NVivo is computer software package produced by QSR International that supports qualitative and mixed methods research. It has been designed for researchers working with very rich text-based and/or multimedia information, (including interviews, open-ended survey responses, picture/audio/video data, articles, social media and web content), where deep levels of analysis on small or large volumes of data are required.
This workshop is aimed at providing researchers with essential skills in using NVivo software. Those choosing to enrol in this course will be working on or about to embark on a research project. The course assumes no prior skills with using NVivo, however will cater for all levels of participants, from novice to advanced users.
Dr. Jenine Beekhuyzen has 19 years of research experience with more than 65 peer reviewed publications. She is the Founder & CEO of Adroit Research working in a number of geographically dispersed research teams around the world and teaching qualitative research methods in many universities. She has an Honorary Fellow position at Deakin University and led a longitudinal research project over 10 years based on the Go Girl Go For IT bi-annual event hosted by Deakin. She has in an Adjunct Professor position at Griffith University, studying digital natives, digital literacy and social inclusion. Jenine also founded and runs the highly successful non-profit, the Tech Girls Movement, which increases the participation of women in Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths (STEM) industries, engaging girls to build apps to solve problems in their local communities.
The workshop is aimed to provide researchers with essential skills in using NVivo software. Those choosing to enrol in this course will be working on or about to embark on a research project. They will be seeking to develop their knowledge and skills in computer assisted data management and analysis.
The course assumes no prior skills with using NVivo, however will cater for all levels of participants, from novice to advanced users. The focus is on developing the essentials skills from NVivo through hands-on experience. Sample data will be provided, however those with their own data will be accomodated and encouraged to advance their 'real' projects.
This training will be conducted using the Windows platform software only. NVivo for Mac are welcome, but must be aware that all demonstrations will be provided in Windows. Participants will be expected to have the latest version of the software installed on their own device. A 14 day free trial is available through QSR International.
Content will include:
Part I: Introduction to the software and data management.
Installing, opening the software. Setting up a project and consideration of the design framework. Creating, importing and managing text-based data. Annotations, Memos, See-also links, NCapture will be described
Part II: Analysing text-based data.
Coding techniques and analytic processes. Using text analysis tools including coding, auto coding, text search and word frequency queries. Managing nodes, merging, moving and restructuring coding will be described.
Part III: Using multimedia sources of data.
Importing, transcribing, coding and managing multimedia based data. Use of complimentary software packages including bibliographic packages with NVivo will be shown.
Part IV: Advanced data Analysis. Critiquing coding structure
Moving from descriptive coding to categorical, thematic, conceptual or theoretical coding will be described
Part V: Queries, visualisations, exploring and reporting your data
Testing hypotheses and establishing credibility. Posing questions to test the strength of emerging propositions and/ or conclusions drawn from data analysis will be discussed. Identifying ways of answering these questions using Queries and other exploration and visualisation tools in NVivo by running coding queries, creating charts, graphs and models will be explored.
This training will be conducted using the Windows platform software only. NVivo for Mac are welcome, but must be aware that all demonstrations will be provided in Windows. Participants will be expected to have the latest version of the software installed on their own device.
A 14 day free trial is available through QSR International. Please don't open the trial version until just before the start of the course. Once (or if) you have NVivo installed, please check for the latest updates within the program.
If you are using a laptop belonging to your workplace, it will be essential that you install all your updates before attending the course, as you may not have the authorisation to install software outside of your work environment.
Please have Endnote installed on your pc, as using NVivo with Endnote will be demonstrated.
You will also need a copy of Micosoft Office.
Basics research methods knowledge. Familiarity with Windows based computer environments.
Bazeley, P. & K. Jackson. (2013). Qualitative Data Analysis with NVivo (Second Edition). London: Sage.
Miles, M. B., A. M. Huberman & J. Saldana. (2013) Qualitative Data Analysis: A Methods Sourcebook (Third Edition). Thousand Oaks: Sage.
Richards, L. (2014). Handling Qualitative Data: A Practical Guide (Third Edition). London: Sage.
Saldana, J. (2016) The Coding Manual for Qualitative Researchers (Third Edition). London: Sage.
Helped me to understand features of NVIVO. Also how I can use it for my research project.
The main plus was I know many features which I can now look up in documents and videos to remeber how to do them.
Much of the content will be directly related to the work I do.