This is an introductory level course that attends to important issues surrounding survey research. Collecting survey data is expensive and time-consuming so it is appropriate to ensure that usable and reliable data are collected. Computers and the internet technologies are additional possible solutions to budgets and requirements. Informed survey and sampling preparation results in data that attends directly to need. This course is designed to prepare participants to build and conduct research surveys explicitly focused to meet a variety of needs.
Topics that are covered include:
• Matching the construction of the survey with the specific research need
• Types of data that can be collected in surveys and matching data type with preferred analysis
• Sampling procedures and types of samples
• Constructing survey questions that are clear and unbiased,
• The importance of survey reliability and how to achieve it,
• Combining objective and open-ended questioning to enhance the usability of results
• Common and expensive mistakes made within surveys
• Techniques for collecting attitudinal and behavioural data
• Various survey data analysis techniques will be illustrated
This course is taught from an applied prospective, assisted by questions and practice. It will generally follow the following timeline.
- How surveys can be used
- Research language relating to surveys
- Writing good survey questions
- Types of surveys, including types of data collection
- Important aspects of design and layout
- Avoiding common mistake
- Sampling theory and the importance of the matching the sample to the needs
- Insuring the survey achieves the research objectives
- The importance of reliability and validity of surveys
- Methods to determine the reliability and validity of the survey
- Research design and the types of surveys that meet various designs
- Data collection methodologies
- Pilot testing
- The importance of response rate
- Methods to improve response rate
- Merging survey data with qualitative data
- Telephone and online surveying
- Ethical issues and survey research
- Handling survey data when it comes in
- Statistical procedures for survey data
- Coding survey data and preparing it for Excel or PASW (SPSS)
- How to explore survey data in order to get the most out of it
- Reporting survey results
- What claims can be made and what claims cannot be made
- The elements of a clear report
- Review of the elements necessary for reliable surveys to meet the needs of the research
- Individual Consultations
Dr Gordon Emmerson is a specialist in quantitative research. He taught undergraduate and postgraduate statistics programs at Victoria University within the Psychology Department, where he currently holds the position of Honory Fellow. He coordinated a major in Social Research Methods. Gordon was employed as a statistical/methods advisor to university staff in the US at Kansas State University in the late 1980s. He is an experienced group facilitator and regularly conducts workshops across a range of topic areas. He is an experienced user of data management and statistical packages including SPSSwin, Excel and Access. He has also undertaken a number of consultancies in quantitative research in the health and education sector.
Participants who have been involved with surveys or who are planning survey research will benefit most.
A course booklet will be provided, so no text is required.
Arsham, H. Questionnaire design and surveys sampling. University of Baltimore Website. Retrieved September 3, 2009 from:
Dillman, Don A. Jolene D. Smyth, and Leah Melani Christian (Hardcover - Oct 12, 2008). Internet, Mail, and Mixed-Mode Surveys: The Tailored Design Method. Another classic. Provides a broader coverage of modern survey techniques
Iarossi, Giuseppe (Paperback - Jan 20, 2006). The Power of Survey Design: A User's Guide for Managing Surveys, Interpreting Results, and Influencing Respondents
Porter, S. R. & Whitcomb, M. E. (2007, Win). Mixed-mode contacts in web surveys. Public Opinion Quarterly, 71 (4), 635–648.
Course notes are provided.