Introduction to LimeSurvey and CANVASS - (1.5 hours)

Limesurvey is a powerful web based survey tool, used in many fields for conducting high quality web based surveys. CANVASS is ACSPRI's hosted version of LimeSurvey, available to use for free by students and employees at ACSPRI member institutions.

This webinar demonstrates the set up and execution of an evaluation questionnaire. It shows how to use LimeSurvey for the first time, and gives some hints at the advanced functionality available for more experienced users.


Webinar - runs over 1 days

​Adam Zammit is the Director of Operations at ACSPRI.  Adam is the lead developer and maintainer of a suite of free / open source tools for survey research (queXML, queXF, queXS and queXC) and is a contributor to the LimeSurvey project. Adam also manages many survey projects, including web, telephone and paper based studies. Current projects include data collection for the Australian Survey of Social Attitudes (AuSSA) – a national postal survey.

Course dates: Wednesday 13 September 2023 - Wednesday 13 September 2023
Course status: Course completed (no new applicants)
Week 1
About this course: 

This webinar will introduce the LimeSurvey administrative interface by diving straight in to setting up a questionnaire.

The live demonstration will cover the creation of a questionnaire in LimeSurvey, will invite attendees to complete the survey and then demonstrate viewing the results in a summary report along with downloading to analyse using a spreadsheet or statistical software package.

There will be some time for questions from the webinar participants.

Course syllabus: 
  1. Introduction to Limesurvey and CANVASS
  2. Live LimeSurvey/CANVASS Demonstration
  3. Questions


Course format: 

This webinar will take place online. You can participate by joining the Zoom meeting, and if you are willing can follow along by setting up your own survey as we go along using the CANVASS system.

Recommended Texts: 

Course fees
Non Member: 
Full time student Member: 
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