ACSPRI Member Representatives

Messages to ACSPRI Member Representatives

Dear ACSPRI Reps


Most of your have already received an email or two regarding our upcoming ACSPRI Summer Program and, indeed, many of your have already confirmed that you have circulated the information within your channels. Thanks as always for this and, again, apologies for the bombardment. As this is our biggest program for the year we need to make sure we reach all relevant people, so are relying on multiple email systems.


Dear Reps,


Apologies if you have received a double-up of emails as we transition from one email system to another while ensuring we cover all bases (particularly given the vigilance of some university SPAM filters).


If you missed out on the earlier emails, please see below a generic email for circulation, if you would be kind enough.


Many thanks and all the best


Marty Lynch

Program Coordinator



Dear ACSPRI Member Representatives 


With the Early Bird Deadline for the 2014 ACSPRI Winter Program only a few days away it seems like a good time to touch base. Bookings for Winter started off very strongly but the rush leading up to next week's deadline has not been as strong as predicted.


Dear ACSPRI Reps,


A belated Happy New Year to all and welcome aboard to the new reps!


Below I have enclosed a bulk email for circulation regarding the upcoming ACSPRI Winter Program at University of Queensland.  If you would be happy to circulate this among staff and HDR students as usual, that would be greatly appreciated.


The Annual General Meeting of the Council of ACSPRI will be held on Friday 22nd November 2013 commencing at 10:30am

The University of Melbourne
The Spot Building
Faculty of Economics and Commerce
Level 12, Boardroom
198 Berkeley Street, Cnr Pelham St Carlton

Coffee and tea available from 10:00am

A sandwich lunch will be provided.

The meeting will continue after lunch (and will conclude by 3:30pm)

Please RSVP by return email to mailto:


Dear ACSPRI Representative,


We are excited to announce that enrolments for the 2014 ACSPRI Summer Program are now open.


As usual please find below a generic notice for distribution among research staff and HDR students within your reach. Also, as usual, for representatives that have difficulty forwarding notices beyond their own faculty, department, etc, I am happy to assist in contacting other relevant areas.


Dear member reps,

I thought I would send another quick reminder notice so that staff and students don't miss out on next week's Early Bird Deadline.

If you are happy to arrange for circulation within your organisation that would be greatly appreciated.

Many thanks as always for your support.

Kind regards

Marty Lynch


Dear Staff

There are only a few days left to take advantage of Early Bird Rates for the 2013 ACSPRI Spring Program.

Dear ACSPRI reps,


Below I have pasted a brief generic note regarding the upcoming ACSPRI Spring Program, if you would be kind enough to circulate it within your reach (organisation, faculty, school, etc). Please feel free to make adjustments as you see fit.


Dear Member Reps,

For those representatives that feel it is required, I have pasted below a final notice regarding the upcoming ACSPRI Winter Program in Sydney and Perth. The Early Bird Deadline is this coming Wednesday 8th May, so I imagine that staff and students at many member organisations might appreciate a reminder while the cheaper rates are still available.

As usual, please feel free to amend the notice below as you see fit before copying and disseminating, and please feel free to send queries my way.

Many thanks as always for your support.

Best regards

Dear ACSPRI reps,
Below I have pasted a brief generic note regarding the upcoming ACSPRI Winter Program, if you would be kind enough to circulate within your reach. Please feel free to make adjustments.
You will notice that we are heading to Perth this Winter (in addition to Sydney), which I believe will be ACSPRI's first visit to Perth in nearly two decades!

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