This course is designed for participants who have undertaken a qualitative study in their work or study and would like to build their theoretical knowledge and applied skill base in qualitative research. Many of the examples will make reference to research in business, psychology and health. The course will be of relevance to participants within the public service, and academics and post graduate students interested in deepening their knowledge and skills in the application of qualitative methods.
Monday: Epistemological and Methodological foundations.. The importance of epistemology and methodology in qualitative research. Identification of research, values, stance, and voice. Designing qualitative research – common frameworks (life history, ethnography)
Tuesday: Design frameworks continued (Grounded Theory and Ethnography. Methods of data collection –observation (incl. use of photographs) and focus groups. Use of methods in context of design frameworks–case study, ethnography, and grounded theory.
Wednesday: Methods of Data Collection Continued - interviews (individual and group based methods, document analysis. Case study and narrative research frameworks
Thursday: Data Analysis and representation. Matrix displays, thematic analysis (grounded and theory driven), phenomenological approaches, discourse analysis. Making sense of qualitative data: How to make reasoned decisions about the appropriateness of analytic strategies
Friday: Issues in the representation of qualitative research. How to judge the quality of qualitative research Enhancing the validity and trustworthiness of qualitative research (including technical, reflexive and critical criteria and standards). Post structural forms of legitimation. Linking qualitative and quantitative materials. Constructing effective arguments.
Dr Delwyn Goodrick is a psychologist who undertakes program evaluation and social research with a wide range of government and private sector clients. She is an experienced trainer having conducted a range of specialist workshops in research and program evaluation in Australia, Singapore, the US, UK, Canada and New Zealand. Most of Delwyn's work relates to health and education contexts. She maintains her own private consultancy practice and is currently working from New Zealand.
Participants will be expected to have experience with at least one qualitative research project or have undertaken an introductory level course in qualitative research methods.
In addition to course notes, the following references may be useful:
• Kvale, S (1996). InterViews: Introduction to Qualitative Research. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
• Miles, MB and Huberman, AM (1994). Qualitative Data Analysis: An Expanded Sourcebook (2nd ed). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
• Patton, M.Q. (2002). Qualitative Research and Evaluation Methods. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
Course notes will be provided.