This course is an introduction to Rasch Analysis Using the specially designed sopftware RUMM2030. Rasch analysis is one of the modern psychometric techniques that form part of Item Response Theory. Rasch analysis is increasingly being used in the development and refinement of scales used in health, psychology, education and business.
This 2 day course is being held in ACSPRI's Melbourne office.
Rasch analysis is one of the modern psychometric techniques that form part of Item Response Theory. Rasch analysis is increasingly being used in the development and refinement of scales used in health, psychology, education and business.
Using specially designed software (RUMM2030) this technique provides detailed feedback on all aspects of the scale including the response format, the suitability of the items, item bias, unidimensionality and the spread of items across the trait being measured. Rasch analysis also allows a linear transformation of ordinal scales to interval level measures, permitting the use of parametric statistical techniques and the calculation of change scores.
This two-day course takes a practical applied approach (rather than mathematical) and participants are provided with detailed, hands-on experience in Rasch Analaysis using RUMM2030.
- Brief overview of Item Response Theory and Rasch Analysis
- Introduction to the RUMM2030 program
- Preparing the data file for Rasch analysis using SPSS
- Setting up the Rasch project in RUMM2030
- Evaluating overall model fit
- Checking the response format (thresholds) and rescoring items
- Detecting misfitting items and persons
- Identifying item bias (Differential Item Functioning)
- Assessing the dimensionality and targeting of a scale
- Modifying the scale to improve fit to the Rasch model
- Exporting Rasch scores to SPSS for other analyses
- Writing up the results of Rasch Analysis in a thesis or journal article
RUMM2030 is used for the Rasch analysis training and participants will be provided with a limited licence version of the software, and a detailed training manual. SPSS is used for initial data preparation. The majority of the training is conducted using data sets provided, however there will be some time on the second day for participants to work on their own data if available.
The ACSPRI Head Office was previously located at 763 Heidelberg Road, Alphington