C. New Approaches in Social Research. London: Sage Publications 2004
• Denzin, N., and Y. Lincoln, Handbook of Qualitative Research, California: Sage, 2000.
• Kellehear, A., The Unobtrusive Researcher, Sydney: Allen and Unwin, 1993.
• Minichiello, V., R. Aroni, E. Timewell, and L. Alexander, In-Depth Interviewing: Researching People, (2nd ed), Melbourne: Longman Cheshire, 1995.